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Session Laws, 1832
Volume 547, Page 399   View pdf image (33K)
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of the roof of the State House, and that they in their dis-
cretion shall cause such repairs to be made as the circum-
stances of the case may demand, for the preservation and
safety of the building; and that they draw on the Treasurer
of the Western Shore for such sum or sums as may be ne-
cessary to carry into execution this resolve.

No. 31.

Resolution relative to certain accounts.

Resolved by the General .Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore, pay to J. J. Hitchcock,
or order, ninety-two dollars and eighty-eight cents; to
Messrs. Nicklin and Johnson, or order, thirty-eight dollars
and sixty-five cents; to Messrs. Cushing and Sons, or or-
der, eleven dollars; and to Messrs. Coale and Littell, or or-
der, three hundred and fifty-two dollars and eighty-four
cents, respectively due to each of them for books furnished
to the State Library.

Passed Feb. 27, 1837

No. 32.

Resolution authorizing the Governor and Council to cause
to be delivered a copy of the Index to the Laws of Ma-
ryland, from eighteen hundred and twenty-six to eighteen
hundred and thirty-one, to each Court, and to each Judge
or Justice of said Court, and to each Member of the Gen-
eral Assembly, &c. in this State.

Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Governor and Council be, and they are hereby author-
ised and requested, to cause a copy of the Index to the
Laws of Maryland, from the year eighteen hundred and
twenty-six, to eighteen hundred and thirty-one, inclusive,
to be delivered to each Court, and to each Judge or Jus-
tice of said Court, to each Member of the General Assem-
bly, to each Member of the Council, and to each public
Library, in this State, and that the remaining copies be de-
posited in the State Library.

Passed Jan'y. 25


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Session Laws, 1832
Volume 547, Page 399   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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