incuts; which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents —————
and purposes, as part of this constitution, when ratified by
the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by
conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the oth-
er mode of ratification may be proposed by congress.
That the right to annul a law of the general government
assumed by one state, is incompatible with the existence of
the union, contradicted expressly by the letter of the con-
stitution, unauthorised by its spirit, inconsistent with every
principle on which it was founded, and destructive of the
great object for which it was formed.
That our fellow-citizens of South Carolina, who remain
faithful to the constitution and laws of the United States,
are entitled to the protection of the general government,
both for their property and their persons.
That if any state, regardless of the constitutional reme-
dies which are afforded for every grievance and oppression
should attempt to withdraw from the union, it is the right
and duty of the general government, to protect itself, and
the other states from the fatal consequences of any such
Further resolved, That the ordinance of nullification of
South Carolina is calculated to mislead her citizens from
the true character of the Federal government, and the just
allegiance which they owe to that government.
Resolved, That this state is ardently attached to the
union; that it does not desire any additional powers to be
conferred on the general government, but wishes every
delegated power to be exerted, that has a tendency .to
strengthen the bonds that unite us, and to fortify the hope
that the union will be perpetual.
Resolved, That this state does not recognise the power
in any state to nullify a law of Congress, nor to secede
from the union, and that it will sustain the general govern-
ment in the exercise of every constitutional means to pre-
serve unimpaired the integrity of the United States.
Resolved, That our mutual interests and general welfare
impel us to guard with care the integrity of the constitu-
tion, and to appeal in the most solemn and affectionate
manner, to the other states, and particularly to South Car-
olina, to reciprocate with this state its well founded attach-
ment to the union, and to oppose, with becoming firmness,
every infraction of those great and fundamental principles
of the constitution which form the only basis on which our
happy institutions can with safety repose.