of the Garrett att the Gable Ends and from the brest of the said windows upp to
the point of the Gable Ends fourteen Inches thick onely the said Porch to haue an
arch in front six foote wide in the Cleere and Eleven foote high to the Keystone of
the Arch with two Arches on each side aboue the bentles and agate into the hall of
five foote wide and tenn foote high the Stairecase to haue a door to open out of the
hall of the same demensions and a private doore to open into the garden of three foote
wide and six foote high vnder the first halfe pace of the staires which staires shall be
halfe pace Staires six Inches and a halfe riseing & a foote in stepp for the first story,
and six Inches riseing and a foote in stepp for the second story all to be made of good
white Oke quartered Planck and a window vppon each halfe pace the Inner doores of
the first story of the said house to be four foote wide Eight foote high as alsoe the
windows of the Hall which shall be Eight In number with double lights divided with
a transome att two thirds of the hight of the said windoes the doores of the second
story to be three foote & halfe wide and seven foote high and the windoes of the said
story two foote & half wide & five foote high with double lights to be divided with a
Transome att two thirds of their height which said windoes in the second story shall
be eight in number as in the first story directly over the windows of the first story
besides one in the second story in the Porch of the same demensions with those in the
Chambers of the second story that there be three particons in the second story as the
Gouernour shall direct the said particons double Lathed and plaistred the floores to be
laid with quartered planck inch & quarter thick after plained either good white Oke or
Pine of this Countrey sawen while the Turpentine is in them the doores all bottened
with good substanciall hinges Spring stock locks & Latches two Iron Casements to
every window in the said house the frames and Casements to be well laid in Lynseede
Oyle according to art and glased with good Cleer square glasse, the summers and
Girders for the floores to be sixteene & twelue Inches square the lyce six and four
Inches square standing twelve Inches a sunder the wall plates all round the house
porch and Staire Case to be twelue and seven Inches square the Rafters Eighteene
foote & halfe long standing twelue Inches a sunder with six paire of principalls and
double purloines framed in even with the Rafters & to be morticed in & every paire of
Principalls to be braced in & every paire of Rafters to haue two buttoned braces to
the Collor beame every paire of Principalls to be tenn & Eight Inches square the pur-
loines six Inches square the small Rafters four and three Inches square to be topped
with mortice and Tennant and pinned att head & hipp tenanted att the foote the Laths
for the tile of heart of white Oke & one Inch thick the principall Rafters of the porch
& staire Case to be seven & five Inches & the feete of the Rafters to Jett over a foote
& halfe on each side with Basboards att the Gable Ends & Piramedes the whole house
to be well plaistered within & the Roofes well sealed & the walls well pointed without
with good lime the said Prison to be Substancially built of Stone or brick laid in
lime & sand twenty four foote long in the Cleer within & fifteen foote wide within
Nine foot high to the plate and a particon in the midle with a floore below paved with
flatt Stone or Rrick and another aboue laid with planck and Covered with tile laid in
morter with Sufficient locks barrs and windowes fitt for a prison the said state house
and prison to be Compleate & ended by the Last day of October which shall be in the
yeare of our Lord God 1676 And for the building of which State house and prison
Bee itt Enacted by the Authority aforesaid and with the aduice and Consent aforesaid
that there be Leavyed by the Gouernour and Councill by an Equall Assessment vppon
the taxable persons of the said Prouince the sume of three hundred and thirty thow-
sand pounds of Tobacco to be payd to John Quigley his heires Executors or adminis-
trators who hath vndertaken to build the said state house & prison by the Last day of
October which shall be in the yeare of our Lord God 1676 as aforesaid the same to be
Leavyed and payd as aforesaid when the said John Quigley his heires Executors or
administrators shall fully and Compleately have finished the State house and prison
in manner & forme as is in and by this act before Expressed and declared.
Provided allwaies that the said John Quigley Carry the Roofe of the upper
staires of the statehouse of sufficient heighth that there may be Convenient landing &
head way att the Topp of the staires.6
Although this building seems to have been continually in disrepair from the beginning, it
was still usable in 1695, and the General Assembly rather than sell or otherwise dispose of it,
gave it to the justices of St. Mary's County so "That the place for holding the County Court
of St Marys County shall forever hereafter be att the City of S' Marys in the State house of
6 Arch, of Md., II, 404-07.