Blacklar Charles, provision dealer, 130 e
Pralt, dw 293 e Fayette
Blacklock Nicholas F. produce & com. m't
118 Light st wharf, dw 440 w Fayette
Blackway Wm. miller, Covington
Blackstone Louisa, Hollin's alley
Blades John L. chair maker, corner Gough
and Chapel
Blades Charles, butcher, 27 Jefferson
Blades Samuel, chair maker, 157 n Exeter
Blade David, baker, 654 w Baltimore
Bladen Chas. H. collector, 309 e Lombard
Blair & Co. gas fitters, 9 Eutaw House,
Baltimore, dw L. B. 55 n Eutaw
Blair George W. copperplate printer, 230
Blair John, tailor, 46 Chatsworth
BLAKE CHARLES, importer and dealer
in watches, jewelry, &c. 217 w Baltimore,
dw Garden n of Lanvale
Blake Joel N. machinist and founder, 40 e
Monument, dw 200 n Eutaw
Blake John, barber. 118 s Howard
BLAKE JOHN W. saddler, 279 w Pratt
Blake John, carpet weaver, 47 Tyson
Blake John R. bricklayer, 112 n Caroline
Blake Joseph, omnibus driver, 958 w Bait.
Blake Margaret, 18 Pleasant
Blake Martin, grocer, 5 n Eden
Blake Samuel, carpenter, 309 Mulberry
Blake George, grocer and dry goods dealer,
173 s Sharp
Blakeney Elizabeth, 54 Somerset
Blakeslee Ransom jr. succes's to Bait. Clock
Co. 18 s Charles, dw 72 McCulloh
Blanch James C. potter, 114 n High
Blanch James, carpenter. 48 Orleans
Blanchard D. Harris, Secretary to Mayor,
City Hall, dw 92 McCulloh
Blanchard E. Wyatt, attorney at law, 53 w
Fayette, dw 27 Cathedral
Blanchard Trios. H. grocer, 91 e Lombard
Blandy Dr. Alfred A. surgeon dentist, n e
corner Charles and Lexington
Blandy George, pcrter, 70 Regester
Blaney James W. bricklayer. 20 s Fremont
Blaney Sarah, 2G6 Green Mount av
BLANEY WM. B. general com.mercht.
97 Smith's wharf, dw 92 n Charles
Blanford Daniel, leather inspector, 184
Blanford Elizabeth, 144 n Bond
BLANCK JOHN, tavern, 471 w Baltimore
Blank Chas. tailor. 8 Trinity
Blanke Wm. laborer, 313 Canton avenue
Blankelhorn Ferdinand, cooper, 165 e Lom-
Blankelhorn Peter P. cabinet maker, 57
Blass William H. cabinet maker, 5 n Gay,
dw 114 Pearl
Blatchley Peter, 252 n Canal
Blather Frederick, boatman, 268 Aliceanna
Blattan A. butcher, Choptank, near Fayette
Blaufuss Wm. L. tailor, 267 Franklin
Blecker Julius, baker, 28 Jasper
Blessing Daniel, carpenter, 39 n High, dw
190 n Canal
Blick James C. dry goods dealer. 115 n Gay,
94 Chew
Blick Wm. B. & Co. lottery office, 2 n
Calvert, dw W. B. B. 118 Orleans
Blick Wm. plasterer, 123 Orleans
Blimline Henry, fnrn. dealer, 21 Perm. av
Blimline Jos. Merchants' hotel, 7 n Liberty
Blimline John, blacksmith, 426 w Pratt
Blinsinger George, carpenter, 145 Ross
Blissard John, coppersmith, 245 Wolfe
Blizzard C. H. butter depot, cor Ensor and
Blizzard Stephen, machinist, 24 n Spring
Blocker Daniel, supt. scales, 541 w Fayetle
Block Archibald, 234 s Ann
Block Ernst, fireman, 251 s Ann
Block George, laborer, 221 Light
Block Henry, laborer, Aliceanna st. Canton
Block Julia, 4 n Schroeder
Block John, (Thomsen, Woods & B.) 7
Block Lewis, second-hand dealer, 58 McEl-
Block Mrs. Harriett, 185 n Eden
Block Simon G. cabinet & dry goods dealer,
250 s Bond
Blotne John, tavern, 26 w Lombard
Blomier Ernst, shoemaker, 81 s Bethel
Blondheim Hertz, tailor, 105 n Howard, dw -
59 n Eutaw
Blondheim Hart, clothier, 59 n Howard
Blood Wm. laborer, Ogston, near Franklin
Bloom Christopher, butcher, Point lane,
near Harford avenue
Bloom Joseph, tailor, 14 Green Mount av
Bloom Valentine, wheel wri't, 378 Saratoga
Bloome Barbara, 103 s Bond
Bloomer John W. hatter, 40 w Baltimore,
dw 97 Aisquith
Blotkamp Wm. watchmaker, 225 s Bond
Bloum George H. confectioner, 56 Portland
BLOXHAM JOHN, furniture dealer, 45
Blubaug, George O. tinner, 34 Valery
Blum Ferdinand, barber, 251 Canton av
Blutn George, carter, 45 Albemarle
Blum George, laborer, 189 Dallas
Blum George, barber, 96 Richmond
Blutn Gotleip, sawyer, 201 s Bethel
Blum Isaac, sec. hand deal. 193 e Lombard
Blutn Isaac, clothier, 216 s Caroline
Blurn Jacob, shoemaker, 35 Lancaster
Blum Leurs, dry goods deal. 230 s Charles
Blum Ludwick, tailor, 75 Hanover
Blum Samuel K. clerk, 167 e Lombard
Blutn Solomon, (Hess & B.) 35 e Lombard
Blumburg Leopold, umbrella manufacturer
6 e Baltimore
Blumenthal Bernard P. tobacconist, 61 Han-
Blumenthal Abraham, dry goods dealer,
185 Sharp
Blumera Frederick, tanner, 147 n Eden
Blummer Hen. carter, Chesapeake, Canton
Blumsick Henry, furniture wag. 235 s Ann
BLUNDELL DENNIS, clothier, 98 n
Blundell Malachi, mail agent, 248 n How-
Blundell, Wm. 27 New Church
Blumenbers; Julius J. jeweler, 11 s Gay
Blunt Stephen, shoemaker. 124 Boyd