or Germany, and Cedars not inferiour to thofe of Libanon
Saxaphraffe, Pine, Firre, Bay, and the like; with fundry o-
ther forts of Trees, yeelding fweet Gummes and Balfamum.
The ufe of thefe Trees is great for building Houfes, and fhips,
for Wanefcot, Pipe-ftaves, Pitch, Rozen, Tarre, Turpen-
tine, Soape-Ash, Perfumes, and Salves, as Merchants
can tell. But yet thefe Woods are fheere and of free paffage
for horfe and man, there beeing few or none under-
fhrubs, which one thing makes them no leffe plea-
fant, then ufefull for food of all kinde of Beafts.
There is great plenty of Grapes, whereof good wine may be
made. Some of thefe as bigge as Cherries; whofe juyce is
thicke and vnctuous; which the natiues call Meffamines.
Their Cherries are as bigge as Damafeens. Their Goofe-
beries like ours. They haue three forts of Plummes. Their
Mulberries, Chefnuts, and Walnuts, in fuch ftore, as they
turne them to fundry fortes of Viands. Strawberries alfo
and Rafpices are not wanting. As for diuerfities of Fifh,
thefe following are knowne and abound: Sturgeon, Gram-
pus, Porpeffe, Seales, Stingraies, Brets, Mullets, Baace,
White Salmons, Trowtes, Soales, Place, Herrings, Coni-
fifh, Roches, Eeles, Lampreys, Cat-fifh, fhaddes, Perch of
three forts; Crabs, Shrimps, Crauifhes, Oifters, Cockles,
and Muffels, with many more whofe names are not knowne.
Now as for beafts, there are fo many Deere and Hogges, as
the Country feemes rather peftered therewith then filled.
There are alfo Kine in ftore, Bufflers alfo for draught and may
ferue for dyet too, befide fiue or fixe kinde of great beafts,
vnknowne to vs by name, which the neighbouring people
doth vfe for the Table. Sheepe muft be had with leaue from
hence or from the Canarie Iles, as alfo Affes and Mules, for
ourage; Horfes, wilde Bulls and Kine, are innumerable in a
great Foreft not far off; from whofe Wefterne parts in New