This Work is Recommended By over 100 of the largest and wealthiest Business Men of Baltimore
In One Handsome Volume, Superbly Illustrated with, Numerous Engravings,
A Work suitable for extensive circulation through the United States, being a
Giving a full and comprehensive review of the History, Progress, Present Condition, Commercial, Kail-
road, Manufacturing and Industrial Resources of every city and town in the State and District. To
which is added the Pictorial Advertiser for the Federal Metropolis and suburbs.
Published by JAMES S. WATERS. No. 244 Balt. St.. Baltimore. Md.
Notices from the Press;
From the Baltimore Patriot, Jan. 23, 1856.
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. — In another column will be
found the Prospectus of this valuable work. No en-
terprise could possibly be presented to business men
more worthy of general support. We notice the
signatures of a number of onr most extensive Mer-
chants and Manufacturers, who fully appreciate this
difficult task as a work containing so much general
and local information of interest and importance to
the people at large. It is deserving a very extensive
sale, and we have no doubt, but at the small price
it is placed at, it will meet a large demand in and
out of the St.ate. ————
Baltimore Patriot, June 4.
We have recently received a copy of a new "Gaz-
etteer of Maryland," a valuable Work and a com-
plete book of reference for the whole State and the
Federal District. It will be found of great advan-
tage to mercantile nun and to our citizens generally.
The editor, Mr. Richard Edwards, deserves great
credit for his enterprise and perseverance in prepar-
ing this work, which we have no doubt will meet
with a liberal patronage. The maps alone are worth
the very small sura which, is asked for the whole
Gazetteer. It will be offered for sale by the appoint-
ed agents, and at the store of the publisher, MR.
From the Baltimore American. Jan. 26. 1856.
GAZETTEER OR MARYLAND.— In to-day's paper
will be found an advertisement of this valuable
work. Mr. Edwards, the Editor, has bad some ex-
perience in such matters, and bears the highest tes-
timonials of his competency for the task. That a
Work of this kind will be invaluable as a book of
reference, as a guide to the emigrant, and as a grand
advertisement of the natural advantages with which
we are blessed as a State cannot be doubted, and we
learn that our citizens nut only appreciate the enter-
prise, Out are giving it a liberal subscription. The
plan of having advertisements on every alternate
page is a very good one, as by so doing the price of
the work will be greatly reduced. A liberal com-
mission can be paid to agents through whom it will
have a very extensive circulation, and thus it will be
a valuable advertising medium.
Balt. American, May 28.
GAZETTEER OP MARYLAND. — We have examine
with some attention a new Statistical Gazetteer c
the State of Maryland and the District of Columbia-
edited by Mr. Richard Edwards. It is a neat vol-
ume, containing a brief history of the State, a re-,
view of the progress and industrial resources of
every portion of the State and District, and an al-
phabetical list of every county, city, town, post-office,
&c., in the State, as well as many localities not in-
serted in gazetteers of a more general character. It
is a valuable work of reference, and is accompanied
by an excellent map of Delaware, Maryland, and
the District of Columbia. This work should be
within the reach of every business man. The work
is published by Mr. James S. Waters.
We could add hundreds of such notices, which our agents through the country
arc receiving, but these are enough to show the character of the Work.
Agents "Wanted—Call between 8 and 9 o'clock, A. M , and 3 and 4 o'clock, P. M., at 73 west
Baltimore street, Office of the Maryland Gazetteer and Journal of Progress.