Price Augustus M. (B. & Littig,) 112
Price Benj. tailor, 62 n Howard, dw 217
Price David sen. housecarpenier, 30 Spring
Price David, carpenter, 638 w Baltimore
Price Capt. Eugene F. 120 n Caroline
Price Ephraim, (Boston & P.) 52 Center
Price Geo. B. carpenter, 81)5 w Pratt
Price George P. carpenter, 11 Sharp-st. al.
dw 369 w Fayette
Price Jane, 361 Light
Price John, 321 e Monument
Price John O. 188 Mulberry
Price John T. carter, 297 e Madison
Price John, shipcarpen. 199s Washington
Price John, shipcaipenter, 62 William
Price John, shoemaker, 22 President
Price Joseph, housecarpenier, 52 Philpot
Price & Littig, preservers of oysters, fruits,
&c. 127 and 129 McElderry's whf.
Price Margaret B., Milliman
Price Michael, grocery, B Jasper
Price M. H. watchmaker and jeweler, 56 s
Price Nathan, engineer, 429 w Lombard
Price Oliver Perry, (Friend & P.) 112 Lex-
Price Richard, omnibus driver, 73 Ross
Price Rich. (Thomas & P.) 182 w Lombard
Price Samuel S.ropemak.Harford av. near
Point lane
Price Sarah, 237 e Pratt
Price Susan, 174 s Ann
Price Thomas, carter, 208 n Canal
Price Walter A. clerk, 145 e Baltimore
Price Wm. G. fruit and commission mer-
chant, 103 w Lombard, dw 265
Price Wm. lumber wagoner, 82 Chew
Price Wm. attorney, 29 St. Paul, dw Monu-
ment near Calvert
Price Wm.T. (Myers, Kirby & P.) 269 e
Price Wm. seaman, 52 Philpot
Price Wm. fish huckster, 61 Green M't av
Pries John L. grocery, 170 Sarah Ann
Priest Anna E. tailoress, 14 Parkin
Priest Geo. W. bookkeeper, 3 n Exeter
Priesterjohn Ernst, tailor, 61 e Monument
Priestman Jacob, tavern, 185 Eastern av
Prigdon John, chemical works, 37 Hill
Prigg John E. clerk, 221 e Madison
Prill Philip, barber, 67 Thames
Prillar Joseph, shipjoiner, 175 Ensor
Primrose Jas. S., Hoffman near Ross
Primrose Wm. cooper, 326 Raborg
Prince Anthony, 90 Thames
Prince Albert, clerk, 34 Columbia
Prince Conrad, laborer, 158 Canton av
Prince Isaac, jr. coaldealer, 91 w Lombard,
dw St. Paul near Baltimore
Prince James, bookseller, 44 s High
Prince Lemuel T. printer, 173 n Canal
Prince Lemuel S. carpenter, 64 McElderry
Prince Wm A. potter, 786 w Baltimore
Print Andrew, carter, 170 Durham
Prior Charles, bookkeeper, 105 Hanover
Prior F. C. (H. F. Alberti & Co.) 19s
Printy John, grocery, 216 Light
Prinz Hartiman, currier, 63 Raborg
Prinz John, jeweler and variety store, 280
w Baltimore, dw 614
Prinz Mrs. M. M. dealer in fancy goods,
toys, &c 280 w Baltimore
Pritchard Elizabeth, 24 s High
Pritchard Geo. H. pilot, 63 n Eden
Pritchard Geo. M. confec. 23 n Fremont
Pritchard Levin, cabinetmaker, 37 Orleans
Priichard Capt. Richard, 214 Barre
Pritchard Planner,oyster trad. 94 s Caroline
Pritchard Samuel H. ship carpenter, 59
Pritchard Wm. halter, 24 n High
Pritchet. Wm. tavern, 204 Light
dealers, 166 w Pratt, dw W. P. 60 Granby
Proctor Wilson, (Wm. P. & Son,) 79 Lee
Propst Michael, laborer, Chesapeake s of
Hudson, Canton
Protzman Sebastian, tailor, 50 Clay
Proud George, foot of Leadenhall
PROUD J. G. & SONS, insurance agents,
63 Second.— [See Advertisement.]
Proud John G. jr. (J. G. P. & Sons,) 199 w
Proud J. G. ( J. G. P. & Sons,) 199 w Fayette
Proud Robert M. (J. G. P & Sons,) 199 w
Pruet Sarah, 56 Albemarle
Pruett Abram, carpenter, 96 Chew
Prugel Matthew, shoemak. 220 Harford av
Prunty Patrick, laborer, 132 McHenry
Prutz Frederick, shoemaker, 161 n Eden
Pryor Alfred V. coachmaker, 45 Jackson
Pryor Edw. carpenter, 6 Jew al
Pryor Francis, machinist, 34 Church
Pryor Geo. W. coachmaker, 14 s Frederick,
dw 149 e Madison
Pryor Geo. W. cooper, 242 Franklin
Pryor Henry, carpenter, 3 Jackson
Pryor John H. engineer, 37 Warren
Pryor John, grocery, cor Gough and Wash-
Pryor Richard S. coachmaker, 4 n Fred-
rick, dw 3 Jackson
Pryor Richard, carpenter, 13 Green M't av
Puder John, turner, 6 Jasper
Pudler Joseph, laborer, 100 Lancaster
Public Schools, see Appendix
Public Store and Appraisers' office, s e cor
Gay and Lombard
Pudski Geo. nailmaker, 297 Aliceanna
Pue Dr. Richard R. 95 Lexington
Pue Margaret, 325 Lexington
Pugh John H. collector Gas Co., 19 South,
dw 132 e Madison
Pugh James, ship carp. 288 Canton av
Pugh Magdalen, 132 e Madison
Pugh Thomas, laborer, 9 Bethel
Pugh Wm. ship joiner, 327 Canton av
Puhl George, tavern, 24 w Lombard
Puhl Nicholas, paver, Anthony near Gay
Puhle Frederick, shoemaker, 35 May
Pulaski Israel, tailor, 157 s Caroline
Pulley James, mariner, 230 Eastern av
Pulley Jas.W. mariner, Cambridge, Canton
Pulley Wm. ship carpenter, 302 e Pratt
Pumphrey Lloyd, painter, 4 Warner
Punderson Elsworth M. (E. M. P. & Co.)
286 w Favette