Tellec Alexander, huckster, 22 Tessier
Teller Mary, seamstress, 289 e Aliceanna
Temanus John T. carpenter, Greene near
Mulberry, dw Hand tavern
Temmy Lewis, wagoner, 46 n Canal
Temperly John, butcher, 430 Penn. av
Temple John, bricklayer, Boston, Canton
Templeton James, carpenter, 444 w Fayette
Tenley Robert, printer, 178 n Caroline
Tennant Thomas, property agent, 73 North
Tenneson Catharine, 67 McHenry
Tennison James, hack driver, 2 Diamond
Tennison Mary Ann, 222 s Charles
Tensfield Chas. M. quarter master U. S.
N. 292 Aliceanna
Tenwicker Anna, confectioner and grocer,
243 s Ann
Tepkeng Frederick, tobacconist,41 Thames,
dw cor. Thames and Broadway
Terbert John, 364 Lexington
Terl John, laborer, 31 New Church
Terpsichore Hall, 550 w Baltimore
Terral George, baker, 175 s Bond
Terral Mrs. J. milliner, 124 Lexington
Terral Capt. Michael P. mariner, 23 1/2 s
Terry Isaiah, millwright, 94 Columbia
Tessier Andrew, confectioner, 96 Pearl
Tevis Joseph, clerk B. & O. R. R. 27 n
Tewksbury Geo. D. (Wesley Starr & Sons)
22 Holli'ns
Thaler George & Bro.tinners.101 Franklin
Than hauler Jacob, tavern, 18s Frederick
THARP GEORGE, sen. silver plater, 133
w Lombard — [See Advertisement.]
Tharp Dr. Jonathan, 65 e Baltimore
Thater Charles, boot maker, 47 McHenry
Thater Gotleib, variety store, 328 Light
Thater Philip, boot and shoemaker, 280 w
Thawley Thos. W. sailor, 27 Hill
Thayer Laban, blacksmith, 21 Chapel
The Printing Job Office, Sun building, 3d
Theile Helen, tailoress, 254 Hanover
Theile Henry W. tailor, 251 s Ann
Theinert Chas. A. F. piano maker, 75 s
Theisz Conrad, tinner, 82 Pearl
Thever George, laborer, 48 Philpot
Therle Mark, iron moulder, 495 w Pratt
Thesing John, locksmith, 141 Pierce
Theye Barman H. grocer, 213 Henrietta
There Harrnan, grocer. 246 Conway
Thibault Conrad, glass blower, 33 Church
Thiede F. W.(J. F. Petri & Co.)82 Saratoga
Thiemeyer Frederick, 268 Mulberry
Thieymeyer John H.box maker,Sharp st a]
dw 166 Mulberry
Third German Reformed Church, n e cor
Paca and Saratoga
Third German Lutheran Church, cor. Hol-
iday and Saratoga
Third Presbyterian Church, Eutaw near
Thirion John, laborer, Carey near Pratt
THIRLKEL J. H. C. tinner, 363 w Pratt.
[See Advertsement.]
Thirlkel Wm. tinner, 363 w Pratt
Thistle Andrew, laborer, 238 s Dallas
Thistle David, grocery, 130 Aisquith
OF MARYLAND, G. Kerr agent, 146
w Fayette
Thole John, tavern, 13 Park
Thoman J. H. grocery, 1 Josephine
Thomas Adam, cabinet maker, 47 Holland
Thomas Alexander C. carpenter, 56 n Fre-
Thomas Ann Maria, boarding house, 246
e Pratt
Thomas Babylon, carter, 291 s Charles
THOMAS BENJAMIN,dry goods mercht.
308 Light, and Baltimore near High, dw
217 s Broadway
Thomas Chas. U S. N. 83 St. Paul
Thomas Christian K. (Devries, Stephens
& T.) 340 w Lexington
Thomas Conrad, well digger, 7 n Eden
Thomas Daniel M.attorney, 14 Law build's.
Thomas David E.jr.(T.& Price) 14 Aisquith
Thomas & Rogers, lumber commis. merchts.
East Falls av
Thomas Doington, brickmak. 293s Charles
Thomas Edward L. (Wm. Adreon & Co.)
93 Lee
Thomas Edward, iron roller, Canton
Thomas Edward C. (E. C. T. & Sons) 308
w Fayette
Thomas Dr. Edwin S. 44 Aisquith
Thomas Edwin, grocery, 189 Eastern av
Thomas E. C. & Sons, oyster and fruit
dealers, 452 w Baltimore
Thomas Eli stencil cutter, 46 Portland
Thomas Eliza, tutoress, 159 Hollins
Thomas Elizabeth, 101 St. Paul
Thomas Francis, shoemaker, 57 Mulberry
Thomas Franklin, tinner, 37 n Poppleton
Thomas George H. chairmaker, 41 Abbot
Thomas Geo. P. (Heim, Nicodemus & T.)
83 n Paca
Thomas George W. 151 Bank
Thomas Henry, brickmaker, 112 s Paca
Thomas Henry, shoemaker, 13 Scott
Thomas Henry, 73 Columbia
Thomas Henry, clerk, 139 n Exeter
Thomas Henry T. clerk, 58 Aisquith
Thomas Hezekiah L. ship carp. Washing-
ton n of Bank
Thomas Ibhar A. pilot, Patapsco, Canton
Thomas Jacob B. turner, 292 Saratoga
Thomas Jacob H. cabinetmkr.173 Madison
Thomas Dr. James Carey, 41 Sharp
Thomas Capt. James M. 51 s Caroline
Thomas Dr. J. Hanson, president Farmers
and Merchants' Bank, se cor. Mount Ver-
non and Washington places
Thomas James, porter, 110 Orleans
Thomas James cabinetmaker, 184 East
Thomas James, carpenter, 42 n Amity
Thomas James P. butcher, Point lanej e of
Haiford av
Thomas Jane, boarding house, 90 Lee
Thomas Capt. John, 23 n Eden
Thomas Capt. John H. 72 s Ann
Thomas John, butcher, 250 e Biddle
Thomas Dr. John Chew, 54 McCulloh
Thomas John Henry, 40 Williamson al
Thomas John, grocery, 341 s Howard