least touch of ones hand I see fall downe withered, and then
againe revived after a little space; here is the locust tree
which I supposed to be that whereon St John Baptist lived in
the wildernesse, it is high as an elme, soe loved of bees as
they build their Combes on it, I have seene and tasted the
honnie, then wch settinge aside the name wilde, there is none
purer of taste and colour, the fruit is also called a locust,
haveing a hard sheath as bigge as six beane code, conteineing
in it a tough substance in taste like meale and honny, with
fower or 5 seede of colour and greatnesse like chestnut, some
of them we have planted, from this place we came to Virginia
ffebruary the 27th, much contrary to My Lrde instructions, we
expected here every hower to be staied by the Councell, desire-
ing noethinge more then our ruine, at this time Captaine
Claborne was there from whome we vnderstood the Indians
were all in armes to resist vs, haveing heard that 6 Spanish
ships were a comeing to destroy them all the rumour was
most like to have begunne from himselfe, we had the kings
letters, and my Lord treasurers to the governours, which
made him shew to vs the best vsage, the place afforded with
pmise to furnish vs with all manner of Provistions for our
plantation though much against his Councells will, not doubt-
ing I suppose to receive noble gratification from my Lrd by
whose helpe he hoped to recover a great summe of money due
to him out of the exchequer; here we staied 8 or 9 daies not
wth.out imminent daunger, vnder Commande of the Castle,
and then on the 3 of March came into Chesapeake bay, at the
mouth of Patomecke, this baye is the most delightfull water I
ever saw, between two sweet lande, with a channell, 4:5:6:
7: and 8 fathoms deepe, some 10 leagues broad, at time of
yeare full of fish, yet it doth yeeld to Patomecke, wch we have
made St. Gregories; this is the sweetest and greatest river I