two out of a certaine hardinesse and desire to trie the good-
nesse of his shipp, in which he had neuer beene at Sea afore,
he resolved to keep the sea, with great danger, wanting
Sea=roome: the winde grew still lowder, and lowder makeing
a boysterous sea, and about midnight we espied our pinnace
with her two lights, as she had forewarned vs in the
shroode from wch time till six weekes, we neuer see her more,
thinkeing shee had assuredly beene foundred and lost in those
huge seas, but it happened otherwise, for before shee came
to the Irish Channell, where we were now tossinge, shee
returned for England, and entered into the Scilley Iles,
whence afterward in the dragons Company shee came to the
long reach and Canarie Iles, God puideing a convenient
guard for that small vessell: this night thus frightfull being
past the winde came about to South west, full against vs,
though not very stronge so that with many tackes about we
scarce crept on our way, soe all the 26 27 and 28 dayes the
winde altered little, on the 29th the winde were all day a
gathering and toward night poured forth such a sea of winde
as if they would haue blowen our shipp vnder water at every
blast, all next day beinge the blessed apostle S' Andrewes
day, the like cloude gathered in fearefull manner, terrible to
the beholders, so that ere it began to blow it seemed all the
sprightes and witches of Maryland were now set in battaile
array against vs, this euening the master saw the sunne fish
to swimme against the sunnes course, a thing euidently shew-
ing fearfull stormes to come: about 10 in the night a blacke
cloud shede a pittifull shower vpon vs, and presently such a
furious winde followed as wee were able to beare noe cloath
at all, and yet before we could take in our maine Course,
wch we onely carried, a furious impression of winde sud-
dainely came, and splitt it from top to toae, and cast one part