Since the act of assembly of which the board was reminded by Wallace provided that
$3,000 could be levied with the approval of the county commissioners for furniture and land-
scaping, we may assume that by this time the building was nearing completion.18 At the
meeting of May 16, it was "Ordered that the keeper of the Court House now to be established
have the sum of one hundred dollars ......." This action would indicate that at this time, or
shortly thereafter, the courthouse was finished. In any case, by March 19, 1855, repairs were
needed to the roof of the building and a gully had to be filled in.
Addition of 1931
The courthouse of 1852-1854 proved adequate to the needs of the county and remained
pretty much as it had been built originally until 1931. In that year, the General Assembly
authorized a bond issue for various construction needs of the county government amounting
to $175,000 of which $75,000 was earmarked for repairs, renovation and enlargement of the
courthouse19. Fortunately, the building commission (Chairman John R. Pattison and Secre-
tary Edwin S. Lake) preserved the handsome Italian facade. Such enlargements as were
made were confined for the most part to the rear area. The Architect was William A. Stone,
Jr. and the builders were Charles E. Brohawn & Brothers.
18 Ch. 117, Acts of 1854.
19 Ch. 493.