Cotlrell Sarah, grocer, 270 Eutaw
Colt ringer Misses, young ladies' school, 85
Colts George, laborer, 38 Brunswick
Couch John, grocer, 61 Watson
Couchman John H. carp, cor Hampstead
and Gist
Coughlan Cornelius, porter, 73 Stirling
Coughlan James, tailor, 70 Orleans
Coughlan Mary, 2 Rock
Coughlan Michael, laborer, 26 Pleasant
Coughlan Patrick, book keeper, 184 s Canal
Coughlan Wm. bottler, 74 Eastern av. dw
169 s Canal
merchant, 79 South, dw 23 Conway
Coulson Andrew, rigger, 220 s Wolfe
Coulson Ann, 5 Bounty lane
Coulson George J. A. book keeper, 84 e
Coulson Georgiana, teacher, 82 e Pratt
Coulson John, 88 Pennsylvania av
Coulson Thos. H book keeper, 82 e Pratt
Coulson Thos. F. 42 Preston
Coulter A. B. CO Biddle
Coulter Alexander, teller Merchants Bank,
60 Biddle
Coulter Ann, 202 Aisquith
COULTER & CO. provision dealers, 53
Light and 4 Ellicott
Coulter Dr. Henry S. 164 Biddle
Coulter Henry, (C. & Co.) 446 w Fayette
Coulter John C. 446 w Fayeite
Coulter J. M. (Jas. Hazlitt & Co.) Charles
n of Eager
Coulter John, teacher, 341 Light
Coulter John P. collector, 161 n Charles
Ceulter Samuel, tailor, 113 n Eutaw
Coulter Samuel, jr. brass finisher, 40 Ross
Coults George, bricklayer, 22 Hammond al
Councell Joel F. grocery, 433 Lexington,
dw 421
Conncill Ruth T. boarding house, 195 e
Counsellor's Hall, 46 Lexington
Counselman George, ostler, 31 s Poppleton
Counselman Jacob, contractor, 131 German
Countess Joseph, carter, 20 McHenry
Countrymy Charles, laborer, 180s Canal
County Wharf, send of Broadway
Coupland Richard, halter, 93 French
Courleander B. music teacher, 10 Barnet
Coursey Benj. F. shoemaker, 383 Cross
Court House, Baltimore City, cor Calvert
and Lexington
Court of Common Pleas, Court House, 2d
floor, Wm. L. Marshall, judge; Wm. J.
Hamill, chief clerk, office 1st floor
Courtenay David, clerk, 203 Franklin
Courtenay David S. officer Farmers and
Merchants' Bank, 203 Franklin
Courmey E. S. & J. A. (C. & Gushing,) 215
w Madison
Courtney & Cushing, tobacco commission
merchants, 65 s Gay
Courtney Enoch S. 215 w Madison
Courtney James A. (C. & Cushing,) 298 w
Courtney James, boiler maker, 51 s Wolfe
Courtney John, carter, 275 e Monument
Courts George W. messenger custom house
290 Pennsylvania av
Courts John, machinist, 124 Poppleton
Cousins John, oak cooper, Mill, d w 28 Fawn
Cousins Lawrence, boiler maker, 124 Sharp
Couth George, wheelwright. 178 s Canal
Covell Joel, supt. B. & O.' R. R. 403 w
Cover Benj. butcher, 673 Pennsylvania av
Covey Dr. Edw. cor Baltimore & Calhoun
Covington Henry, carpenter. Grant near
Lombard, dw 169 Aisquith
Cowan David, (Nourse & C.) 173 w Fayette
Cowan Darby, tailor, 196 Montgomery
Cowan Thomas, proprietor hacks, 30 Boy d
Cowan Thomas, merchant tailor & clothier
s Calvert, dw 175 w Fayette
Cowan Dr. Wm. L. surgeon dentist, 50 s
COWAN WM. H. attorney at law, 8 Court
house lane, dw 111 e Fayette
Cowan Wm. A. class blower, 118 Hughes
Coward Capt. W. Liberty road
Cowles L. office, 19 1/2 South
COWLES W. S. coal agent, 19 1/2 South
Cower Peter, musician, 161 s Eden
Cowes John C. machinist, 96 e Lombard
Cowles W. & Sons, china and glassware
dealer?, 25 s Calvert, dw 186 n Calvert
COWMAN & BROTHER, hosiery and
glove dealers, 59 n Howard
Cowman Edward, (C. & Bro.) 248 Saratoga
Cowman Joseph, clerk, 137 Mulberry
Cowman Martha, trim. deal. 71 Lexington
Cowman Samuel S. jr. (C. & Bro.) 65 Lex-
Cowpland William S. lottery office, 30 w
Pratt, dw 200 e Pratt
Cox Amos A. lime and feed dealer, 226
Cox Ann, 70 Jefferson
Cox Charles, coachpainler, 19 East
Cox Elias, shoemaker, 104 n Caroline
Cox Esau, brickmaker, Chester, s of Bank
Cox Elisha, (Glass & C.) 88 Bank
COX DR. E. GOVER. apothecary, cor
Pine and Baltimore, dw 93 n Paca
Cox Henry, deputy sheriff, 242 w Fayette
Cox Isaac, bricklayer, 208 n Bond
Cox Isaac, hat and cap store, 190 w Balti-
more, dw Lombard near Cove
Cox James, paver. 236 Hollins
Cox James, cigarmaker, 154 n Bond
Cox James H. 58 n Greene
Cox John, yeast maker, 110 Mullikin
Cox John, printer, 15 McElderry
Cox John, confectioner, 115 e Pratt
Cox John, R. (Coleman & C.) 93 n Paca
Cox Rev. Luther J. cashier City Collector's
office, dw 44 Saratoga
Cox Luther J. jr. com. merchant, 3 Bowley's
whf. dw 65 Barre
Cox Marion, shoemaker, 109 n Canal
Cox Mrs. Margaret, Indian vegetable med-
icine, 158 e Baltimore
Cox Michael, carter, 46 French
Cox Moses, laborer, Light below Elth
Cox Nathl. attorney, 9 Court house lane, dw
224 Franklin
Cox O. H clerk, 38 n Calrert