olic worship "as private as may be"?31 Or did he seize
all opportunities to bring heretics into the fold? All that
can be said with certainty is that he had piety, a well-
trained intelligence, and an excitement for the adventure
that must have made him an asset in the critical first
decade of the Maryland enterprise.
The Servants
Apart from the gentlemen adventurers and the Jesuits,
all but a handful of the passengers on the Ark went as
indentured servants. The terms of service for the first
expedition are unknown, but probably similar to those
contained in the Relation of 1634.
Whatsoever husband-man, or other laboring-man,
shall bee willing to goe to this Plantation, and to
binde himselfe a servant there for five yeares, he shall
be entertained (if he come within the limited time to
the place appointed) upon these termes; that is to
say; he shall be found sufficient meate and drink,
and clothing, during the said terme: and at the end of
the said terme, he shall have 50. Acres of good land
conveied to him, and his heires for ever, within the
said Province, a whole yeeres provision of all neces-
saries according to the usuall custome of other
And if hee bee either a sufficient Carpenter, Joyner,
Brick-layer, Brick-maker, Mason, Wheele-wright,
Cooper, or Ship-wright, in stead of these 50. Acres
proposed, hee shall have 100. Acres of good land, at
the end of his terme, and the rest of the aforesaid
conditions, for three years service onely.
The term of service was three or five years depending
upon the servant's qualifications.32 Whether the "land"
given at the end of service meant land on the master's