sons as a committee of examination, whose duty it shall
be to investigate the affairs of said corporation, and to make
and publish a report thereof, in one newspaper, printed in
the city of Baltimore, and it shall also be the duty of the
Directors, on the first day of January, and on the first day
CHAP. 180.
of July, in each and every year, to make and declare a
dividend of the interests and profits of the said corpora-
tion, after paying its expenses, and the same to pay over
unto the depositors, or their legal representatives, within
ten days thereafter.
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That this act shall continue,
and be in force, only, for the term of twenty years.
Limit 20 yeas.
An act to Incorporate the Beaver dam and Harrington
Branch Canal Company.
Passed Feb. 14, 1833
WHEREAS, it is represented to this General Assembly
that the marshes and low grounds on the Beaverdam or
Harrington's Branch, and situated partly in Caroline and
Queen Anne's counties in the State of Maryland, and part-
ly in Kent county in. the State of Delaware, would be ma-
terially benefitted were the same ditched and drained: and
whereas the owners and possessors of said marshes
and low grounds in consequence of their location, are
unable advantageously to ditch and drain the same, unless
through the aid of the Legislature of this State and that of
the State of Delaware:— Therefore,
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That the owners of all the marshes and low
grounds situated on the Beaverdam or Harrington's branch
and the several prongs thereof, and drains making into
the same, above the junction of the said Beaverdam or
Harrington's branch with the Tappahannah marsh branch,
and the owners of all the marshes and low grounds which
will be benefitted or improved by ditching and draining the
said Beaverdam or Harrington's branch, and the several
branches thereof, and the drains making into the same
Owners of certain
above the junction thereof as aforesaid, with the said
Tappahannah branch, including the marshes and low
grounds within the State of Delaware as well as those
Constituted a com-
within the State of Maryland, shall compose a company
to be called the Beaverdam and Harrington's branch Ca-
Name and style