Linton John, machine agent, 154 East
Linton John, potter, 175 Fremont
Linton Samuel, 24 Maiden lane
LINTON WILLIAM, potter, cor Pine &
Lexington, dw 289 Lexington
Lintz Peter, grocery and provision store,
131 Camden
Linville Aug. attorney, 71 w Fayette
Linville Margaret F. dry goods store, 121
Linz John, tailor 27 Chapel
Linze John H. tinner, Fulton al near Tyson
Lipcur Frederick, laborer, Canton
Lipcur Frederick, laborer, 225 s Bond
Lipfrat Frederick, tavern, Thames near
Lipkey August, eigarmaker, 40 Liberty al
Lipp Francis X. & Co. clothiers, cor Greene
and Lexington, dw F. X. L. 23 n Eutaw
Lipp James, clothier, 389 w Baltimore, dw
23 n Eutaw
Lipp Louisa E. milliner, 23 n Eutaw
Lipp Stephen, nightman, 544 Light
Lippe George, carpenter. 14 Brune
Lippe George, carpenter, 80 n Poppleton
Lippe Joseph, eigarmaker, 391 n Eutaw,
dw 342 Franklin
Lipper Peter, whip sawyer, Canon, Canton
Lipper Wm. millinery goods dealer, 29 n
Lippert Peter, laborer, 206 Penn. av
Lippey Jesse, carpenter, 241 Conway
Lippincott James B. provision broker, 71
Exchange place, dw 244 w Lombard
Lippy Margaret, 305 n Eutaw
Lipscomb George, clerk, 119 Camden
Lipscomb Rev. P. D. Lexingion near
Lishner George, ship carpenter, 25 Perry
Lisner Abraham, dry goods dealer, 85 n
List Jacob, shoemaker, 213 Lexington
List John, shoemaker, 129 Garden
List John, wheelwright, 524 Peun. av
List J. Adam, shoemaker, 123 Columbia
Lister Brenhart. leacher, 23 New Church
Lister Thomas, carpenter, Wine al near
Charles, dw 435 w Fayette
Litchfield Samuel A. machinist, 375 n Gay
Litenburger Michael, shoemk. 63 s Eutaw
Littig Caleb B. collector, 20 s Howard
Littig Luther, (Price & L.) 64 St. Paul
Littig Philip jr. cashier Marine Bank, 66
Little Catharine, 102 n Greene
Little Charier A. butcher, 270 Harford av
Little Daniel, merchant tailor, 65 McHenry
Little David, grocery, 27 Eastern av
Little Elizabeth, 32 George
Little George, clerk, 81 u Fremont
Little James, machinist, 172 Ensor
tobacco and cigar dealers, 10 s Calvert
Little James, (Jas. L. & Clarke,) Holiday
near Lexington
Little James, shoemaker, 463 n Gay
Little John Q.. 368 e Monument
Little John, 127 Sharp
Little John, grocery, 25 e Lombard
Little John. (L & Simms,) 25 e Lombard
Little Joseph, blacksmith, 167 Chesnut
Little Patrick, huckster, 71 Perry
Little Richard, weaver, 557 Saratoga
Little Rachel, 55 Chatsworth
Little Robert, ccr Lombard and Albemarle
Little Robert, metal worker, 244 Hanover
Little Sarah, seamstress, 5 Wyeth
LITTLE &, SIMMS, grocers and commis-
sion merchants, 64 s Gay
Little Thomas, 63 s Caroline
Little Thomas G. & Co. tobacconists, 90 w
Lombard, dw T. G. L. 30 Sharp
Littlefield &. Hines, apothecaries and drug-
gists, 36 n Charles
Litilefield Rufus P. (L. & Mines,) 16 s
Litz Adam, 16 Elizabeth al
Litz Francis, brewer, 236 e Eager
Litz Henry, clerk, 26 Ross
Litz Rosanna, 27 Albemarle
Litzendorff Henry, vinegarmk. 138 s Eutaw
Liverpool Packet Wharf, formerly Patter-
son's, Philpot near Point
Liverpool and London Fire and Life Ins.
Co. Wm. L. Montague, secretary; Wm.
F. Murdoch, agent
Livingston Francis, hatter, 232 Light
Livingston George A. painter, 60 Forrest
Livingston John, I inner, 26 n Eden
Livingston John P. moulder, 60 Forrest
Livingston Lorenzo D. shoemak. 811 Light
Livingston Peter, (Jones & L.) 210 w Pratt
Livingston Seth F. boot and shoe manuf.
206 Light
Livingston Wm. 33 Jordan al
Lloyd Benj. R. book-keeper, 162 Sharp
Lloyd Frisby, (Connolly & L.) 159Aisquith
Lloyd John, wagoner, 71 Durham
Lloyd John, hackman, 118 Conway
Lloyd John A coal merchant, b9 w Lom-
bard, dw 54 Conway
Lloyd Mary P. 162 Sharp
Lloyd Mrs. Mary, gardener, Back Shore
Lloyd James P grocer, 30 s Exeter
Lloyd John, cooper, 29 Constitution
Llovd Reuben, tinner, 136 n Eutaw
Lloyd T. H. clerk, 162 Sharp
Lloyd Thomas, hotel, 69 President
Lloyd Thomas, quater master U. S. A.
McElderry near Broadway
Lloyd Wm. B. ship carpenter, 313 e Pratt
Lloyd Wm. locksmith, 221 Hollins
Lloyd Wm. J. Union Hotel, cor Charles
and Pratt
Llufrio Capt. John, mariner, 131 s High
Loane & Cruikshanks, ship joiners, Mill
Loane Daniel, laborer, 16s Front
Loane Eliza Ann, 114 s Caroline
Loane Elizabeth, 63 Pine
Loane George J. ship joiner, cor Covington
and Montgomery, dw 93 s Bond
Loane & Grafflin, sailmalier, 10 and 103
Bowly's wharf
Loane Jabez W. (L. & Graffiin,) 33 Fawn
Loane James, machinist, 57 n Eden
Loane John, master bricklayer, Ross near
Loane John, cabinetmaker, 72 n Eden
Loane Julia A. 2 s Caroline