Richter James, moulder, 83 Chatsworth
Richter Wm. huckster, 20 s Republican
Richter Wm. shoemaker, 20 Somerset
Richtler Toffit, tailor, 172 Wolfe
Richtner John, cooper, 287 s Bond
Rickal John, laborer, 37 Giltings
Ricketts Ann M. boar.l. house, 278 w Pratt
Ricketts Benjamin, (Butt & R.) 20s Greene
Ricketts David F. druggist, 143 n Gay
Ricketts George, cigar mkr. 183 Columbia
Ricketts George R. (Ryan & R.) 143 n Gay
Ricketts John, whipsawyer, 27 Philpot
Ricketts John, printer, 167 n Exeter
Ricketts Mary, 24 Lloyd
Ricketts Wesley, (R. & Whittington,)
Harforcl av near City limits
Ricketts &. Whittington, fruit and commis-
sion merchants, 44 s Calvert
Ricketts Wm. S. tavern. 1 Wills
Rickey Mary, 58 e Pratt
Rickey & Travers. sailmak. 92 Light-stwhf
Rickey Wm. W. (R. & Travels,) 58 e Pratt
Rickhamer —— , tailor, Canton
Rickter Thomas, huckster, 29 Jefferson
Ricter Elizabeth, 346 Franklin
Ricter John, 344 Franklin
Ricter Ludwin, cigar maker, 210 Lee
Rictor Frederick, grocery, 196 Conway
Riddle Charlotte, 21 Eastern av
Riddle Jacob, machinist, 59 Scott
Riddle Lawson, laborer, 454 w Lombard
Riddlemoser Joseph, (R. & Weatherlys,)
622 w Baltimore
Riddlemoser & Weatherlys, coach makers,
41 s Paca
Riddlemosher John D. cattle dealer, 358 e
e Monument
Ridencliffe John, labr'r, Wolfe n of Gough
Rider Aaron, furniture dealer, 79 n Gay,
dw 83 e Fayelle
Rider Alexander, furnit. wagoner, 2 New
Rider Conrad, paver, 12 e Monument
Rider Elizabeth, confectioner, 550 Penn. av
Rider Henry, malster, 362 Ostend
Rider Margaret, 87 Poppleton
Rider Moses, teacher, 54 s Canal
RIDER SOLOMON A. trimmings dealer,
25 n Eutaw
Rider Washington, brickmaker, Washing-
road, dw 114 Lee
Rider Dr. Wm. G. 87 Mulberry
Riderpush Simon, laborer, Canton
Ridgnway Alex. W. carpen. 301 e Lombard
Ridgaway Rev. Henry B. 210 Harford av
Ridgaway John, 53s High
Ridgaway J. Lee. gents furnishing store,
278 w Baltimore
Ridgaway Josiah, shoemaker,295 e Fayette
Ridgaway R. C. blacksmith, cor Hughes
and Covington
Ridgaway Saml. C.(Kuhn & R.)88 Camden
Ridgaway Wm. grocer, 146 Pearl
Ridgaway Wm. H. shoemaker, 477 n Gay
Ridge Henry, blacksmith, 72 n Fremonl
Ridgely Andrew Steirett, attorney at law,
28 St. Paul
Ridgely Charles G. deputy register of wills,
Baltimore Co. dw 36 Aisquith
RIDGELY CHARLES W. attorney at
law, 34 St. Paul, dw 53 n Greene
Ridgelv Capt. Dan'l B.,U. S. N.41 n Calvert
Ridgely David, bonnet commission house,
61 w Baltimore, dw 146 Cathedral .
Ridgely G., Ross near Hoffman
Ridgely James, property agent and broker,
over 36 South
Ridgely James L. register of wills, Balti-
more Co. office Record buildings
Ridgely John R. dry goods merchant, 61 n
Howard, dw 309 Lexington
RIDGELY L. G. merchant tailor, 502 w
Ridgely L. W. straw goods dealer, 105 w
Baltimore, dw 29
Ridgely Nich. chair mak. 112 Burgundy al
Ridgely Mrs.R. H. board, hou. 16 e Fayette
Ridgely Randolph, dry goods dealer, Balti-
more, dw 309 Lexington
Ridgely Wm H. 164 Sharp
Riebert Adam, tailor, 75 e Lombard
Rieder Christopher, turner, 477 Saratoga
Rieder George, tailor, Patuxent, Canton
Riedinger Adam, shoemaker, 58 China al
Rief John, laborer, 172s Canal
Rief Matthias, shoemaker, 172s Caroline
Riefner Henry, shoemaker, 231 Aliceanna
Riefner John C. watchmak. 231 Aliceanna
Riefner John R. livery stables, 180 Alice-
anna, dw 176
Riegar Joseph, grocery, 392 s Charles
Riehl Erhard, tailor, 15 Clay
Rieker Michael, carp. Fremont nr Moylon
Rielar George, stevedore, 17 Goodman al
Riely Peter, (Henry & R.) Golden Horse
Rieman Alex.(H.R.&Sons)327 Lexington
Rieman August H. jeweler, 161 e Baltimore
Rieman Henry & Sons, pro vis. and com mis.
rats. 24 n Howard, dw H.R.329 Lexington
Rieman Joseph H. (H. R. & Sons,) 327
Rieman Julius, port monnaie maker, 30
Rieman Wm. J. packer and provis. mercht.
369 w Baltimore, dw 324 Lexington
Rienix Peter, sawyer, 49 Watson
Riepe Henry, cabinetmaker, 170 n Caroline
Riepe John, tailor, 240 n Eden
Riepe Lothar, grocery, 257 & 259 Hanover
Riepe Wm. teacher, 244 Sharp
Rierdon Patrick, teacher, 89 Hillen
Riettel Conrad, shoemaker, 5 Regester
Rigby Henry J. tailor, 62 Gough
Rigby Laban D. wheelwright, Camden, dw
276 Light
Rigby Philip A. carpenter, 136 Camden,
dw 160s Para
Rigdon Caleb S. 130 Garden
RIGDON ROBERT M. dry goods dealer,
541 w Baltimore
Rigert Frederick, tailor, 47 President
Riggens Joseph, 17 Willlamson al
Rigger Lawrence, engineer, 79 Albemarle
Riggler Andrew, laborer, 24 Fountain
Riggin Israel, (Sanks & R.) 88 William
Riggin Mary Ann, 420 Light
Riggin Rhoda, 296 Aliceanna
Riggs Benjamin, shoemaker. 25 Bevan al
Riggs, Benner & Co. exchange office, 216
w Baltimore