CHAP. 303.
ally and effectually, as if such bond had been given to and
in the name of such infant, Provided always, that such ac-
Time limited.
tion shall be brought, or suit instituted by the infant with-
in three years after he or she shall have attained the age of
twenty-one years, or in case of the death of such infant,
by his or her legal representative within one year after
such death.
Case where defen-
dants are infants
Sec. 9. And be it enacted, That in every case in the
court of chancery, or in any of the county courts as courts
of equity in this state, where the defendants, or any of
them shall be infants residing out of this state, in any other
of the United States: on the prayer or petition of the com-
Commission issue.
plainant, a commission may be issued without any other
process to any two persons, in the discretion of the chan-
cellor, or any judge of the equity court, as commission-
Appoint guardian
to answer
ers authorizing them or either of them to appoint a guardi-
an to answer for such infant or infants, and take the an-
swer of such guardian; and the chancellor or court of equi-
Mode of evidence.
ty may prescribe the mode and evidence of authenticating
the execution of such commission; and the answer of every
Answer so taken
infant so taken in any case, when returned to the court is-
suing the commission, shall be as effectual as if taken un-
der a commission duly executed within the jurisdiction of
such court.
Compensation to
such commissioner
Sec. 10. And be it enacted, That in all cases in the court of
chancery or a county court as a court of equity, the court
shall tax as part of the costs of the case, a reasonable com-
pensation and allowance to any commissioner or commis-
sioners for taking the answer or answers of any infant or
infants in said cases.
Passed Mar. 23, 1833
An act relating to the Importation of Passengers.
WHEREAS, the frequent arrivals of passengers at the
port of Baltimore, have introduced into that city a great
number of paupers, who have become charges upon the
city and county, and upon the several associations in said
city, incorporated by the State, for the relief of foreign emi-
grants to the United States; AND WHEEEAS, a large pro-
portion of the passengers in the various ships, are paupers,
and are, as such paupers, embarked, it is believed, under
the direction of public authorities of foreign countries; AND