CHAP. 292.
nies refuse or neglect to join in such request, at the re-
quest of the other of them, who shall perform the duties
Oath as arbitrators
hereinbefore indicated, and shall act as arbitrators, under
oath or affirmation, to decide truly, and without partiality,
between the parties, in all differences that may arise be-
tween the said companies, in carrying into operation the
plan here contemplated for the construction of the said
Rail Road from the Point of Rocks to Harper's Ferry, and
whose decision upon all points submitted to them, shall be
final, between the said companies.
Assent required to
make this act valid
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the assent of the two
companies to the preceding act, shall be communicated, by
both companies, under their corporate seals, and the signa-
tures of their Presidents and Directors, respective, to the
Governor of Maryland on or before the tenth day of May
next; Provided, That neither of the said companies shall
derive any benefit from the provisions of this act, unless
both of the said companies shall signify their assent, as
When in force
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That this act shall commence
and be in force, from and after the passage thereof.
Passed Mar 22,1833
An act supplemental to an act to declare and ascertain the
right of citizens of this State to private Roads or ways.
County courts au-
torised to grant
private roads to
quarry or mines
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the several County Courts in this State, on applica-
tion of the owner or owners of any quarry, or mine, for a
private road thereto, be authorised and directed to proceed
on such application and grant a road to such quarry or
mine in the manner prescribed, for granting private roads
to farms and plantations, by the act to which this is a sup-
plement; Provided however, that this act shall not be deem-
ed to extend to any proceedings now pending; and provided
also, that the Court be satisfied that the road prayed for
be not a road to a stone quarry, the working of which will
Further proviso.
injure or endanger any dwelling house, tavern house, or
out-house attached thereto; and Provided further, that, in
granting the said road, it shall be lawful for the Court to
prescribe a period and terms when or upon which the said
road shall cease and may be shut up, or when, for the con-
tinuance of said road, it shall be necessary to have the
same, at the discretion of the court, renewed.