Nixon John, meal dealer, 74 Green Mt. av
Nixon John, drayman, 18 Hillen
Nixon Wm. drayman, 63 Eastern av
Nitzge John, tailor, 143 s Fremont
Nitzel John, milkman, e of Clinton, Canton
Nitzel Jacob, carpenter, e of Clinton, Canton
Nizer Thomas, blacksmith, 101 e Pratt
Nizer Wm. A. bricklayer, 176 n Eden
Noa John, cigarmaker, 58 Henrietta
Noble David, foundry man, 24. Gittings
Noble Ellen, 33 s Frederick
Noble James, butter depot, 153 s Broadway
Noble James, miller, 93 Eastern av
Noble John, laborer, 43 e Monument
Noble Wm..C. lottery office, 71 Center Mar-
ket space
Nock Jas. L. clerk, cor Barre and Hanover
Nockman Henry, gardener, 297 Aliceanna
Noegel Henry, cooper, 108 York
Noel Samuel H. grocery & provision store,
88 Park
Noelle Chas. apothecary, 57 Thames
Noffa John, cigarmaker, 15 L. Gough
Nogle Samuel, carter, 88 Albemarle
None Bernard, paver, 226 n Dallas
Nohe Francis, 226 n Dallas
Nokel John, 62 James lane
Nolan Adam, laborer, 196 Canton av
Nolan Dennis, tavern, 19 Grant
Nolan Dennis, laborer, Elliott, Canton
Nolan George H. mariner, 209 s Bond
Nolan James, laborer, 15 n Amity
Nolan John, 53 Carpenter al
Nolan John, Mosher near McMechin
Nolan Mary, grocery, 35 s Front
Nolan Matthew, tailor, 8 East
Nolan Michael, huckster, 3 Friendship
Nolan Patrick, carter, 83 Hampstead
Nolan Patrick, laborer, 14 Little
NOLAN & QUINN, plumbers,49 n Calvert
Noland Patrick, laborer, 21 n Amity
Noland Thomas, 4 Diamond
Nolen Adam, blacksmith, 14 Lancaster
Nolen Barney, laborer, 11 Laurens
Nolen Henry, millwright, 106 Hill
Nolen T. Spencer, (Geo. Bartlett & Co.)
Eutaw House
Nolen Wm. C. painter, 229 e Pratt
Noll Henry, cooper, 44 s Oregon
Nolte August, brushmaker, 61 Gough
Nolle Henry, shoemaker, 57 Madison
Nolte Bernard, barber, 351 n Gay
Nolting Bartha, teacher, 120 Raborg
Noliing Chs. of Western Bank, 25 n Eutaw
Nones Chas. F. lottery and exchange office,
300 1/2 w Baltimore, dw 86 Hanover
Nones & Co. lottery office, cor Light and
Nones Joseph D. (N. & Co.) 356 n Gay
Noolan Robert, tailor, 24 New Church
Noon John, grocery, 19 Mott
Noon Patrick, labo'rer, 322 Aliceanna
Norbeck Wm. trim, store, 114 Lexington
Nordhoff Christian, upholsterer, 204 w
Nordlinger Bros, importers French & Ger-
man produce, 102 w Lombard
Nordlinger H. ( N. Bros.) 63 Conway
Nordmann Rudolph, grocer and liquor deal
67 s Howard, dw 65
Norfolk Steamboat Co's office, foot of
Union dock
Norlolk James R. ship joiner, 106 William
Norfolk John W. (Harmon & N.) 82 Ham-
Norfolk John T. shoemaker, 81 Hamburg
Norfolk John, bricklayer, 78 Hamburg
Norfolk John H. collector, 28 w Baltimore
Norfolk Margaret, 434 Saratoga
Vorgan John, lace weaver, 175 n Paca
Norman Capt. Anthony M. 114s Wolfe
Norman George T. fisherman, nWashing'n
Norman John, wheelwright, 369 Light
Norman Joseph, painter, 167 n Caroline
Norman Margaret, dressmk. 27 s Caroline
and bill brokers, 69 Second, dw M. S. N.
Hoffman near McCulloh
Norman Samuel, clerk, 80 n Exeter
Norman Wm. B. (Michael S. N. &Son,)
Hoffrnan near McCulloh
Norris Andrew J. tobacconist, 288J w Bal-
timore, dw 4 St. Mary
Norris Aquilla J. cabinetmaker, 58 Chew
Norris Benjamin B. proprietor cedar tar
depot, 61 Raborg
Norris Benjamin F. grocer and tea dealer,
505 w Baltimore
Norris & Bro. importers & wholesale deals,
in hardware, 248 w Baltimore
NORRIS, CALWELL & CO. wholesale
grocers and importers & dealers in wines,
brandies, teas, cigars, &c. 322 w Baltim'e
Norris Caroline, 52 Philpot
Norris Charles S. (Duer, N. & Co.) 299
~ Madison av
Norris Charlotte, 394 w Fayette
Norris Clara, 112 North
Norris & Dulany, tobacconists, 46 n Eutaw
Norris Edward, shoemaker, 102 n Caroline
Norris Edward T. book-keeper, 297 Biddle
Norris Edward S. 291 w Madison
NORRIS EDWARD O. prof, penmanship,
China Hall Buildings, 545 w Baltimore.
[See Advertisement.]
Norris Elizabeth A. 49 Holland
Norris Geo. W. (N. & Bro.) 205 n Howard
Norris Capt. Isaac H. 105 s Broadway
Norris Isaac S. shoemaker, 475 Penn. av
Norris Isaac, rolling mill worker, Burke,
Norris James H. clerk, 128 s High
Norris James, ship carpenter, 58 s Bond
Norris J. Saurin, treasurer Savings Bank,
217 w Madison
Norris Jesse C. (Gobright & N.) 99 Hillen
Norris John, 156 Hoffman
Norris John C. 125 Sharp
Norris John D. (N. & Dulany,) 215 Mul-
Norris John, clerk, 89 s Paca
Norris Jonathan, (Glocker & N.) 209 Ais-
Norris Joseph H. carpenter, 43 Holland
Norris Joshua, laborer, 109 Garden
Norris Maria, dressmaker, 43 Holland
Norris Michael, laborer, 241 s Ann
Norris Richard, (N. & Bro.) 3 Franklin
Norris Robert W. clerk, High near French
Norris Robert, 140 n Charles