Scheffelein George, tailor, Canton
Scheib Frederick, cartman, 41 Goodman al
Scheib Rev. Henry, 37 Holiday
Scheibenreich Casper, cooper, 229 Hamb'g
Scheick Joseph, plasterer, 84 Ross
Scheidler Augustus, music teacher, 197
Scheildesham Adolph, second hand cloth-
ing dealer, 61 s Eutaw
Scheirrer John, tailor, 237 s Charles
Scheldt Conrad, 212 e Madison
Scheldt Julius. 212 e Madison
Scheldt Dr. Otho P. 212 e Madison
Schelhas Wm. grocer, 455 Lexington
Schelhaus Henry, tailor, 9 Leadenhall
Schelle John, horse dealer, 38 St. Mary
Schelle & Weib S, liquor merchants, 153
Schellenberger Geo. J. cupper and leecher,
53 e Baltimore
Schem John, pianomak. 171 Carpenter al
Schemes John, wheelwright, 38 Columbia
Schenckel Conrad, baker, 225 Light
Schene Bernard, grocery, 145 Hill
Schenk Leonhart, laborer, 199 Aliceanna
Schepeler Predk. (A. Schumacher & Co.)
9s Charles
Scherer Barbara, 195 Montgomery
Scherer Christopher, 238 s Charles
Scherer Christo. cabinetmak. 11 Harrison
Schewenstuhl Thomas, tailor, 101 Regester
Scheyd Godfrey, porter, 142 Henrietta
Schick George", laborer, 62 s Caroline
Schick Martin, nightman, 35 Fell
Schide Jacob, cabinetmaker, 78 s Exeter
Schieferdecker Dr. C. C. water cure, 293
w Pratt. [Set Advertisement.]
Schields Abraham, clothier, 70 w Pratt, dw
62 Center Market space
Schier Charles, grocer, 140 s Howard
Schiermer Charles, tailor, 21 e Monument
Schieve B. grocery, 107 n Eutaw
Schiff Meyer, clothier, 127 n Howard
Schiff Theresa, grocery, 20 Chesnut
Schikle John, laborer, rear 90 Dover
Schlearel John, laborer, 53 President
Schiller Charles, machinist, 87 n Front
Schilling Frederick, carpenter, 97 Ross
Schilling Peter, tailor, 80 Somerset
Schilling Wm. liquor dealer, 68Penn. av
Schillinsberger Micl. fireman, 19 Colvertal
Schillinger George, baker, 280 Light
Schillinger Henry, cooper, 87 Watson
Schillinger Philip, tavern at Observatory,
Schimal Steph. cabinetmk. 135 w Lombard
Schimansky Frederick, cabinetmaker, 124
Eastern av
Schimp Elizabeth, mantuamk. 14sHoward
Schindler Frederick, tailor, 50 Camden
Schirm J.C. merchant tailor, 52 s Charles
Schissler Lawrence, tailor, 35 Regester
Schively Lewis, instrument mk. 139 Stirling
Schiner Robert, carpenter, 155 Stirling
Schlarb Philip, currier, 49 George
Schlayerk John, laborer, 39 Fountain
Schlee Joseph, shoemaker, 307 Forre?t
Schlein Henry, shoemaker, 75 Harrison
Schlenbaker, John, laborer, 34 Union
Schlerf Melhion, baker, 89 s Fremont
Schlerf Philip, laborer, 264 Sharp
Schlesinger Simon, tailor, 176 s Broadway
Schleuter Edward & Co. tobacconist, 464 w
Schley Ernst, butcher, 66 Green Mount av
Schley Fredk. C. confectioner, 350 Light
Schley John G. deputy at penitentiary, 74
Schley Miss, 87 Franklin
Schley Wm. L. clerk, 132 Mulberry
Schley William, counsellor at law, 79 w
Fayette, dw 74 Franklin
Schlezinger George, barber, 54 President
Schlichterer Solomon, dry goods dealer,
261 n Gay
Schliecker P. F. merchant, 105 Smith's
whf dw Lexington near Stricker
Schlifer Wm. tavern, 537 Lexington
Schlinkman Harman, coachmaker, 224 Ra-
borg, dw 812 w Baltimore
Schlitt Conrad, blacksmith, 393 s Charles
Schlitt Joseph, 24 n Bond
Schloss & Bro. merchant tailors, 19 Light
Schloss David, clothier, 28 Cent. Mkt.space
SCHLOSS EMANUEL, prop. Baltimore
House, 20 Mercer
Schloss Lazarus, dry goods dealer, 224
Schloss Moses, shoemaker, 73 Harrison
Schloss Nathan, clothier, 213 and 229 s
Schloss William, clothier, 243 s Broadway,
dw 229
Schloter Augustus, grocery, 267 Hughes
Schloult Conrad, distiller, 374 Saratoga
Schluter Christian, tailor, 44 Clay
Schluter Henry, crockery ware dealer, 212
Schmalz Wm. manager laundry, 9 w Bait.
Schmalzel Dorcus, dressmaker, 207J Can-
ton av
Schmalzel Jac. harnessmk. 207 1/2 Canton av
Schmenner Daniel, baker, 190 Biddle
Schmerz Henry, cigarmaker, 255 n Bond
Schmetz Geo. shoemaker, 382Lexington
Schmidt August, grocer, 248 s Charles
Schmidt Andrew, bricklayer, 11 Baker's ct
Schmidt Anthony, laborer, 68 Portland
Schmidt August, shoemaker, 297 w Pratt
Schmidt August, laborer Canton
Schmidt Berkhart, merchant tailor, 12 n
Schmidt Bernard, drayman, 6 New
Schmidt Bertha, 71 Hanover
Schmidt Conrad, shoemaker, 35 McElderry
Schmidt Constantine, cabinetmaker, 107 n
Schmidt Christian, distiller, 458 Light
Schmidt Christian, 143 L. Greene
Schmidt Eliza F. fancy store, 243 n Howard
Schmidt Einanuel, shoemak. 284 s Charles
Schmidt Entrabe, painter, 107 n Spring
SCHMIDT F.,M. D. homeopathian physi-
cian, 144 Lexinglon
Schmaas Mathias, shoemaker, 153 n Eden
Schmidt Michael Frederick, silver plater,
273 Sharp
Schlugerhier Wm. shoemk. 103 Lancaster
Schmidt Gerdhart F. 95 Hillen
Schmidt George, laborer, 287 Hanover