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Session Laws, 1832
Volume 547, Page 530   View pdf image (33K)
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charter of the Farmers' Bank of Maryland and Branches,
and for other purposes

222 An act for the lelief of Mary Ann Paxton, of Fre-
derick county

223. An act to provide for the repairs of the Public
Roads, in Cahert County

224 An act for the relief of George Fouke, and Eliza-
beth his wife, and Henry and Lewis Fouke

225 An act to incprporate a company for the purpose
of making a Canal to connect the enters of Lewis Creek
with Indian River, and the Chesapeake Bay by Pocomoke

226 An act to authorize Commissioners to divide Char-
les County, into School Districts

227 A supplement to an act, entitled, an act to author-
ize the Levy Court of Frederick county, to appoint commis-
sioners, for the purposes therein mentioned

228 An act to authonze the Commissioners of Allegany
County, to by out and rent certain strpets and alleys, lying
on the West side of Wills' Creek, for certain purposes
therein mentioned

229 An act for incorporating the Govans Town Acade-
my, in Baltimore county

230 An act, entitled, an act to prevent the unreasona
ble delay of Justice and accumulations of unnecessary law
suits, in the Courts of tins State

231 An act to divorce Maria Barnes, of the city of Bal-
timore, from her husband Richard H Barnes

232 An act to authorize the closing up of a part of Pa-
tapsco Alley and a part of Race street, in the city of Balti-

233 An act to lay out and open a road in Montgomery
Anne Arundel and Baltimore counties

234 An act empowering the Frederick County Court,
setting as a Court of Equity, to decree and order the sale
of certain real estate

235 An act to lay out and open a road in Frederick
and Baltimore Counties

236 An act to incorporate the Female Seminary of
Boonsborough, in Washington County

237 An act to repeal the sixth section of the act of
1830, chapter 160, entitled, an act to extend the powers of


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Session Laws, 1832
Volume 547, Page 530   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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