and Avalon &c: Annoque Domini 1686/7 Between Major Thomas Taylor Stewart of
Dorchester County on the behalf of the said County of the one part and Capt Anthony
Dawson of the said County of the other part Witnesseth That the said Capt Anthony
Dawson for diverse good Causes and Considerations him thereunto moving but more
especially for and in Consideration of the Sum of Twenty Six Thousand pounds of
Tobacco, agreed upon to be paid unto him the said Anthony Dawson, by the said
Majr. Tho. Taylor on the behalf of the said County for and in Consideration of his
the said Anthony Dawson his Erecting and building a Courthouse att the town of
Cambridge within said County of Dorchr. according to the Dimentions hereafter men-
tioned and Expressed, Hath Given Granted Bargained sold and by these Presents
Doth for himself his heirs &c. clearly and absolutely give grant Bargain and sells
unto him the said Tho. Taylor his heirs and Assignes all that tract or parcel of Land
containing by Estimation Three hundred and twenty five Acres the same being the
moiety or one half part of a tract of Land which he the said Anthony Dawson bought
or purchased of one Thos. Walker of this County commonly called or known by the
name of Alexanders place situate lyeing and being on Transquaken River within the
said County of Dorchr. on the North west Branch of the Said River beginning att a
marked Pohiccory tree standing by the Waterside on the North West Branch of the
said River and running up the Branch Ninety seven Perches and a half North and
by West thence West and by South Five hundred and thirty four Perches, thence
Southward by East Ninety seven Perches, and a half thence running East and by
North five hundred thirty one Perches to the first marked Pohiccory and also he the
said Anthony Dawson Doth further Give Grant, bargain and sell unto him the said
Majr. Thomas Taylor for the use of the Said County all that messuage, Tenement or
Dwelling house belonging unto him the Said Anthony Dawson scituate lyeing and being
in the Town of Cambridge aforesaid, with all and every its rights members and Ap-
purtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging or in any wise appurtaining, which said
Tenement or Dwelling house is now in the tenure and Occupation of M'. Thomas
Cooke of this County To have and to hold all and singular the said tract of Land
Cont: by Estimation three hundred and twenty five Acres with the aforesaid house
above hereby bargained and Sold with all and singular the hereditaments and Ap-
purtenances whatsoever to the same respectively belonging or in any wise appertaining
& every part thereof to him the said Major Thos. Taylor to and for the only use and
behoof of him the said Major Thos. Taylor on the behalf of the said County of Dor-
chester his heirs and assigns for evermore. Provided always and it is the full intent
and meaning of these presents by and between as well he the within menconed
Anthony Dawson on his own behalf as he the above mentioned Majr. Thoss. Taylor on
the behalf of the said County of Dorchr. that if the said Anthony Dawson his heirs
Exrs. and Admrs. will well and truly build erect and Accomplish a Court house for the
use of the said County of Dorchester att the town of Cambridge according to the
Demention hereafter & herein menconed and Expressed by the first Day of March
which shall be in the year of our Lord God One Thousand Six hundred and Eighty
Seven, and Eighty Eight that is to say the said Court house to be built and erected
fourty foott in length and twenty four foot in Breadth the two floors above and below
to be laid with Plank and four large Windows below, and one small Casement Window,
with two large Casements to each window, and two large transom Windows above
one at each [end?], and the Chambers to be sealed with rived Boards one large pair
of Stairs with Rails and Banisters, inclosures for the Stairs and Closett. One large
table Inclosed with rails and Banisters, and Seats inclosed, likewise, Seats for the
Justices with a Judges Chair Going up two or three Stepps with rails and Banisters
before and Sides of the house up to the plaster to be lathed and Plaistered with a large
Porch att the end of the house with rails and Banisters about it likewise all Glaziers
Work Carpenters Work Smiths Work and Painters Work whatsoever, as shall to the
Judgment of Workmen be adjudged necessary or convenient for the said Building, and
that he the said Capt. Anthony Dawson find himself Provision Timber and Nailes,
and all materialls for the said Building then this present Deed and every Part and
Parcel thereof to be fully and absolutely void null and of no Effect and the said An-
thony Dawson the said tract of Land with the said house and Premises hereby bar-
gained as aforesaid to have again repossess, and Enjoy as his own Proper Estate, or
Estates, anything in these presents to the Contrary Contained in any wise Notwith-
standing, In Witness whereof the aforesaid Parties to the Presents have interchange-
ably sett their hands & Seals the day and year first above written."
6 Dorchester County Land Record No. 1, Old, 1669-1683,
148-49, Ms.