phin, Benjamin Lowndes and George Calvert, commissioners for the purposes therein mentioned, severally en-
dorsed, " will pass. " Ordered to be engrossed. Also the bill to authorise and empower the levy court of Bal-
timore county to assess and levy a sum of money for the purpose therein mentioned, endorsed, " will not pass. "
And the resolution in favour of Luther Martin, endorsed, " assented to. "
Mr. Carroll appears in the house.
Mr. Harryman, from the committee, delivers to the speaker the following report:
THE committee to whom was referred the petition of Thomas Love, of Baltimore comity, report, that they
have had the same under consideration, and are of opinion, that as a jury have on oath ascertained the damages
which the petitioner would sustain by reason of the York-turnpike road passing through his land, the legislature
ought not further to interfere.
By order, E. H. STONE, clk.
Which was read the first and second time by especial order and concurred with.
A petition from Winston Smith, of Harford county, praying a special act of insolvency, was preferred, read,
and referred to Mr. Montgomery, Mr. Forwood and Mr. Ayres, to consider and report thereon.
Mr. Ayres, from the committee, delivers to the speaker the following report:
THE committee to whom was referred the petition of Jesse Jarrett, of Harford county, report, that they
have taken the same into consideration, and find, that on the twenty-ninth day of September, seventeen hun-
dred and eighty-five, he purchased a parcel of land in the said county called The Hills of Poverty, containing
about fifteen hundred acres; under the purchase several surveys were made, and patents obtained, by the said
Jesse Jarrett, who paid the sum of four shillings per acre, with interest thereon from the time of sale. Your
committee further find, that a claim was set up to part of the land by a certain David West, who claimed under
a prior purchase, made by a certain Robert Mooberry from the state of Maryland, and by a decree of the court
of appeals the said Jesse Jarrett was compelled and has conveyed to the said David West, the part claimed as
aforesaid, called Norfolk, containing three hundred and seventy acres of land. The committee further find,
that the state has also been paid for the said land purchased by the said Robert Mooberry, at the same rate per
acre, with interest thereon. The committee arc of opinion, as the state has sold the same land to two several
purchasers, and received the purchase money from both, and as the said Jesse Jarrett has lost the had, it is.
but just and equitable that the purchase money received from him should be refunded; they therefore submit the
following resolution:
Whereas the late intendant of the revenue, in a sale of land made to Jesse Jarrett, of Harford county, in-
cluded a tract of land called Norfolk, containing three hundred and seventy acres, before sold to a certain Ro-
bert Mooberry, which land has been recovered from the said Jesse Jarrett, after he obtained a patent for the
same, by a decree of the court of appeals: And whereas both the said Jesse Jarrett and the said Robert Moo-
berry have paid the state for the same, at the rate of four shillings current money per acre, with interest there-
on, and the state having sold the same land to two persons, and received payment from each, and it is but just
and equitable that the said Jarrett, having lost the land, should receive the money paid by him to the state;
therefore RESOLVED, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to the said Jesse Jarrett, of Harford county,
the sum of seventy-four pounds current money, with interest thereon from the twenty-ninth day of September,
seventeen hundred and eighty-five, to the passage of this resolution.
By order, N. MARTIN, Jun. clk.
Which was read..
The house adjourns until to-morrow morning 9 o'clock.
TUESDAY, December 31, 1805.
THE house met. Present the same members as on yesterday. The proceedings of yesterday were read.
Mr. Hunt, Mr. Hanson, Mr. Holland and Mr. Gleaves, appear in the house.
A petition from Covinton Jones, of Dorchester county, praying that the levy court may be authorised to
levy a sum of money for his support, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Smoot, Mr. Frazier and Mr.
Ennalls, to consider and report thereon.
A petition from sundry inhabitants of Queen-Anne's county, praying a law may pass for draining Beaver
Dam Branch in said county, was preferred, read, and referred to Mr. Gleaves, Mr. Blake and Mr. Nicholson,
to consider and report thereon.
The house, according to the order of the day, proceeded to the second reading of the bill to alter the time
of the meeting of the general assembly of this state, and for other purposes; the bill being read throughout,
the question was put, Shall the said bill pass? The yeas and nays being required, appeared as follow:
S Plater, Higgins, M'Pherson, Jackson, Ward, Van Horn, Nicholson, Carroll,
Gale, Holland, Ogden, Bayly, Smoot, Hall, Sturgis, Selby,
Merriken, B. Mackall, Lemmon, Cottman, Cox, Contee, Holbrook, Watts,
Mercer, Somervell, Harryman, Hyland, Moffit, Callis, Bayard, Linthicum. 38,
Dorsey, Parnham, Lloyd, Ennalls, Porter, Blake,