McCoy Wm. carpenter and sexton What-
coat Chapel, J Presstman
McCoy Wm. J. blacksmith, Canton
McCoy W. C. (Alex. Murdoch & Co.) 65
n Eutaw
McCracken George, laborer, 224 Bank
McCracken James, carter, 278 Sharp
McCracken Joseph, (Baker &McC.) Light
near Warren
McCrea James, tinner, 112 Raborg
McCrea Lydia, 37 Dallas
McCready George, sailor, 106 n Eden
McCreery James, (Wroth & McC.) 261 w
McCreight Rebecca, grocer, 223 Hanover
McCrink Fanny, tailoress, 226 e Monum't
McCroden John, carpenter, 111 St. Paul
McCroen Patrick, 34 New Church
McCron Rev. John, 183 e Monument
McCubbin Aaron H. tailor, 188 e Madison
McCubbin Charles T. carpenter, 9 Madison
al. dw 230 Aisquith
McCubbin Davige, painter, 80 Hamburg
McCubbin Edwd. ship carpenter, 297 Light
McCubbin Mary Ann, 193 East
McCubbin Nicholas, tailor, 12 e Fayetle,
dw 93 n Eden
McCubbin Jas. chairmaker, 211 e Madison
McCubbin Thomas, 5 s Canal
McCue Thomas, laborer, 9 House's ct
McCullar Nathan, grocer, 100 Scott
McCulley Clinton, (Poumairat & McC.)
184 Preston
McCulley Wm. boilermaker, 49 Warren
McCullogh & Culbertson, produce and com.
merchants, 61 Exchange place
McCulloh Duncan, engineer, 280 e Pratt
McCulloh Dr. James H. 101 w Fayette
McCulloh John, grocer, 65 Center
McCullough Andrew, J. wood turner, 260 e
McCullough Ann, 513 Forrest
McCullough John G. coal dealer, cor Pratt
and Fremont, dw 123 w Fayette
MeCullough John, drayman, 101 n Spring
McCullough Mary, 59 Clay
McCullough Wm. bricklayer, 213 Forrest
McCune Agnes, 35 Rock
McCune Daniel, ostler, 183 e Fayette
McCurdy James R. carpenter, 173 n Eden
McCurdy James, house carp. 257 Aliceanna
McCurdy Samuel, huckster, 31 Valery
McCurley Felix, grocer, 737 Baltimore
McCurley James, coachmak. 21 n Libertv,
dw 15
McCurley John, grocery, 782 w Baltimore,
dw 76G
McCusker Daniel, laborer, 88 Chester
McCusker Philip, laborer, 101 Stirling
McCusker, Thos. ship carp. 330 Canton av
McCutcnen James, painter, 116 York
McDade Isabella, vestmak. 438 w Lombard
McDade Samuel, 440 w Lombard
McDANIEL JAMES L. provision & com.
merchant, 48 South, dw Baltimore Co.
McDermot Ann, seamstress, 23 Bethel
McDermot Charles, laborer, 130 Gough
McDermot Elizabeth, 166 s Charles
McDermot Mrs. Mary, 114 s High
McDermot James, painter, 41 n Eden
McDermot Jane, tutoress, 21 s Broadway
McDermot John, tavern, 5 Camden lane
McDermot N. Roderick, 34 Buren
McDermot Owen, 172 n High
McDermot Timothy, fruiterer and confec-
tioner, 14 e Baltimore
McDermot Thos. cigarmak. 338 n Howard
McDevitt Ann, 41 w Lombard
McDevitt Barney, omnibus driver, 41 w
McDevitt & Cassidy, liquor merchants, 37
McDevitt Dominic, (McD. &. Cassidy,) 61
McDevitt Edward, drayman and tavern
keeper, 10 Water
McDevitt Jane, 507 Saratoga
McDevitt John, gardener, 122 Ensor
McDevitt Moses, pedler, 133 Henrietta
McDevitt Susan, tavern, 71 s Charles
McDonald Chas. laborer, 16 Harmony lane
McDONALD CHARLES, oyster saloon,
47 n Paca
McDonald Columbus, laborer, 112 Dugan's
McDonald David H. boarding house, 65 n
McDonald Mrs. Eliza, grocery, 306 Monu't
McDonald Henry S. constable, 168 Bethel
McDonald Hugh, laborer, w of Grundy
near Hoffman
McDONALD JAMES, Mount Clare Ho-
tel, 76 s Eutaw
McDonald James, shoemaker 252 n Gay
McDonald James, shoemaker, 129 n Front
McDONALD JAMES, tavern, 58 South
McDonald James, keeper oyster saloon,
164 e Baltimore
McDonald John, mariner, 185 L. Hughes
McDonald John, Morton near Biddle
McDonald John, laborer, 3 French
McDonald John, shoemaker, 223 e Madison
McDonald John, carter, 173 s Canal
McDonald John F. 48 n Liberty
McDonald John, soap and candle manufac-
tory, 292 Harford av
McDonald Capt. Joseph, 133 Bank
McDonald Lawrence, grocer, 31 s Paca
McDonald Margaret, 40 e Pratt
McDonald Michael, laborer, back of 170 n
McDonald Capt. Michael, boarding officer
custom house, 267 e Baltimore
McDonald Michl. laborer, 30 New Church
McDonald Patk. cabinetmk. 101 s Charles
McDonald Patrick, 15 Foundry
McDonald Randall, 19 s Ann
McDonald Sween, tailor, 102 Pearl
McDonald Thomas, tavern, 45 Fell
McDonald Thomas, carpenter, 16 n High,
dw 119 n Gay
McDonald Wm. plasterer, 163 George
McDonnell James M. book-keeper, 18 Hill
McDonnell John, laborer, 65 Wolfe
McDonnell Michael, grocer and liq. dealer,
Boston e of Leakin
McDonnell Richard, grocer, 163 Canton av
McDonough Coleman, labo'r, 195 s Chester
McDonough David, boatman,255 Aliceanna
McDonough Jas. laborer, 88 Regester