Batchelor Nathaniel, sail mak. 20 n Dallas
Bateman Benjamin, tinner, 211 s Charles
Bateman John, blacksmith, 209 Hollins
Bateman Laura, milliner, 211 s Charles
Bateman Wm. L. 107 w Fayette
Bates Chas. machinist, 22 McElderry
Bates Elizabeth, 87 Broadway
Bates Franklin L. manf. hoisting wheels &
trucks for warehouses, over 1 President,
dw 274 e Lombard
Bates James, jr. iron founder and hoisting
wheel manuf. 1 President, dw 8 s Broad-
way — [See Advertisement.]
Batesell John, bricklayer, 241 s Paca
Bathgate James, tinner, 66 Portland
Bathurst John G. (M. B. & Son) 109 Park
Bathurst M. & Son, shipping mts. 20 Ex-
change buildings
Battaille M. French dress mak. 55 n Liberty
Battee Ann, 250 s Ann
Battee John O. artist. 2 n Poppleton
Battee John, sail maker, 336 e Lombard
Marshall building, St Paul, dw 91 Barre
Bailee Robt. clerk Citizen's Bank, 91 Barre
Batlen Samuel, clerk, 80 n Greene
Bauenfeld Chris, grocer and liq. deal. 201
Batlenfeld Henry, ship joiner, 201 Aliceanna
Baitenfeld Louis, laborer, 209 Canton av
Battenfield Daniel, tailor, 36 Eastern av
Battenger Peter, shoemaker, 91 Raborg
Battenslau John, tailor, 85 Granby
Battice John, carp. 228 Washinglon
Balzer John G. tailor, 225 e Eager
Batzer Joseph, tailor, 249 e Eager
Bauchardt Wm. umbrella mk. 75 n Eutaw
Bauch Joseph, tailor, 13 Somerset
Bauer Adam, tavern, 271 e Lombard
Bauer Adam, porter , Lombard near Regest'r
Bauer Christopher, merchant tailor, cor.
Ensor and Porrest
Bauer Frederick, weaver, 23 Barre
Bauer Geo. cabinet maker, 105 Stirling
Bauer Henry, 258 w Pratt
Bauer John, tavern, 2 Park
Bauer John, shoemaker, 147 Chesnut
Bauer Ludwick, tailor, 404 s Charles
Bauer —— , blacksmith, 270 s Ann
Bauer Wm. H. of west, telg'h, n w cor.
Pine and Baltimore
Bauers Geo. L. tailor, 259 n Gay
Bauersmith John, brewer, 71 Camden
Baugh Peter, tailor, 239 e Eager
House, cor. Eutaw and Baltimore
Baugher A. O. (P.Tiernan & Son,) 138
BaugherJ. C. (P.Tiernan & Son,) 24 n
Baugher James W. (B. & Carroll,) Eutaw
Baugher Jos. 1S8 Park
Baugher Jos. L. tavern, 158 Franklin
Baughman Ann, 79 Grundy
Baughman Cbas. W. shoemaker, 295 n
Baushman F. M. (F. M. & H. F. B.) 289
n Howard
Baughman Geo. salesman, 434 w Fayette
Baughman Hy. F. (F. M. & H. F. B.) 289
n Howard
BAUGHMAN & BRO. marble workers,209
n Howard
Baughman Joseph K. painter, 44 n Amity
Bauhaus Wm. tailor, 9 Euiaw ct.
Baulig George, tailor, 49 Portland
Baum Charles, house carp. 23 Watson
Baum Ellen, dry goods deal. 81 Pearl
Baum John, shoemaker, 59 Gough
Baum Mary, grocer, 59 Gough
Baum Michael, tailor, cor. Fountain and
Castle al
Baum Samuel, carpenter, 602 w Baltimore
Baumann J. F. musician, 104 L. Greene
Baumgan Jacob, cabinet mak. 23 s Canal
Baumgarten S. engraver, 45 e Fayette
Baumgartner Chas. cabinei mak.261 s Bond
Baumgardner Andrew, lager beer saloon,
cor. Granby and Albemarle
Baumgardner John, shoemaker, 68 n Spring
Baurngardner John, carpenter, 75 Ross
Bausch John, shoemaker, 314 n Howard
Bausman Chas. (Wilhelm & B.) 953 w Prait
Bauvery John, shoemaker, 16'2 Aliceauna
Baver John, laborer, 172 Wolfe
Bawden Elizabeth, grocery, 19 Chatsworth
Bawden John H. clerk, 62 s Bond
Bawden John, clerk, s Caroline
Bawn Thomas, weaver, 97 Pierce
Bawner Nicholas, tailor, 215 Wolfe
Baxley Eliza, 165 Chesnut
Baxley Dr. Henry W. 185 w Fayette
cary & druggist, 138 n Howard
Baxley James, millwright, 106 Orleans
Baxley James, conductor, 106 Dolphin
Baxley Joshua D. clerk, 139 Cathedral
Baxter Elijah T. farmer, 48 Chew
Baxier Joseph V. cigar store, 156 Light-st
Baxter Thos. stone cutter, 187 Preston
Baxter Wm. cooper, 191 n Dallas
Baxter Capt. Christopher, 121 n Eden
Bay Edward, carpenter, 81 Garden
Bay Hugh, carpenier, 281 n Howard
Bay James, miller, 369 Calhedral
Bay Oliver, carpenier, 113 Pine
Bayer Andrew, tailor, 32 e Baltimore
Bayer Geo. shoemaker, 67 Richmond
Bayer Henry, cabinet mk. 220 e Lombard
Bayer John, tavern, 392 Canton av
Baver Lawrence, musician, 255 e Pratt
BAYFIELD & GREGG, distillers, 12
Spear's wharf
BayfieldJas.H.(B. & Gregg,)148n Howard
Bayfield James, carpenter, 153 n Paca
Bayles Bernard. (B. & Thompson) 46 Sar-
BAYLES &. THOMPSON .wholesale deal,
in boots, shoes, hats, caps & bonneis, 16
s Charles
Bayless James, piano maker, 102s Howard
Bayless Thomas, laborer, 389 Harford av
Bayley Chas. grocer, 22 n High
Bayley Elizabeth, 139 Sharp
Bayley Geo. H. watchman, 116 Vine
Bayley Henry, salesman, Greene near Pratt
Bayley Wm. slater, Union dock, dw 65 n