Shortly after the first settlers landed in Maryland on
March 25, 1634, Father Andrew White wrote a "Briefe
Relation of the Voyage Unto Maryland," which Leonard
Calvert enclosed in a letter of May 30, 1634, to his busi-
ness partner, Sir Richard Lechford. The "Briefe Rela-
tion" apparently was abstracted from a much longer
account originally written in Latin in the latter part of
April, 1634 and forwarded by way of London to Rome,
where it remains today in the Jesuit archives. A tran-
scription and translation of the Latin text was published
in Peabody Fund Publication, No. 7, in 1874. On May
27, 1634, Father White completed an English version of
the original Latin narrative, which he sent to Lord Balti-
more. It was published, probably in late July or August
1634, as the promotional pamphlet A Relation of...
Maryland, reprinted here.
Included in the 1634 Relation were new "Conditions
of Plantation" dated July 15, 1634, that were intended
to attract investors and colonists for the second voyage.
All leading authorities on the earliest terms under which
land was acquired in Maryland, including John Kilty
and Charles M. Andrews, have overlooked these condi-
tions, probably because they were in force for only the
second voyage and were superseded by new conditions
published in 1635. Yet they were more generous than
those that followed and were to govern the fate of ap-
proximately 150 people who heeded the call of the 1634
Today there are only two known copies of the 1634
Relation in the United States, one at the John Carter
Brown Library reprinted here, and another recently ac-