Stocksdale Nelson & Son, clothiers, 78 Cen-
tre Market space, dw 211 e Fayette
Stockton Aaron W. (S. Dunigah & Shin-
nick,) 298 e Pratt
Stockton, Dunigan & Shinnick, ship join-
ers, 36 Pell. [See Advertisement.]
Stockton Rev. Thomas H. 68 Lexington
Stodars John, blacksmith, 26 New Church
Stoddard Isaiah T. protessor music, 331 w
Stoddard Capt. John B. 195 e Pratt
Sioddard Lafayette, omnibus driver, 103
Penn. av
Stoddard Nathaniel, carp. 321 w Lombard
Stoesel John C. tailor, 227 s Broadway
Stoetzer Charles; shoemaker, 203 s Charles
Stoffel Henry, shoemaker, 161 s Fremont
Stoffregan Charles, barber, 19 Penn. av
Steffregan Fredk. barber, 241 s Broadway
Stohm Frederick, 180 w Madison
Stoker Philip, carter, 53 Batik
Stokes Benjamin, watchman, 115 s Bond
Stokes John, gun smith, 134 Mullikin
Stokes Dr. Wm. H. 52 Saratoga
Stokes Wm. B. president Balt. Coal Co.
office cor. Davis and Lexington, dw 233
w Madison
Stokes Wm W. 107 Hamburg
Stokey Marlin, carter. 188 Eastern av
Slolenbaw Harman, butcher, 1019 w Pratt
Stolpp John L. confectioner, 154 Saratoga
Stomfeel Michael, laborer, 233 Canton av
Stone Ann, 90 Elbow lane
Stone Benjamin F. 231 n Howard
Stone Conrad, laborer. 294 Wolfe
Stone David, watchman, 303 Penn. av
Stone George, laborer, n of Elliott, Canton
Stone J. Hervey, of auditor's office, dw 41
n Bond
Stone James H. (Whiteley, Bros. & S.) 2G8
Stone John, laborer, 81 Wolfe
Stone John F. bricklayer, 93 Johnson
Stone Margaret E. 156 s Washington
Stone Seth, bricklayer, 71 North
Stone Waller, grainer, 171 German
Stone Wm, L. 164 Cross
Stone Wm. W. 164 Cross
Stonebraker Samuel, (Newcomer & S.) 223
w Lombard
Stoner Sec. clerk, 22 Pearl
Stoops Aaron & Son, dealers in boots, shoes,
straw goods, &c 94 Hanover
Stoor Eliza, 21 Spring
Storch John, tailor, 42G Saratoga
Stork Andrew, turner, 152 East
Stork Charles G. tobacconist, 17 Center
Market space
Sunk Charles, jeweler, 18 Sharp
Stork John T. pattern makr. 459 w Lombard
Stork Langhorn T. cabinetmaker, 65 Chew
Storm Mrs. C. M. dry goods dealer, 109 n
Storm Mary Ann, 60 Chatsworth
Storm S W. clerk to Sheriff Baltimore co.
26 w Fayette
Storma John, laborer, 282 Aliceanna
Stortz Jacob, cabinetmaker, 162 e Lombard
Story Ann, boarding house, 50 Barre
Story George, machinist, 60 s Oregon
Story John T.mercht.tailor,448 w Baltimore
Stouffenbelta George, laborer, Canton
Stouffer Chas. F. in Custom House, 403 w
Stouffer Jacob, printer, 38 Marion
Stouffer John, clerk, 66 e Baltimore
Stouffer John, carpenter, 38 Marion
Stoumrouse F, blacksmith, 343 Canton av
Stout Eliza, 183 Forest
Stout Henry, attorney, 76 w Fayette
Stout Henry, laborer, 285 Columbia
Stout Henry, laborer, 148 Bank
Stout Isabella, 3 Hollingsworth
Stout Joseph W.blacksmith,34 s Schroeder
Stover Christiana, 71 Chesnut
Stover George W. carpenter, 66 s Poppleton
Stow Charles, clerk, 139 Hanover
Stow John, of saw mill, Uhler's al. dw 139
Stow Lewis, (Coover, Tysinger & S.) 139
Stow Thomas, of saw mill, Uhler's al. dw
139 Sharp
Stowell A. jr. (Gould.S. & Ward) 26 n
Stowell Wm.J.of P.W. &.B. R. R.114 s Eden
Stowman Wm. hotel, Annapolis road near
St. Patrick's Church, (Catholic) cor.Broad-
way and Bank
St. Patrick's School, Broadway n of Bank
St. Paul's Church, (Episcopal) cor. Charles
and Saratoga
St. Peter's Church, (Catholic) cor. Hollins
and Poppleton
St. Peter's Catholic male school, 17 s Pop-
St. Peter's (Protestant Episcopal) Church,
cor. Sharp and German
St. Peter's Parochial school, German e of
Strahel Joseph, tailor, 27 Washington
Stradley George, carpenter, 92 Orleans
Strahan Eben. accountant and collector,
48 s Bond
Strailman George, conductor, 50 s Poppleton
Straler John, grocery, 117 s Exeter
Siran Ann, 99 Goug'h
Stran Richard B. penman, 99 Gough
Stran Thomas P. lumber mercht. 99 Gough
Stran Wm. H. ( Andrews & S.) 126 e Pratt
Strandberg Daniel, express wagon, Pratt e
of Ann
Strandley Rachel, nurse, 16 s Broadway
Straney Edward, machinis', 402 Saratoga
Siraney John, machinist, 323 Saratoga
Strasbacker Stephen, tailor, 7 Philpot
StrasburserKaufman,clothier,44| w Pratt.
and 89 n Gay
Strassburger Charles, second hand furn.
dealer, 52 Harrison
Stratton Robert, baker, 272 n Eutaw
Strauh Charles, sawyer, 346 Eastern av
Straubenmiller John, teacher, 89 Regester
Straup Peter, carter, 190 Columbia
Straus, Hartman & Co. wholesale cloth-
iers, 321 and 323 w Baltimore,
Straus Ferdinand, clerk, 19 n Canal
Straus George, shoemaker, 226 s Charles
Straus Henry, (S. & Bro.) Eden