MALCOLM JAS. attorney, 27 Lexington,
dw Baltimore co.
MALCOLM, P. & CO. grain, flour and
guano merchants, 12 Bowly's wharf
Malfurn Charles, glass blow. 14 Lancaster
Maler James, porter, 18 Albemarle
Mallalieu Sarah, 110 Dolphin
Mallcy James O. grocery. 60 n Eden
MALLINCKRODT WM. dry goods mer-
chant, over 31 s Charles, dw 182 Preston
Mallon James, grocer, 121 Chesnut
Mallon James, grocery, 89 Pine
Mallon John, block and pump maker, 61
w Prait, dw 73 Lee
Mallon John, grocer, 321 Canton av
Mallon Patrick, grocer, 44 Chesnut
Malloy Charles P. tobacconist, 101s Ann
Malloy John, clerk, Union Bank, 231 e
Malloy Mary, 209 Washington
Mallonee James, clerk, 270 Franklin
Mally Henry, shoemaker, 158 s Oregon
Malone Daniel, laborer, Clinton, Canton
Malone James, ship joiner, 338 e Pratt
Malone James, laborer, Canton
Malone Michael, laborer, Lancaster,Can ton
Malone Richard, laborer, lU7Raborg
Malone Thus, laborer, 73 Ellioit, Canton
Malone Patrick, laborer,115 Elliott,Canton
Maloney Arch. 135 n Paca
Maloney Bryan, laborer, 17 Neighbor
Maloney Daniel, carpenter, 65 Garden
Maloney Elizabeth, 135 n Paca
Maloney Johauna, dry goods deal. 549 w
Maloney John, carpenter, 192 Carpenter's
al. dw 371 w Lombard
Maloney & Larkins, grocers, 35 Ensor
Maloney Mary Ann, bdg. house, 7 Wills
Maloney Patrick, laborer, 3 Camden la
Maloney Peter, chair maker, 10 Hill
Maloney Richard, tailor, 168 s Howard
Mallonnee Wm. blacksmith , 75 s Fremont
MALTBY C. S. oyster dealer.foot of West
Falls av.dw Maltby house— [See Advertise-
MALTBY HOUSE, Henry M. Smith,
proprietor, ISO, 182 and 184 w Pratt
MANAAR MADAM, 22 s Spring
Manaca Jos.R.dry gds.deal. 227 Lexington
Mandelbaum Henry ,clothier,129n Howard
Manahan J. F. (M'ercer & M.) 279 Lex-
Manegy Philip, carpenter, 138 Vine
Manex Amelia, 85 Booth
Mangold Martin.shoemk.York cor Charles
Manifold Andrew, carp. 223 e Monument
Manion Malachi, porter 92 French
Manion Patrick, laborer, 22 Foundry
Manion Patrick, coachmn.27 e Monument
Manion Patrick M. lab. 35 e Monument
Manke Christopher A.turner, 59 Richm'ml
Mnnken Charles, tobacconist, 121 Thames
Manken Henry, New Orleans house, 65
Mankin Isaiah, over 69 s Gay.dw Balto. co
Manks R. H. bootmaker, 193 Light
Manley John, hack stables, 98 s Eutaw
Manly Ann, tavern, 139 Eastern av
Manly Capt. John. 98 Columbia
Manly John S. carpenter, 98 Columbia
Manly John, laborer, 210 s Ann
Manly John W. shoemaker, 210 s Ann
Manly Rodney, clerk, 83 Washington
Manly Stephen, (Jeffers, Cook, Zell & M.)
400 w Lombard
MANN & BRO. paper hangers, 121
Mann Charles, tailor, 9 Harmony la
MANN ERNEST, wholesale and retail
hosiery and trimmings dealer, 49 w Bal-
timore, dw 94 Granby
Mann George jr. tinner, 89 n Eden
Mann George, blacksmith, Elliott, Canton
Mann John, clock and looking glass deal.
64 s Charles
Mann James M. (M. & Bro.) 121 Sharp
Mann John, livery and veterinary stables,
167 n Howard, dw 140 n Eutaw
Mann Joseph, glass blower, 4 Church
Mann John G. tobacconist, 302 s Bond
Mann Joseph R. & Co. oyster packers, 111
McElderry's whf. dw J. R. M. 79 s High
Mann James, carpenter, 104 Scott
Mann Patrick, laborer Light below Elth
Mann Richard laborer, 24 Booth
Mann Sarah Jane, dressmaker, 89 n Eden
Mann Thomas W. com. merchant, 19 Ex-
change buildings, dw 140 Shaip
Mann Thomas, (M. & Bro.) Paca near
L. Greene
Mann J. M. (M. & Bro.) 48 e Baltimore
Mann Wm. 111 s Paca
Mannar James B. shoemaker, 46 Ensor
Mannahan C.laborer,McMechin near Ross
Manner Godfred, machinist, 432 w Pratt
Manning Dr. A. L., office 272 w Pratt, dw
4 Greene
Manning Henry S. butter depot, 42 Camden,
dw 176 s Paca
Manning James C. clerk, 137 St. Paul
Manning Jos. C. & Co com. mts. 53 Ex-
change place, dw J. C. M. 137 St. Paul
Manning James, laborer, 178 s Canal
Manning James, tinner, 103 n Eutaw
Manning John J. laborer, 175 Chester
Manning Ptrk. laborer,Chesapeake,Canton
Manning Samuel, (Jos. C. M. & Co.) 289
w Madison
Manning Thomas, laborer, 2 Neighbor
Manns Adam, tailor, 9 Walker
Manns Charles, Mullikin near Aisquith
Manns Rev. P. 93 Barre
Mannus John, tailor, 310 Canton av
Manro Mrs. R. M. 47 w Biddle
Mansdorfer John G. shoemaker, 44 Penn av
Mansfield Mrs. M. D. dressmaker, 222 s
Mansfield Nathan, blacksmith, 222 s Eutaw
Mansion House, n w cor. Fayette & St. Paul
Mansnn John G. ship joiner 178 s Ann
Manson Sarah, 178 s Ann
Manning Thomas, laborer, 32 Addison
Manshine Peter, cooper, 46 President
Mantz A. K. (Levering Bros. & Co.) n e
cor. Gay and Second
Mantz Sophia, 493 w Baltimore
Mantz Wm.H. tobacconist.432 w Baltimore
Mantz Wm. 7 Green Mt. av
Manzel Charles, laborer, 82 Lancaster