Alterations of 1951 and 1952
In the course of the first half century of this courthouse there were many changes and
alterations, but they were all piecemeal and makeshift compared with the major work under-
taken at the half-century mark. At this time the whole building was remodeled and modern-
ized. Work on the east half of the building was authorized to proceed January 5, 1951, and
was completed October 21, 1952. The cost was $1,249,500 (base bid) ; the architect was
William A. Miller; the contractor, Piracci Construction Company. The structural engineers
were L. P. Kooken and Company and the mechanical engineers, Egli and Gompf. Work on
the west half was authorized to proceed November 21, 1952, and was completed June 29, 1954,
at a cost of $1,385,000. The architect, contractors and engineers were the same as for the
east half of the building.