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Woods' Baltimore Directory for 1856-57
Volume 544, Page 245   View pdf image (33K)
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191 MUR

Muller Julius E. music teacher, 236 w

MULLER LOUIS) paper hanger, 106 w

Muller Magnes, printer, 5 Holiday, dw 165
e Baltimore
Muller Philip H.(J. N. & P. H.M.)279 East
Muller Sebastian, sec.hand deal. 146 s Bond
Mullet Thos. porter, 190 n Eden
Mulley John M. shoemaker, 275 w Fayette
Mulligan Edward, grocery, 155 e Madison
Mulligan James, machinist 36 Dewberry al
Mulligan John, grocer, 9 Neighbor
Mulligan John, plough maker, 5 Perrv
Mulligan Michael, laborer, 322 Forrest
Mulligan Owen, laborer, 7 Neighbor
Mulligan Patrick, laborer, S Calvert al
Mulligan Patrick, 278 Johnson
Mulligan Rose A. millinery store, 3 w
Mulligan Thomas, grocery, 90 Harford av
Mullikin Beale D. clerk. 53 German
Mullikin Mary, 97 Franklin
Mullin Ann, clothier, 7 Second
Mullin Patrick, grocery, 120 Lancaster
MULLIN THOMAS, JR. coachmaker,91
Holiday, dw 80 n High— [See Advertise-
Mullinin Basil, omnibus driver, 110 Ross
MULLMIER & makers,
cor. Howard and Franklin
Mulmier Wm. (M. & Hunter) 119 Stirling
Mulreman Edward, tailor, 39 Marion
Mulstay John, laborer, 40 Valery
Multz John W. huckster, 161 s Paca
Mulvane John, laborer, 10 Hammond al
Mumma David, butcher, 155 Green Mt. av
Mumma Jacob J. butcher, 159 Green Ml. av
Mumma Marv, 113 Green Mount av
Munch George T. shoemaker, 580 w Bal-
Munchausen Henry,hatter,708 w Baltimore
Muncks John, collector, tonnage office, B.
& O. R. R. 239 Madison av
Muncks Margaret, 239 w Madison
MunderC. F. & Bro. confectioners, 27 s
Liberty, dw C. F. M. 30 Spring row
Munniken Patrick, cellar digger, 3 Willow
Munroe Henry, blacksmith, 68 Holland
Munroe Isaac, 53 Lexington
Munroe Mary E. 35 High al
Munson Capt. Sam'1 A. mariner, 116 s Bond
Munzler Martin, laborer, s Wolfe
Murclen George, huckster, 15 Perry
MURDOCH ALEX. & CO. dry goods and
commis. merchts. 14s Charles
Murdoch Alexander, (A. M. & Co.) Elgin,
Reisterstown road
Murdoch, Duer & Evans, whols. dealers
in foreign and domestic dry goods, 247
w Baltimore
Murdoch Fridge, (Wm. F. M. & Co.) 153
St. Paul
Murdoch Jas. H. 102 Hanover
Murdoch J. H. clock manufac. Co. office 4
and 5 Carroll hall, dw cor. Lee and Barre
Murdoch John, printer, 34 Albemarle
Murdoch Richard, scales manufacturer, 46
s Charles, dw 38 Camden
Murdoch Sophia, 60 China al

Murdoch Thos. (M., Duer & Evans) cor St.
Paul and Franklin
Murdoch Dr. Thos. F. 107 St. Paul
Murdoch Wm. T. (Lind & M.) Reisters-
town road
MURDOCH WM. F. & CO dry goods
com. merchts. 15 s Charles, dw W. F. M.
153 St. Paul
Murdock Chas. manuf. cedar ware at Peni-
tentiary, 675 Pennsylvania av
Murdock James, ship carp. 267 Aliceanna
Murdock Robt. drayman, 184 McHenry
Murdock Thos. grocery, cor Wolfe and
Murgatroyd Edwd. wool assorter, 168 n Front
sulate Oriental Repub. Uruguay, 5 O'Don-
nel's wharf, dw 90 Saratoga
Murnaghan Patrick, stone mason, 356 Mul-
Murphy Alexander, laborer, 15 e Madison
Murphy Andrew, livery stables,Watson, dw
33 n Exeter
Murphy Bartholomew, grocer, 62 Orleans
Murphy Bernard, grocery, 57 Jasper
Murphy Catherine, 12 Orleans
Murphy Catherine A. book deal. 105 e Bait.
Murphy Charles, 18 Albemarle
Murphy Edward, laborer, 313 e Lombard
Murphy Francis, laborer, 183 Bank
Murphy George W. ladies' shoemaker, 315
Eastern av
Murphy Hugh, laborer, 279 e Monument
Murphy James, laborer, 171 s Chester
Murphy James, laborer, 109 s Ann
Murphy James, drayman, 45 York
Murphy James, rear of 84 Granby
Murphy Jas. J. property agent and collec-
tor, 451 n Gay
Murphy Jesse, 16 Mott
Murphy Jesse D. Magnolia hotel, 218 n Gay
Murphy John N. 41 e Fayette
Murphy John, laborer, 31 Carpenter al
Murphy John , beer wagoner, 124 e Lombard
Murphy John, tailor, 366 n Howard
Murphy John, bottler, 197 Chesnut, dw 116
Murphy John D. restaurant, 101 Camden,
dw 99
Murphy John T. porter, 171 s Chester
Murphy John, 17 East
MURPHY J. & CO. printers, publishers,
booksellers and stationers, 178 w Balt,
dw J. M. 74 St. Paul. [See Advertisement.]
Murphy John, laborer, 33 Hillen
Murphy John, wheelwright, 23 Buren
Murphy Lawrence, laborer, 17 East
Murphy Michael, millstone cutter, 41 Jew al
Murphy Mary, 23 Bethel
Murphy Matthias, mason, 10 s Schroeder
Murphy Michael, stonecutter, 15 Union
Murphy Michael, confectioner, 25 Pine
Murphy Michael, drayman, 648 w Pratt
Murphy Michael, laborer, Republican
Murphy Owen, tavern, 79 Franklin
Murphy Patrick, laborer, 29 Holland
Murphy Patrick, laborer, 294 Raborg
Murphy Patrick, laborer, 215 Lemmon
Murphy Patrick, laborer, 162 s Howard
Murphy Patrick, laborer, 59 L. Hughes

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Woods' Baltimore Directory for 1856-57
Volume 544, Page 245   View pdf image (33K)
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