and traded with out leave, and got that time above 200
skins, and as we feared incensed the Indians against vs; yet
first he had brought vs to as noble a seat as could be wished,
and as good ground as I suppose is in all Europe; whilest
our gouernour was abroad, the Indians began to loose feare
and come to our coart of guarde, and sometimes aboard our
shipp, wondering where that tree should grow, out of which
so great a canow should be hewen, supposing it all of one
peece, as their canows vse to be, they trembled to heare our
ordinance thinking them fearefuller then any thunder they
had ever heard: the governour being returned from Pas-
catoway, by ffleets directions, we came some 9 or 10 leagues
lower in the riuer Patomecke; to a lesser riuer on the north
side of it, as bigge as Thames, which we call St Georges, this
riuer makes 2 excellent bayes, wherein might harbour 300
saile of 1000 tunne a peece with very great safetie, the one
called S' Georges bay, the other, more inward St. Maries, on
the one side of this river lives the king of Yoacomaco, on the
other our plantation is seated, about halfe a mile from the
water, and our towne we call St. Maries. To avoid all occa-
sion of dislike, and Colour of wrong we bought the space of
thirtie miles of ground of them, for axes, hoes, cloth and
hatchets, which we call Augusto Carolino: it made them
more willing to enterteine vs, for that they had warres wth the
Sasquasahannockes, who come sometimes vpon them, and
waste and spoile them and their country, for thus they hope
by our meanes to be safe. God disposeing things thus for
those which were to come to bring the light of his holy law
to these distressed, poore infidels, so that they doe indeed like
vs better for comeing so well provided assuring themselves
of greater safety, by liveing by vs. Is not this miraculous
that a nation a few daies before in generall armes against vs,