Montell F. S. 97 Smith's wharf
Neale, Harris & Co. 26 Commerce
Oelricks & Lurman (and shipping,) 31 s
Osborn J. W. 28 Bowly's wharf
Owens Wm. H. over 16 Bowly's wharf
Owings Samuel B. 75 South
Parkhurst J. jr. & Co. 78 South
Patterson Samuel, 67 s Gay
Pawson Wm. S. 95 Smith's wharf
Pearce Charles R. 66 Buchanan's wharf
Peirce Thomas, 10 Bowly's wharf
Pendexler. Alden & Co. 19 s Charles
Penn & Mitchell, cor. South & Lombard
Perot W. H. 13 Exchange building
Pill Charles F. 12 Commerce
Pope F. F. 85 Bowly's wharf
Pratt Enoch & Bro. 27 s Charles
Price Wm. G. 103 w Lombard
Reed Lvman & Co. 7 Spear's wharf
Rhoads'W. & Son, cor Pratt & Smith's whf
Rhodes B. M. 141 w Pratt
Richardson James A. 73 Smith's wharf
Richardson & Hoffman, 95 Smith's wharf
Rickftts & Whittington, 44 S. Calvert
Rippelmeyer C. H. & Co. 7 German
Robinson Wm. C. 81 South
Robson J. S. & Co. 6 Bowly's wharf
Rose & Lyon L O'Donnell's wharf
Schaefer A. C. 74 South
Sanders J. W. St Bro.40 and 42 s Frederick
Schaer & Kohler, 16 Exchange buildings
Schumacher A & Co. 9 s Charles
Seth Wm. G. over 1 Bowly's wharf
Shurtz Wm. D. 11 Commerce
Snively A. 5 Commerce
Spaulding B. R. & Co. 16 Commerce
Starr W. & Sons, 85 s Charles
Stewart C. M. 52 s Gay
Stickney & Co. 57 Exchange Place
Stirling & Ahrens, 54 Buchanan's wharf
Street J. B. 6 Bowly's wharf
Strohm J. F. 67 South
Sullivan James, 2 Spear's wharf
Taliafero G. B. 37 Cheapside
Telfair T. 107 Smith's wharf
Thompson & Oudesluys, 57 s Gay
Thurslon & Frye, 19 s Charles
Tinges & Allnut (shoes, &c.) 9 German
Townshend & Perrie, 80 Light-st.wharf
Townsley H. & Co. 82 South
Tucker R. & H. R. (shipping) 52 s Gay
Tyson & Bros. 40 Commerce
Von Kapff & Arens, 22 German
Wallace & Dunnock, 73 Smith's wharf
Weems G. W. 96 Light
Whedbee & Dickinson, foot of South
White Francis, 163 North
Whiteford J. 6 Spear's wharf
Whitridge S. & Co. 22 Bowly's wharf
Williams John & Son, 9 Smith's wharf
Williams N. P. 26 Bowly's wharf
Willis B. F. 3 Ellicott
Wilson T. O. cor. Gay & Pratt
Winter Henry, 62 Buchanan's wharf
Withington & Eastman, 62 Buchanan's wh
Wolf & Bergman, 244 w Pratt
Wood Samuel of J. 154 w Pratt
Wood Wm H. 102 Light-st.wharf
White Francis, 162 North
White & Elder, cor. Exchange place and
Wysham & Hopkins, 120 s Eutaw
Composition Roofers.
Putnam M. R. (agent) 2 North
Warren C. M. & Co. (fire and water proof,)
2 North
Confectioners and Fruiterers.
Achenhack Edwin, 104 n Howard
Anderson Susan, 70 Jasper
Baccigaluppo Vin. 60 n Gay
Bachelor Jacob F. 23 Pennsylvania av
Barringer George, 370 Saratoga
Barton Wm. H. cor. Ross and Biddle
Bernard James M. 123 Aisquith
Bowers Geotge, 691 w Baltimore
Bregel Joseph F. 71 n Gay
Bridges Wm. 313 w Baltimore
Butcher Alexander, 160 w Baltimore
Butt & Ricketts, 297 w Baltimore
Celio Constantine, 57 n Charles
Clark Peter, Lee near Howard
Clarke& Jones, 20 Light
Coates James, cor Baltimore and Frederick
Cox John, 115 e Pratt
Cox Wm. J. 348 Franklin
Creamer John, 288 n Gay
Crosby Joseph & Son, 38 s Charles
Curlett Lewis G. 52 e Baltimore
Davis Charles, 68 s Howard
Flamm Peter, 88 Lexington
Friend & Price, 183 w Baltimore
Garraud Mrs. E. 104 w Baltimore
Gheo Andrew, 70 w Baltimore
Gilmore James D. 243 w Pratt
Gilmore Wm. W. 277 w Fayette
Hammersley D. L. 246 Lexington
Hatter Martin, 133 n Gay
Herman Christian, 83 n Charles
Higgins & Pontier, 144 w Pratt
Holmes Nathaniel, 210 s Broadway
Jordan &. Crook, cor. Light and Pratt
Karmrot John, 434 w Baltimore
Kemp Ann, 244 s Broadway
Kephart & Darby, 296 w Baltimore
Kidd James R. 35 w Baltimore
Kidd & White, 16 w Baltimore
King James, 221 e Baltimore
Lamb L. H. & Bro. 163 n Eutaw
Lanahan Wm. 122 w Lombard
Martin Charles &, Co. 4 n Calvert
Martin George A. & Bro. 92 w Pratt
McDermot Timothy, 14 e Baltimore
Merchant J 146 n Gay
Mitchell S. J. 96 w Baltimore
Munder C. F. & Bro. 27 s Liberty
Ness & Weber, 361 w Baltimore
Pool Thomas, 155 w Fayette
Sehmitlt Wm. J. 669 w Baltimore
Schneider, Voneiff & Pracht, 157 Franklin
Schwartz & Dix, 117 w Lombard
Summers & Pouder, 1 n Howard
Valentine F. cor. Pratt and Calvert