Partridge Dobena, 157 Bank
Pascal James P. seaman, 40 s Ann
Pascal John, clerk, 178 n Eden
Pascal Marion, carpenter, 165 Orleans
Pascal Mary, 178 n Eden
Passanno Joseph, sen, broker, 52 Center
Market space, dw 22 s High
Passanno Joseph, jr. watches, jewelry and
fancy goods dealer, 82 1/2 Center Market
space, dw 86 n Charles
Passannn Leonard, clerk, 42 Fawn
Passanno Louis, fancy goods dealer, 52
Center Market space, dw 16 Lloyd
Passpae Capt. James, 184 e Pratt
Passpae Olivia, groc. & confec. 184 e Pratt
Pasterfield Wm. H. tinner. 126 Orleans
Pasters Francis, 134 n Eden
Pastorius Samuel, collector, 252 Mulberry
PATAPSCO CO. office 16 Law buildings,
Wm. Geo. Read, prest.
Patapsco Fire Co's Eng. House, 86 St. Paul
Pate Chas. L. house carpenter, 145 Wash-
Pate Robert, pilot, 300 Canton av
Pate Wm. pilot, 244 e Lombard
Patmore Milton A. pro. Hoffman Hall, 552
w Baltimore
Patrick Capt. John, 34 n Gay
Patrick Lorenzo Dow, tailor, 21 Barnet
Patrick Mrs. Maria, board, house, 34 n Gay
Patrick Samuel H. clerk. 218 Saratoga
Patrick Peter, piano maker, 20 Rock
Patten Geo. (Rich'd P. & Son,) 38 w Balto.
PATTEN RICH'D & SON, manufactur-
ers engineering instruments, 23 South,
dw R. P. 61 n High
Patten Wm. officer in Farmers and Mer-
chants' bank, 314 w Lombard
Palter Wm. laborer, 275 Forrest
Patterson Ann, 86 Lee
Patterson Charles, seaman, 173 Aliceanna
Patterson David, grocer and feed dealer,
578 Pennsylvania av
Paiterson Edward & Sons, nail manufac-
turers, 50 Commerce, dw E. P. 8 s Gay
Patterson Capt.Edw. mariner, 285 e Fayette
Patterson Elizabeth P. 132 Sharp
Patterson Elizabeth, tailoress, 110 s Howard
Patterson George, wood carver, 76 Pine
Patterson Capt. Henry H. 131 Sharp
Patterson Henry, 28 North
Patterson Jacob, bricklayer, 295 Fremont
Patterson Jas. B shoemak. 360 e Monument
Patterson Jas. planemaker, 367 Lexington
Patterson James, grocery, Calvert, dw 22
Patterson John, paper hanger, 64 Holiday
Patterson, John, hatter, 120 L. Paca
Patterson John T. plasterer, 14 Mott
Patterson John, clerk, Gilmor nr Lexington
Patterson John, 26 South
Patterson Dr. John H. 80 St. Paul
Patterson John, (H. C. Brown & Co.) 125
McElderry's whf
Patterson Joseph, 20 South
Patterson Margaret, tailoress, 110s Howard
Patterson Mary Ann, tailoress, 193 n Fre-
Patterson Prudence, 105 Hamburg
Patterson Richard, clerk, 23 Lloyd
Patterson Robt. wood turner, 133 Columbia
Patterson Robert, tinner, 21b Mulberry
PATTERSON SAMUEL, com. merchant,
67 s Gay, dw 714 Pennsylvania av
Patterson Saml. W. huckster, 91 Poppleton
Pattersou Samuel shipcarpenier, 43 n Canal
Patterson Sarah, 88 n Exeter
Patterson Sarah, 82 St. Paul
Patterson Thomas, clerk, 21 Hollins
Patterson Wm. 77 Booth
Patterson Wm. G. & Co. merchant tailors,
83 Thames
Patterson Wm. G. (Wm. G. P. & Co.) 74
s Ann
Pattersou Wm. R. clerk City Prison, 143 n
Pattison Mrs. E. boarding house,26 Hanover
Pattison Thos. (P. & Woolford,) 34 Fawn
commission merchants, 102 Dugan's whf
Patton Robert, agent for Adams & Co's Ex-
press, dw 104 Barre
Patton Wm. laborer, 62 Granby
Patzer John, baker, 243 e Eager
Paul Anthony G. carpenter, 49 Oregon
Paul Conrad Lewis, grocery, 124 s Howard
Paul James,agent, 305 Penn. av
Paul Jabez S druggist, 589 Penn. av
Paul John, tailor, Wolfe s of Bank
Paul Knauf, tavern, Baltimore near Fulton
Paul Wm. tobacconist, 451 w Baltimore
Paul Wm. bookbinder, 410 w Fayette
Paule John, cabinetmaker, 149 e Lombard
Paulus John, nailsmith, 181 Ensor
Paumhauer Ewart, varnisher, 9 Baker's ct
Pausch George, tobacconist, 118 e Madison
Paush Paulus, tailor, 189 Canton av
Pawley Finley, (Jas. P., jr. & Bro.) 18 s
Pawley James, sen. artist, 145 Mulberry
Pawley Jas. jr. & Bro. china and glass deal.
18 s Calvert, dw J. P. jr. 109 e Baltimore
Pawley John, clerk, 143 Biddle
Pawson Wm. S. com. mercht. 95 Smith's
whf. dw 122 St. Paul
Payne John, huckster, 239 s Fremont
Payne John J. carpenter, 414 w Fayette
Paynter David, grocer and provision dealer,
Towson, Locust Point
Paynter Nathaniel W. (Pegram, P. & Da-
vis,) 261 n Eutaw
Payton Andrew, painter, 155 Wolfe
Peach Gurlap, huckster, 277 Aisquith
Peacock Ann E. Essex, Canton
Peacock Elizabeth, seamstress, 64 e Monu-
Peacock Geo. W. deputy sheriff, 184 Lee
Peacock Geo. shipcarpenter, 196 s Wolfe
Peacock Geo. shipcarpen. Boston, Canton
Peacock Ingram E. chairmaker and furni-
ture dealer, 275 w Pratt
Peacock J. (Rothrock & P.) 133 Conway
Peacock John, shoemaker, 97 n Amity
Peacock John, mate, 148s Caroline
Peacock John pilot, 276 Eastern av
Peacock Richd. book keeper, Essex, Canton
Peacock Samuel, jr. huckster, 36 Jew al
Peacock Samuel, huckster, 481 n Gay
PEACOCK & MULLEN. liquor merchts.
146 Franklin