and the like: which in time, will be had there; as our Apples
already are, where they grow to a much better tafte and fea-
fon then they doe heere. Of rich dyes, and drugs, there is no
want; as of Tobacco, Saxaphrafe, Bole-armoniacke and the
like, though not to be efteemed with the former. As for Mi-
nerals little hath beene difcouered, but feeing the lower
grounds, giue many faire fhewes, the Mountaines may not be
doubted. As for Copper, the North-weft Hils haue that
ftore, as the Natiues themfelues part the follid mettall from
the fame without fire; and beate it into Plates from the raw
oare, for Gold, this onely can be fayd, that the neighbouring
nation, commonly weareth bracelets of rude gobbets of gold
about their armes; and therefore, it is like there are mines of
Gold not farre of. As for Pearle, they were large chaines
thereof, though deformed by burning the Oifters and boa-
ring them ill. I omit their Iron which they have already, their
Glaffe, Hempe, and Flaxe, which is very excellent in this
land: with many other Commodities, which time, induftry.
and Art will difcover; The fruites whereof may be eafier ta-
fted, then beleeved.
February, 10. anno l633.
Any man that defireth to adventure in this Plantation, may bee
informed of euery particular more at large concerning the
Tranfportation and Provifions for their men, and alfo for
the fpeedy raifing of them, if hee repayre to the Lord BAL-
TEMORE, who hath good advantage to affift him in thofe
things, by reafon of the many Provifions hee maketh both
for himfelfe and others in that kinde: Provided alwayes,
that they affigne one to overfee theyr Accompts for theyr
better fatisfaction, and his Lordfhips difcharge. And this
the fayd Lord BALTEMORE will bee able to doe for them.