This is all I can fay touching their religion: Saue onely that they
feeme to haue fome knowledge by tradition, of a flood wherein the
World was drowned for finne.
And now to returne to the place it felfe, chofen for our plantation.
Wee haue beene vpon it but one moneth, and therefore can make no
large relation of it: Yet thus much I can fay of it already, For our
fafety, wee haue built a good ftrong Fort or Palizado, and haue
mounted vpon it one good piece of Ordnance, and 4. Murderers,
and haue feuen peeces of Ordnance more, ready to mount forthwith.
For our prouifion, heere is fome ftore of Peafen, and Beanes, and
Wheate left on the ground by the Indians, who had fatisfaction for
it. Wee haue planted fince wee came, as much Maize (or Indian
Wheate) as will fuffice (if God profper it) much more company
then wee haue. It is vp about knee high aboue ground already, and
wee expect the returne of 1000. for one, as wee haue reafon for our
hope, from the experience of the yeeld in other parts of this Coun-
trey, as is very credibly related to vs.
Wee haue alfo Englifh Peafen, and French-beanes, Cotten, Orin-
ges, Lemmons, Melocotounes, Apples, Peares, Potatos, and
Sugar-canes of our owne planting; befide Hortage comming vp ve-
ry finely.
But fuch is the quantitie of Vines, and Grapes now already vpon
them (though young) as I dare fay if wee had Veffells and skill,
wee might make many a tonne of Wine, euen from about our plan-
tation; and fuch Wine, as thofe of Virginia fay (for yet wee can fay
nothing) as is as good as the Wine of Spaine. I feare they exceede;
but furely very good. For the clime of the Countrey is neere the
fame with Siuill and Corduba : lying betweene 38. and 40. degrees of
Northerlie latitude.
Of Hoggs wee haue already got from Achomack (a plantation in
Virginia )to the number of 100, and more: and fome 30. Cowes;
and more wee expect daily, with Goats and Hennes; our Horfes
and Sheepe wee muft haue out of England, or fome other place by
the way; for wee can haue none in Virginia.
For the Commodities, I will fpeake more when I fee further; one-
ly wee haue fent ouer a good quantitie of Iron-stone, for a tryall,
which if it prooue well, the place is likely to yeeld infinite ftore of it,
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