Byrd, f West st. t Patapsco river, e from Light
Cable, f Commerre st. t Spear's wharf, s Pratt.
Calhoun, f James st. t n b line, w Fremomt,
Callioun al. f Pratt at. t Camcien, w Light.
Callendar, f Balt. st. t Columbia, e Poppleton
Culvert, f Pratt st. t n b line, first st. w of South.
Cambridge, f Canton av. t Burke st near Boston
Camden, f Paca st. t Light st. wharf, s Pratt.
Camden lane, f Camden street t Dover.
Camel al. f Garden st. t Cathedral n Biddle.
Canal now Central av. f n b line t city dock, w
of Eden street.
Camion, f nw branch t n b line suburbs.
Canton, do do do
Canton av. f c Falls av. t e b line, s Eastern av
Carry, f James st. t n b line e Callioun.
Caroline, f Dock st t n b line, w Bond.
Caroline al., f Caroline st. t Spring- s Baltimore
Carpenter al. f Fremont st. t Howard, s Lomb'd
Carroll, f Gwynn's falls t Cross st. sw suburbs.
Carrot, f Patap. riv. t nw branch, near the fort.
Carter al. f n b line t Hofftnan st w York av.
Castle al. f n b line t Canton av., e Wash'ton st
Cathedral, 1 Mulberry t n b Hue, e Park.
Cathedral al, f Charles st. t Catted'l, s Franklin
Cecil at. f mid. branch t Montgom'y st. e Eutaw
Cedar al. f Hoffman st. t Preston, ne Penn. av.
Center, f French t Howard, a Monument.
Center al. f Fayette st t Marion, w Howard.
Central av. formerly Canal, f n b line t city dock
w of Eden street.
Chapel, f Penn. av. t Windsor Mill r'd, s Gold st
Chapel al. f Mulberry st. t Pleasant, e Park.
Charles, f n b line t middle branch, w Light.
Chase, f Cathedral st. t e b line, coin, near the
junction of Howard and Cathedral.
Chatham, f w b line t James st ,sw limits.
Chatsworth, f Lexington t Fremont, w Pine.
Cheapside, f Water st t Pratt, c Calvert..
Chesapeake, f n w bran t n b line, e Harris's cr'k
Chesapeake al. f n b 1 t nw bran, e Harris's cr'k
Chester, f nw bran, t n b line.e Washing-ton st.
Chestnut, f Fayette t French, e Exeter.
Chestnut, f Center market space wharf t Union
wharf, a Eastern av
Chestnut al.,f Frem't st t mid br. nr te.r Barre.
Chestnut al, f Fremont st. t Pearl, n Franklin.
Chew. 1 Harford av. t e b line, n Madison st.
China al., f middle branch t Lee st., w Eutaw.
Choptank, f nw branch t n b line, c Wash'ton st
Christopher al., f Charles st. t Race
Church lane, 1 Saratoga st. t St. Paul rear of St.
Paul's Church.
Cider al, f Penn et. t Howard, s German.
Ciagett. f Lawrence t Nealr, lead t Fort McH'y
Clagett al, f Adams st. t Franklin, w Chatsw'h
Clare, f Jamesst t, mid. bran., cros Wash av.
Claret al., f Frem't st t mid. br com s of Lee
Clatkson al., f West st t mid. bran w Hanover
Clay, f Liberty t Howard, n Lexington
Clement, f s Sharp st. t Port McHenry, s Cross.
CImm, i Boyle st. t Fort McHenry.
Cohen's al., 1 Mulberry st. e Eutaw.
Colt , f w b line t James st south of Pratt.
College al , f Mulberry st. t Saratoga, e Park.
Colt, f e Oliver st. t n b line, e York av.
Columbia, f s Paca st t Washington av. s Pratt
Comb al., f Lee st. t Hill, w Hanover.
Comet, west of Aisquith, north of Fayette.
Commerce, f Lombard st to the basin, e South.
Commerce lane, f Second s t. 1 Lombard e South.
Concord, f Fish Market space to Eastern av.
Concord, f Boston t Essex, Canton.
Conn, B of Eastern av , w of Union dock.
Conttitution. f Madison t French, e of Falls.
Conway. f Frem't st. t Light st.whf 2 sts.s Pratt
Cooke f w s line t Fremont s . nw suburbs.
Cookse, f Pat. riv. t nw br. bet, town and fort.
Court House lane, f Calvt. st. t St. Paul, s side
of Court-house.
Courtland, f Lexington t Franklin, w Calvert.
Cove al , w of Fremont st n of Lexington.
Covington, f nw br. t Donald'n st. 4 sts. e Light
Cowpen al , f Liberty st. t Eutaw, n Baltimore.
Cox, f nw bran, t nw bran, betw. town and fort
Creek al , f Hamburg- st t middle branch.
Crocket al., n f 323 Franklin.
Cromwell, f mid br. t Pat riv. w Fort Covingt'n
Crooked lane, f Fayette st. t Lexington, w Cha's
Cross, f Ramsay st. t nw branch, s Henrietta.
Cross al., f Greene st t Paca, s Franklin.
Cuba, f Hull t Steuart, Locust Point.
Cumberland, f Calhoun st. t n b line, nw suburbs
Curley, f Lancaster t Toone, e Patuxent.
Curtis al f Thompson st. t Franklin, w Frem't
Cypress al., f Lombard st. t Dover, e Sharp.
Dallas, f n b line t Dock st. w Bond.
Dark lane, f St. Paul st. t Calvert, n Lexington
David, f Patap. riv. t nw br. betw. town & fort
Davis, f Lexington t Centre, e Calvert.
Dawson al., f Pratt st. t St. Peter, w Fremont.
Decatur, f Paiap. r. t nw br. betw. town & fort
Decker, f w Chase t n b line, w of n Charles.
Deluol al., f Penn. av. t Mad'n st. se of Biddle.
Dewberry al.. f Lexington st. t Pratt, w Oregon
Dexter al , f Gwynn's tails t Cross st sw suburbs
Diamond, f Baltimore, t Mulberry, e Greene.
Dicksonal., f Mosherst t Lanvale, w Cathedral.
Dillon, f nw b t e b line, Canton.
Division, f Hoffman st. t n b line, ne Penn. av.
Dock, f draw bridgs t Bond st. s city dock.
Dolphin f Frem't & Adams t Oliver, nw Biddle
Donaldson, f mid. br. t Patap r. n Fort Cov'n.
Dorsey, f middle branch t Ferry Point.
Douglas, f Chestnut t Aisquith, n Fayette.
Dove al , f n b line t Townsend st., e York av.
Dover, f Fremont st. t Hanover market, s Pratt
Duncan al., f n b line t nw branch, e Hospital.
Durham, f n b line t Lancaster st., e Ann
Eager, f Cathedral st. t e b line, 2 sts n Mad'n.
Eagle, f w b line t James st. four sts. s Pratt.
East Falls av. run. f Granby to back basin, e
side Jones' Falls
East, f French t Baltimore, 2 sts. e Exeter.
East av., f n b line t nw branch, e limits.
Eastern av., f C. Market t e b line, n Canton av.
Eden, f Harford av. t city dock, e Canal st.
Eden al., f Eden st. t Canal, n Baltimore.
Edward, 6 doors f McElderry, run. f Aisquith.
Eislen, f Sterrett t Fremont.
Eden al., f Scott st. t Sterrett, n Hamburg.
Elbow lane, f Paca st. t Fremont, s Columbia.
Elder, e of Biddle, s of Ross.
Elizabeth lane, f Cross st. t West, e Charles.
Elk, f James st. t middle branch, sw suburbs.
Ellicotl, t Pratt t Water, e Light.
Elliott f nw branch t e b line, Canton.
Elm, f w Townsend st, t n b line, nw of Biddle.
Emory, f German t Columbia, w Greene.
Ensor, f Gay t n b l com at Indep't En. house
Etna lane, f Harrison st. t Frederick, s Gay.
Essex, f Canton av. t Burke st.. Canton.
Ellag, f Preston t Baker, bet. Ross st. & Pa. av.
Eutaw, f Biddle st. t middle branch, e Para.
Eutaw court, f Eutaw st. t State, s Franklin.
Exchange Place, f South st. t Gay, in Lombard
Exchange al., (Lombard st. t Second w Gay.
Exeter, f French st. t city dock, e High.
Falls, fe Falls av. t Constitution st. n Monument
Falls road con. with Cath'l st. bet. Chas & Park
Falls al. f n b line t John st., n Belvidere bridge
Fawn, f e Falls av. t Canal st. n Eastern av.
Fayette, f s b line t e b line, n Baltimore st.
Federal, f Cathedral st. t e b line, 8 sts. n Mad'n