Seward Edwd. ship carp. 16 Williamson al
Seward Jas. properly agent, 317 Canton av
Seward Jas. ship joiner, 215 Canton av
Seward Jas. laborer, 50 Liberty al
Sfeward John, sailor, 361 s Charles
Seward John A. mariner, 33 Hill
Seward Levi, huckster, 131 Regester
Seward Sol. cooper, 200 Gough
Seward William, ship carver, 160 Gough
Sewall Thomas sr. (S. & Sons) Hofiunan
near Ross
Sewell & Co. foreign & domestic dry goods
dealers, 315 w Baltimore
Sewell Eliza S. 92 Paca
Sewell Frustum, engineer, 311 e Pratt
Sewell James H. blacksmith, 170 s Greene
Sewell Rev. James, 171 Lee
Sewell Joseph, carpenter, 9 n Poppleton
Sewell John D. cabinet maker, 65 Raborg
Sewell Reuben, paper hanger, 245 Gough
Sewell Richard, tanner, 247 Biddle
Sewell Richard. (S. & Co.) 8 Carey
SEWELL THOMAS H. collector, 102
Sewell Thos. & Sons, tannery, 477 Penn. av
Sewell Thos. jr. (T. S. & Sons,)477 Penn. av
Sewell Wm . R. blacksmith, 485 w Lombard
Sexton Michael, 217 w Madison
Sexton S. B. & Co. stove store and foundry,
111 w Lombard, dw S. B. S. 13 Columbia
— [See Advertisem&nt.]
Seydewitz Wm. portmonnaie maker, 224 s
Seyforcl Frederick, laborer. 90 Block
and leather dealers, 22 s Liberty, dw F. S.
115 Lexington
Seymore David, brickmaker, 121 Columbia
Seymore David F. brickmkr. 125 Columbia
Seymore William, laborer. 162 s Fremont
Seymour Wm. brickmaker, 4 Wyeth
Seymour Wm. carpenter, 2 Paca place
Sevmour Wm. W. tailor, 128 Vine
21 n Calvert
Seynave Virginia, French milliner, 21 n
Schaan Daniel, laborer, G Armistead lane
Shackleford Lewis, pilot, 136 Gough
Shad Catherine, 29 Lancaster
Shad George, weaver, 121 Ross
Shade Ambrose, Can.bridge, Canton
Shade George, tailor, 90 Star al
Shade Geo. mariner, Cambridge, Canton
Shade John, ship carp. Cambridge, Canton
Shade Mary, Cambridge, Canton
Shade Philip, tailor, 146 Dover
Shade Thos. ship carp. Cambridge, Canton
Shade Valentine, 74 s Eutaw
Shadey Charles, laborer, 163 s Bond
Shafer Adam, laborer, 18 Baker's court
Shafer Charles, clerk, 56 s Canal
Shafer Daniel, house carp. 23 s Bond
Shafer David, woodseller, 150 n Canal
Shafer Esther A. 177 Preston
Shafer —— , tailor, 21 Rock
Shafer Henry, cabinet maker, 45 Marion
Shafer John, cabinet maker, 124 n Eden
Shafer John, shoemaker, 94 Green Mt. av
Shafer Rich'd, cabinet maker, 200 n Caml
Shafer Simon, paver, cor. Forrest & Eager
Shaffer Bernard, segar store, 289 w Pratt
Shaffer Francis J. S. laborer, 341 Columbia
ShafTer Frederick, 47 Gough
Shaffer George, carpenter, 242 n Canal
Shaffer John, cooper, Peirce w of Fremont
Shaffer John, tailor, 82 Somerset
Shaffer John, confectioner, 133 s Exeter
ShafTer John, tailor, 85 Granby
Shaffer John, cooper, 9 Hoffman
Shaffer Martin, laborer, 116 Burgundy al
Shaffer Michael, wagoner, 111 Pierce
Shaffer Michael, cabinet maker, Anthony
near Gay
Shaffer Michael, laborer, 102 Eastern av
ShafTer George, ship joiner, 308 e Pratt
ShafTer George, china packer, 40 Henrietta
Shaffer Thomas, cooper, 151 e Pratt
Shaffner Wm. bacon curer, 175 Henrietta
Shaffiner Jacob, artificial flower manuf. 74
w Baltimore
Shaffiner Geo. W. watchman Customhouse,
74 w Baltimore
Shagennan Bernard, tailor, 294 Aisquith
Shakspear Edward, millwrig't.276 s Charles
Shambaugh Frederick, tailor, 13 Park
Shamburg John, ale and oyster house, 43 s
Shamburg Wm. & Co's, restaurant, 29 and
31 s Liberty
Shamer Wm. shoemaker, 158 York
Shanahan Sarah, 67 York
Shane Daniel K. bricklayer, Ross near
Shane Edsard M tailor, 34 Camden
Shane Thomas, grocery, Canton
Shane Wm. tail .r, 178 Aliceanna
Shaner Bernard, cooper, 136 Regester
Shaner Geo. butcher, Harford av nr Point la
Shaney Alex. fisher, 27 s Front
Shaning; Michael, laborer, 242 s Bond
Shanks Capt. Frisby, 35 Stiles
Shanks Thos. machinist, 68 Chew
Shanley Thos. hatter, 59 Conway
Shanley Timothy, grocery, 109 Ensor
Shannaman Harriet, 109 Biddle
Shannessv James, painter 163 w Fayette
dw 233
Shanney Joseph, waterman, 69 Granby
Shannon Andrew, furniture wagoner, 115 e
Shannon Capt. Augustus, Burke n of Bos-
ton, Canton
Shannon Bridget, tavern, 11 Center Market
SHANNON JOSEPH P. practical engi-
neer and city commissioner, 83 Second,
dw 62 Pearl
Shannon L. & Co. steam planing mill, n w
cor. President and Canton av
Shannon Margaret R 112 n Bond
Shannon Nathaniel, clerk, 259 n Howard
Shannon Patrick, carter, 1 Pleasant
Shannon Theodore, bridge bnidr,50 Gough
Shannon Thomas, laborer, 26 President
Shannon Thomas, laborer, 123 Dover
Shannon Wm. clerk, 112 n Band
Shant Joseph, book keeper, 4 Portland
Shaper Henry, chair rmker, 83 Granby
Shapter Conrad, cooper. 61 China al