Martin T. T. & Brother, whol. grocers and
commis. merchts. 72 s Calvert, dw T. T
M. 124 Hanover
Martin Thos. attorney, 46 Lexington, dw
387 Franklin
Martin Tbos. omnibus driver, 81 Booth
Martin Wm. C. clerk, 167 Conway
Martin Wm. D.shipsmith, Canton
Martin Wm. D. carpenter, 346 Mulberry
Martin Wm. rigger, 269 s Ann
Martin Wm. ropemaker, 346 e Lombard
Martin Wm.R.(T.T.M.&Bro.) 124 Hanover
Martin Wm. engineer, 32 Regester
Martindale David, carter, 152 Eastern av
Martinet Charles F. pattern mak. 9 French
Martins Wm. painter, 130 Cross
Martz Joseph, mason, 90 Pine
Martz Joseph, mason, 60 Eastern av
Martz Syriacud, lab. Smith near Chatsworth
Martzg John, 255 Aliceanna
Marvel Ephraim, 185 s Charles
Marx Aaron, cigar maker, 63 Orleans
Marx Theressa, milliner, 151 Saratoga
Marye Geo. T. 108 n Eutaw
Maryland Coal Co. 27 1/2 South,Wm. Holmes
Maryland Colonization Society, 65 Second
Maryland Hospital, Monument, e of Broad-
way, John Fonerden, resident physician
Maryland Institute for promotion of Me-
chanic arts, Baltimore opposite Harrison
Maryland Institute for Instruction of Blind,
258 Saratoga
Maryland Penitentiary, cor. of Madison and
Maryland Potteries, (Mrs. M. Parr) 8 n
Maryland Portable Gas Co. office 202 w
Baltimore — [See Advertisement]
Maryland Sugar Refining Co. F. W.Brune
& Sons agents, O'Donnell's whf
Maryland Soap Stone Works, 422 w Pratt,
Eleazer S. Bartlet, treasurer
Maryland Tract Sunday School and Evan-
gelical Book Depository, Bible house, 73
w Fayette
Maschauer James, baker, 52 Short
Maserd John, laborer, 4 Fell
Mask Charles W. carpenter, 36 n Poppleton
Mask Isaac G. collector, 113 Raborg
Masmann Joseph, paver, 440 n Gay
Mason Charles, huckster, 190 Eager
Mason Edward, market dealer, 405 n Gay
Mason Edward H. sail maker, 144 n Eden
MASON G. W. coach maker, cor. Eutaw
and German
Mason George, fancy store, 65 Sharp
Mason Jas. D. (Jas. D. M. & Co.) 7 Front
Mason James, coach trimmer, 195 Orleans
MASON JAS. D. & CO.biscuit and cracker
bakers, 133 McElderry's whf. store 114
w Pratt— [See Advertisement.]
Mason John, 12 Pearl
Mason John, 122 n Bond
Mason John, laborer, 78 Booth
Mason Joseph G. bookkeeper, 213 e Mon-
Mason Mary, seamstress, 1 Young
Mason Randolph B. carpenter, between
Gilmer and Stricker, n of Poppleton
MASON RICHARD, biscuit and cracker
baker, 141 McElderry's whf. store 128 w
Pratt, dw 222 e Baltimore
Mason Richd.C.baker,n Bond nr Baltimore
Mason Richard C. jr. clerk, n Bond near
Mason Richard C. 27 s High
Mason Theodore, manufac. belts, sheaths,
palms, &c. 147 s Caroline
Mason Thos. E. carpenter, 34 n Caroline
Mason Wesley, 154 Columbia
Mason Wm. jr. ( Wm. M. & Son) clerk, Bal-
timore county
Mason Wm. shoemaker, 128 Raborg
Mason Wm. & Son, manuf. duck, and com-
mission merchants, 79 Smith's wharf, dw
W. M. Powhatan Factory, Baltimore co.
Mason Wm. teacher, 475 w Pratt
Mason Wm. hatter, 22 McCulloh
Masonic Hall, cor St. Paul & Ct House lane
Mass Dr. Frank, Washington hotel
Mass Samuel, jr. cedar cooper and green
grocer, 103 Lee
Massey Chas. oyster dealer, 3 Maiden lane
Massey Dr. Wm. R. 137 w Fayette
Massicott Catherine E. 24 Albemarle
Massicott Robert, guano weigher, 34 Stiles
Massicott Wm. guano weigher, 90 s Ann
Masson Abraham, sailmkr. 246 e Lombard
Masson Capt. Charles A. 261 e Pratt
Masson Thos. E. carp. Eden near Lombard
Masson Wm. E. house carpenter, 2 Durham,
dw 6 s Ann
Master of Machinery, B. & O. R. R. Mt.
Clare Station
Master of Machinery, N. C. Railway, Bol-
ton Station
Master of Roads, B. & O. R. R. Mt. Clare
Master of Transportation, B. & O. R. R.
Camden Station
Masterman Chas. A. baker, 166 Ensor
Masters Richard, salesman, 101 e Fayette
Masterson Mary, 20 Biddle al
Matchett Mrs. Richard J. 20 Albemarle
Matchett Wm. J. painter, 363 s Charles
Mathaney Daniel, pilot, 46 n Broadway
Mathaney James, steamboat officer, 292 e
Mathany Rezin, pilot. 151 Wolfe
Mathers & Irvin, merchant tailors, 224 w
Mathers James (M. & Irvin) 33 Pearl
Mathers James, ladies' shoestore, 92 Lex-
Mathews Isaac (Snowden & M.) 382 w
Mathews Samuel H. (Gardner & M.) 121 n
Mathews Samuel G. (M. & Zollickoffer)
162 u Eutaw
Mathews Thos. H. sheet iron worker, 123
duce com. merchants, 128 n Howard—
[See Advertisement.]
Mathias John A. dry goods and carpet deal-
er, 149 Lexington
Mathias John, (Miller, Shipe & Co.) 175