lar donations, by the act of assembly, passed at December
session, eighteen hundred and twenty-three, chapter one
hundred and forty-one.
Further resolved, That the governor of this state, shall
annually, on or about the fifteenth day ofFebruary, appoint
three Visitors, citizens of this state, who shall investigate
the affairs of this institution, and annually report to the ge-
neral assembly, on or before the first day of February, the
situation and management thereof, so long as it shall re-
ceive a donation from the state, and also report the number
of poor children educated therein.
No. 2.
Passed Jan. 17, 1833
Resolution in favor of Doctor Ennals Martin, of Talbot
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore pay to Dr. Ennals
Martin, of Talbot county, a surgeon's mate during the Re-
volutionary war, or to his order, in half yearly payments, a
sum of money equal to the half pay of a surgeon's mate,
in consideration of the services rendered by him during
said war.
No. 3.
Resolution in favor of Benjamin Goddard, of Prince
George's County.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the Treasurer of the Western Shore be, and he is hereby
authorised to pay Raphael C. Edelen, for the use of Benja-
min Goddard, of Prince George's county, only child and
representative of John Goddard, of said county, a revolu-
tionary soldier, who died on the second day of September
last past, sixteen dollars and eighty-nine cents, it being
the amount due him at the time of his death, as a pen-