CHAP- 284.
A supplement to the act, passed at December session, of the
year eighteen hundred and ten, chapter thirty-four, relating
to Devises and Legacies.
P ramble.
WHEREAS, doubts are entertained as to the proper con-
struction of the fourth section of the act to which this is a
supplement, and whether the Devisees or Legatees, whose
death is provided for by the said section, must be devisees
or legatees actually and specially named in the last will and
testament or codicil — Therefore,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That all devisees or legatees shall be deemed and taken
to be within the provisions and true intent and meaning of
said fourth section of said act, who are or shall be either
actually and specially named as devisees or legatees, or who
are or shall be mentioned, described, or in any manner re-
ferred to, or designated, or identified, as devisees or lega-
tees, in and by any last will and testament or codicil.
Passed Mar.22, 1833
A supplement to an act, entitled, An act relating to People of
Colour in this State.
WHEREAS, several coloured persons, prior to the passage
of the law passed at the last session, viz: An act, entitled,
"An act relating to people of colour in this State," obtain-
ed deeds of manumission, which have not been recorded
prior to said act, whereby they will be compelled to leave
the State, or relinquish their freedom— Therefore,
Certain manumissis-
sions made valid.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Ma-
ryland, That any deed of manumission, so executed, and
duly attested and acknowledged, and failing to be recor-
If recorded by Oc-
tober next.
ded, shall, if it be recorded before the first day of October
next, be as valid, as if recorded prior to the passage of said
act; and it shall be the duty of each and every clerk to re-
cord such deed, when presented to him before the first day
of October next.
Certain deeds of
bargain prior to
act of 1831, &c
Sec. 2. AND WHEREAS, several deeds of bargain and
sale have been executed, prior to the passage of the act to
which this is a supplement, conveying certain slaves, for a
limited period, to the purchasers therein mentioned, and