Sparklin Rev. Samuel, 26 Gough
Sparklin Sarah Ann, tavern, 151 Eastern av
Sparklin Tilghman W. police, 124 s Eden
Sparks Edw. R. (Miles & S.) 205 Mulberry
Sparks Thomas, civil engineer, Cathedral
near Hoffman
Sparrow Anne, 24 Barre
Sparrow Dr. Lewis G. 83 Barre, dw 94
Sparizen John, laborer, 98 Lancaster
Spat Charles, butcher, 21 Somerset
Spates George, cooper, 187 Hamburg
Spates Rich'd, fur. wagoner, 1 n Poppleton
Spates Thomas, shoemk. 533 w Baltimore
Spath John, wood sawyer, 202 Durham
Spath Martin, tailor, 108 Wolfe
Spatz Bader, laborer, 184 Stirling
Spavin Conrad, carpenter, 16 Regester
Spavin Wm. blacksmith, Carey nr Pratt
Speakel Valentine, laborer, 37 Fountain
Speaks James H. tinner and stove worker,
9 n Fremont
Speamer Henry, shoemaker, 92 s Exeter
Spear Alexander L. importer and manu-
facturer of watches and jewelry, 66 w
Baltimore, dw 81 e Pratt
SPEAR & COLE, leather deals. 20 Water
Spear J. Otis. clerk, 24 n Greene
Spear John C. clerk, 5 Lexington
Spear John W. (S. & Cole,) 97 e Pratt
Spear Lean.ira, 62 e Pratt
Spear Morris, rag & iron dealer,! 19 Chesnut
Spear Oiis, agent Manufacturing Insurance
Co. 24 n Greene
Spear P. Forney, clerk, 24 n Greene
Spear Rosanna, 38 Preston
SPEAR WILLIAM, agent U. S. Life In-
surance Co. office 65 Second, dw 5 Lex-
Speck Wm. H B. tavern, 324 s Bond
Spedden Daniel, ship carpen. 24 Henrietta
Spedden Edward, book-keeper, 108 Lee
Spedden Maj. Edward, brickmaker, office
170 Light-st. whf. dw 109 Conway
Spedden James, mariner, 90 Hamburg
Spedden John, comb maker, Ogston near
Spedden John R. sailmaker, 12 e Pratt
Spedden Maria Louisa, 74 s Eden
Spedden Robt.. H. brickmk. 447 w Lombard
Spedden Theodore, clerk, 74s Eden
Spedden Timothy, wood dealer, 304 Light
Spedden Vincent P. brickmaker, 447 w
Spedden Vincent P. feed and liquor dealer,
808 w Baltimore
Spedden Wm. L. bricklayer, 72 Lee
Speed Capt. James R. 230 e Fayette
Speigel John, tailor, 86 Wolfe
Speights Capt. Jeremiah T.169 s Broadway
Speights John S. brickmaker, 151 s Paca
Spellacy Martin, laborer, 26 Booth
Spellman Patrick, 127 Aliceanna
Spence Elijah, 247 e Fayette
Spence Enoch, engineer, 169 Regester
Spence Geoige, (Morrow & S.) 22 Comet
Spence George W. (McKinley & S.) 19
Spence Graham K. 90 n Paca
Spence Harman, plasterer, 23 Sterrett
Spence James C. clerk, Saratoga nr Liberty
Spence Isaiah J. umbrella maker. 212 s
Spence John H. tinner, 86 McElderry
Spence Lydia A. 175 Columbia
Sperice Mary Jane, 4 Star al
SPENCE & REID, shipping and commis-
sion merchants, 5 Spear's whf
Spence Samuel, brakesman, 553 w Pratt
Spence Wm. W. (S. & Reid,)36 Cathedral
Spencer C., McCulloh near Hoffman
Spencer Hugh, ship carpenter, 5 Abbey al
Spencer James R. clerk, 15 s Calvert
Spencer Jervis. attorney at law, 15 Law
buildings, dw 82 n Charles
Spencer John M. hosiery and trimmings
dealer, 478 w Baltimore
Spencer Joseph H. (Meredith, S. & Co.) 262
Spencer Oliver, clerk, 29 s Broadway
Spencer Peregrine G. ship carpenter, 29 s
Spencer Samuel F. sailmaker, 61 s Paca
Spencer Sarah Ann, 49 Conway
Spencer Thomas, harbor master, 244 East-
ern av
Spencer Thomas, watchman, 248 e Pratt
Spencer Thomas A. ship carpenter, 251 e
Spencer Wm. P. furniture, chair and bed-
ding manufacturer, 32 s Calvert, dw 4 n
Spendon Bernard, rag dealer, 136 n Eden
Sperry Peter E. clerk, 320 Saratoga
Sperry Wm. M. (Gable, McDowell & Co.)
320 Lexington
Sperzel Aloysius, shoemaker, 11 Park
Spetzler Charles, grocery, 67 Harrison
Speyer Benno,dry gds. deal, 156s Broadway
Spicer Amos, stone mason, 115 Gruridy
Spicer Charles, 218 Biddle
Spicer Hiram, grocery, 430 w Lombard
Spicer John, brickmaker, 654 Light
Spicer John, tailor, 165 Franklin, dw 214
Spicer Nathl. coachsmilh, 103 St. Mary
Spicer & Roberts, real estate agents, 79
Spicer Samuel G., judge Orphans' Court,
180 n Caroline
Spicer Thomas, clerk U. S. District and
Circuit Courts, Court-house la. dw 92 n
Spicer Wm., Heath near Light
Spicker Henry, laborer, 343 William
Spieker Heinrich, grocery, 20 Fawn
Spies Charles L. dancing school, over s e
cor Charles and Balto. dw 243 Saratoga.
[See Advertisement.]
Spies Emil, tailor, 47 Clay
Spies Frederick, tailor, 13 L. Gough
Spies George C. tailor, 83 n Front
Spies John G. brickmaker, yard Ferry rd.
dw 224 Light
Spies Margaret, 45 Lee
Spies George W. machinist, 74 Hill
Spies Mary, huckstress, 37 Garden
Spies Louis W. tailor, 216 n Caroline
Spies Wm. T. brickmaker, Ferry road, dw
297 Sharp
Spilcker C. W. (W. & H. S) 9 Lexington