Bosley James H. forwarding and com. mt.
124 North, dw 159 w Biddle
Bosley Hannah C. grocery and confect. 235
e Pratt
Bosley John, grocer, 64 Hampstead
Bosley John H. general agent, 6 South, dw
Fayctte near Howard
Bosley John, cooper, 42 Orleans
Bosley Mary J. 14 Biddle alley
Bosley Talbot, wagoner. 276 Aisquith
Bosley William, 90 Penn. av
Bosley Washington, 56 French
Bosman Edward, laborer, 56 Morion
Boss Daniel, tailor, 77 n Exeter
Boss Henry, plumber, 109 Thames, dw 139
s Bond
Boss Isaac, watchman, 28 n Bond
Boss Natli'l. watchmaker, 1 Maiden lane
Bosse Andrew, shoemaker, 353 w Pratt
Bosselle Lewis, coal agent, 94 s High
Bossle Charles, baker, 5 e Pratt
Bosson James W. uphulsterer, 341 w Balti-
more, dw 123 Biddle
Bostick Ann, shoebinder, 10 New
Bostick Joseph, foundry man, 130 s Canal
Boston Charles, house carp. 119 s Eden
Boston Jacob, clerk, 28 McElderry
Boston Jno. B. (B. & Price) 369 e Baltimore
BOSTON & PRICE, halters, 129 w Bal-
Boston John E. H. book keeper, 130 Lex-
Boston Samuel, puddler, 24 Williamson al
Boston Steamship wharf, foot of McElder-
ry's wharf
Boston Wm. bleacher and presser. 10 Haw
Boswell Benjamin, turner, 55 Raborg
Boswell James E. piano forte manuf. 66s
Charles, dw 309 e Baltimore
Boswell Margaret A. 127 Bar re
Boswell Wm. brickmaker, 134 Columbia
Buteler Joseph J. carpenter, 375 Saratoga
Boteluff John, bag manuf. 165s Eden
Both man Chas. tobacconist, 212 Hanover
Bothman Henrietta, 122 Henrietta
Bott Konig, tailor, Canton
Botsford J. B. 111 Sharp
Botthott George, cooper, 320 s Charles
Botthoff Jacob, cooper, 59 Henrietta
Bottles John, laborer, 10 Concord
Bottles Michael, huckster, 87 McElderry's
Bottomer Fred. J. shoemaker, 108 Saratoga
Bottomer John, hackman, 44 York
Boitomer James, carpenter, 5 Carlton
Bottomer Thos. shoemaker, 102 Saratoga
Bottreiil Isabella, 179 e Monument
Boucher Frederick, clerk, 304 w Pratt
Boucher Wm. jr. musical inst. maker, 38 e
Bouchsein. Lewis, (Stehl & Co.) 285 n Gay
Bouis John, plumber, 438 w Baltimore, dw
70 Raborg
Bouis Joseph, laborer, 86 Penn. av
Bouis Stephen, tinner, &c. 40 Portland
Boulden David P. grocer, 43 s Bond
Boulden Dr. J. E. P. 165 St. Paul
Bouldin Mrs. Ariana,2l5 Aisquiih cor. Chew
Bouldin Augustus, surveyor, 17 North, dw
38 Aisquith
Bouldin Owen, surveyor, 17 North, dw Bel
Air av
Bouldin Randolph J. attorney, 17 North, dw
298 e Lombard
Boult Thomas H. pilot, 88 Gough
Bounder Christopher, laborer, 42 Bank
Bourguet Francis, (Deville & B.) 67 e Fay-
Bourke Jane, 193 Lee
Bourne George, com. mt. 19 Commerce, dw
42 n Calvert
BOURNE JAS. Hat Go's store,193 w Balti-
more, d w 29 Gran by— [See Advertisement.]
Bourne Samuel, halter, 22 Somerset
Boury Edward, (Jos. B. & Son) York road
Boury Jos. & Son, imp. French, English,
German & Italian goods, 210 w Baltimore
Bouse John, laborer, Canton
Bo usher Wm. tailor, 63 n Front
Bowden James, shoemaker, 65 Henrietta
Bowden William, grocer. 139 e Madison
Bowdoin George E. com. mt. 95 Smith's
whf. dw 130 n Charles
Bowdoin Severn, 178 Preston
Bowen Benjamin, baker, 101 Jefferson
Bowen Charles H. laborer, 140 Hamburg
Bowen Edward L. butcher, 8 Preston
Bowen George A. bricklayer, 93 Mount
Bowen Geo.W.(B. &Mefcer)2 e Baltimore
Bowen Geo. W. printer, 173 n Eutaw
Bowen Henry C. stone cutter, 4 Little
Bowea Levi, shipsmith, s of basin dw 28
Bowen Mary A. 6 Preston
Bowen & Mercer, lamp and oil dealers, 2 e
Bowen Nathaniel M. shoerak. 166 w Pratt,
dw 281 s Charles
Bowen Oswald, painter, 39 n Caroline
Bowen Richard S. sailinaker, 22 Hill, loft
cor. Camden and Light
Bowen Richard, shoemaker, 35 n High
Bowen Samuel W. plasterer, 63 Jefferson
Bowen Thomas, 43 Green Mt. av
Bowen Wm. (English, B & Co.) 9 Orleans
Bowen Wm. brass founder, 4 Orleans
Bower Adam, grocery, 212 Franklin
Bower Andrew, cabinet maker, 44 Con way
Bo»rer Andrew, laborer, 120 Stirling
Bower Barbara, 494 Saratoga
Bovver Casper, shoemaker, 27 Bank
Bower Casper, sawyer, 41 Philpot
Bower Conrad, 35s Oregon
Bower Frank, laborer, 180s Caroline
Bower Francis carpenter. 23 Josephine
Bower George, cabinet rank. 105 Stirling
Bovver Henry, tailor, 138 e Fayette
Bower John Jacob, butcher, 510 Saratoga
Bovver John, tinner, 13 Comet
Bower John, shoemaker, 182 Wolfe
Bower John, shoemaker, 91 Calvert
Bower John, laborer, 270 s Ann
Bower John, laborer, 45 Eastern ax-
Bower Michael, laborer, 43 e. Monument
Bovver Nancy, Chester n of Eastern av
Bower Simon, sec. hand deal. 258 s Bond
Bowerman Henry M. book-keep. 179 Garden
Bowers Adam, laborer, 195 s Bond
Bowers Adam, glue maker, 247 Columbia
Bowers Clement, tavern, 697 w Baltimore