thofe inconveniences, which a long time have hindered, and
of the meanes which have helped forward other Plantations;
and having fully fatisfied himfelfe, not onely by the papers
his noble Father, an eye-witneffe left him, of the Excellency
of the land: but by others alfo, who daily come from that,
and the places nigh upon it, as alfo by the true printed Hi-
ftorie of Captaine SMITH, who firft difcovered it, confirmed
by hundreds living in this City of London, who have beene
themfelves there, and meane to returne tbither againe, who
all goe in Conformity. My Lord refolves by the favour of
GOD, to make Sayle for the faid Country about the middle of
September next enfuing, and propofeth many yery large con-
ditions, to such as fhall for the fame ends joyne with him in
this honorable Action. Whereof the chiefe is this, that be-
fides honors and place which freely he meaneth to conferre
upon the merits of Bloud, Valour, Vertue, and larger Ven-
tures of Gentlemen, for every hundred pounds ventur'd in
Tranfportation of five able men (being twenty pound a man)
which will tranfport and furnifh them with Armes, Tooles,
Cloathes, Vtenfils and Victuals for one twelve-Month; whe-
ther they goe in perfon, or commit their men and mony to
my Lord's Officer appointed for that purpofe: or to any o-
ther who will take care of them and it, and receive and ufe
the divident of land for their benefit; fhall receive of my
Lord a manner of good Land, to the full quantity of 2000.
Akers, for them and their heyres for ever in that Country;
befides, a good fhare in a rich Trade hereafter mentioned, and
fundry other incouragements & priviledges if they go in this
firft Voyage; which, when they repayre to my Lord, they
fhall better underftand. And this for every hundred pound
ventured by one or more joyned together, and the fame in
proportion is to be held whether more or leffe be ventured.
The chiefe intention of my Lord is, and alfo the fame