CHAP. 290.
Votes rated.
a vote of the stockholders of said company is to be
taken, each stockholder shall be allowed one vote for every
share owned by him, her, or them.
Annual election
of directors.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That the stockholders, in said
company, or a majority of them, in value, shall, on the first
Monday of May, after the organization of the company, as
directed in the preceding section of this act, and on the
first Monday in May, in each succeeding year, elect, by
ballot as aforesaid, for the ensuing year, twelve Directors as
Residence pre-
aforesaid, six of whom shall be citizens of Somerset county,
and six citizens of Worcester county, together with two in
behalf of the State, as aforesaid; and the Directors of said
Powers of said
Company, or a majority of them, shall have power to ap-
point one or more judges of all elections, and to elect a
President, as aforesaid, and to allow him a compensation
for his services, if they shall deem proper, and may fill all
vacancies occurring in their body, until the next annual elec-
tion; and all elections required by this act to be made on a
particular day, and not made on that day, maybe made on
any day thereafter, within one month, after thirty days pub-
lic notice thereof; and general meetings of the stockholders
Central meetings.
may be called during the interval between their stated an-
nual meetings, by the President and Directors, or a majority
of them, or by any number of stockholders holding one
fourth ofthe stock of said Company; Provided, That pub-
lic notice of at least thirty days be first given of the time
and place of holding such meeting, which said notice shall
also state the object of the call.
Oath of director.
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That every President and
Director of said company, before he acts as such, shall
swear or affirm, as the case may be, that he will well and
truly discharge the duties of his office, to the best of his
skill and judgment.
Authority to con-
struct road
Sec 8. And be it enacted, That the President and Direc-
tors of the said company may construct and repair a Rail
Road, from or near the Town of Salisbury to some suitable
point or points, on or near to Pocomoke river, in Worces-
ter county, according to the determination of the said Pre-
Make contract
Enter lands
sident and Directors, and they may contract for the making
of the said Rail Road, and may, with their agents, enter
upon, use and excavate any laud they may need for the site
of the said road, or the erection of ware-houses or other
Build bridge.
works necessary to said road, and may build bridges, fix
Take materials.
scales and weights, lay rails, take and use any earth, tim-
ber, gravel, stone or other materials for the construction or
repair of any part of said work, and may make and cos-