Letcher Adolph. dry gds deal. 56 s Howard
Letmate F. & W. manufacturers tin and
sheet iron ware, 134 Lexington
Letmate Julia Ann, stove dealer, 47 Ensor
Letournau Lucretia, 4 s Ann
Letournau P. mate, 4 s Ann
Letter George, laborer, 182 s Canal
Letter Michael, butcher, Canton
Letwick David, copper smelter, Clinton s
of Boston, Canton
Leuthold Chris. S. printer, 160 Pearl
Leuker Lewis, tailor, 37 n Canal
Leuks George, baker, 285 Light
Leutbecker Christian, tav'n, 51 n Frederick
Leutner Christopher, carpenter, 268 Sharp
Leutner Francis, boot maker, 262 Sharp
Leutner Frederick, carpenter, 26o Sharp
Leuster George, laborer, 272 s Ann
Leventhall Levi, sexton, 65 Watson
Levering A. J. clerk, Camden near Charles
ters China, 98 and 100 w Lombard
Levering & Co. wh. grocers and commission
merchants, 2 Commerce
Levering Decatur E. (L. Bros. & Co.) 174
Levering Eugene, (L. & Co.) 208 Madi-
son av
Levering Fred'k A. (L. & Co.) 168 Park
Levering Madison, (L. Bros. & Co.) 284
Levering S. S. (Th. W. L. & Son,) Charles
near Mulberry
Levering Silas G. curer of stammering,
8i s Bond
Levering Susanna, 160 Harford av
Levering Thos. L. book keeper, 156 Pearl
Levering Thomas W. & Son, grain, seed
and commission merchts, 113 w Pratt, dw
T. W. L. 108 Hanover
Levering Wm. W. carp. 160 Harford av
Leverton Wm. seamen, 13 May
Levi Joseph, clothing and jewelry dealer,
138 Light-st. whf
Levins Christopher, tavern, 339 s Bond
Levinson Samuel, (Louis Harrison & Co.)
33 s Charles
Levy Andrew, ship carpen. 257 Aliceanna
Levy Charlotte, dry goods dealer, 199 s
Broadway and 33 w Baltimore
Levy Joseph, painter, 102 McElderry
Levy Joseph M.165 e Pratt
Lew Samuel, carpenter, 41 Moore al. dw
285 n Eutaw
Levy Thomas P. painter, 199 e Fayette
Lewalt Henry, tavern, 30 Shakspear
Lewin Rev. Meyer, 202 Franklin
Lewis Andrew, rope maker, 304 e Lombard
Lewis A. T. (L., Drost & Co.) 92 n Paca
Lewis Carl, laborer, 55$ s Bond
Lewis Casper, porter, 16 Biddle al
Lewis Caroline, 238 e Lombard
Lewis Charles, chair maker, 48 Henrietta
LEWIS, DROST & CO. importers and
dealers in fancy dry gds. 253 w Baltimore
Lewis Edward, tailor, 47 s Howard
Lewis Elizabeth, 185 Preston
Lewis Francis H. paper stainer, 52 Hill
Lewis George, tailor, 47 s Howard
Lewis George H. huckster, 968 w Baltim'e
Lewis George W. shoemaker, Fremont nr.
Lewis Henry, iron roller, 5 Wills
Lewis Henry B. comb maker, 208 Hollins
Lewis James M. plasterer, 91 Aisquith
Lewis Jacob S. (L. & Perry,) 231 w Lex-
Lewis John, cor Richmond and Clover al
Lewis John, laborer, Chesapeake, Canton
Lewis John, pilot. 122 s Wolfe
Lewis John, grocery, 92 n Calvert
Lewis John, paper stainer, 139 West
Lewis Capt. John B. 53 Fawn
Lewis John T. clerk, 185 Saratoga
Lewis John T. sailmaker, 105 Gough
Lewis John T. pilot, 202 Bank
Lewis Joseph B. conductor on R. R. dw 62
Lewis Joseph N. treas. Short Mountain
Coal Co. 57 Second, dw 95 w Fayette
Lewis Lewie. 45 w Biddle
Lewis Kendal, book agent, 300 e Lombard
Lewis Martin, (M. L.&Co.) 302 w Madison
Lewis Martin & Co. dry goods commission
merchants, 14 and 16 German
jewis Mary A. 100 s Poppleton
LEWIS MILO, agent Mutual Ben. Life
Insurance Co. 159 w Baltimore, dw cor
Baltimore and Calhoun
Lewis Redmond, porter, 20 Eastern av
Lewis Sarah, 156 Sarah Ann
Lewis Sarah Ann, 239 Chase
Lewis & Perry, wh. and retail boot and shoe
store, 137 s Broadway
LEWIS THOMAS, Ottoway hall, s w
cor Bond and Pratt, dws Bond
Lewis Thos. B. clerk, Gilmor near Saratoga
Lewis Wm. machinist, 102 n Schroeder
Lewis Wm. block & pumpinkr. 47 Henrietta
Lewis Wm. A. shoemaker, 24 Brunswick
Lewis Wm. A. machinist, 115 Hamburg
Lewis Wm. M. 74 s Caroline
Lewis Wm. P. importer &. jobber of laces,
embroideries, &c. 283 w Baltimore, dw
23 Hanover
Lewisson Charles, 25 Conway
Lewitock Jacob, 7 e Baltimore
Lewmon Patrick, brewer, 87 York
Lewyt H. M. stationery dealer, 51 e Balto
Lewyt Solomon H. jeweler and watch deal-
er, 63 Front
Ley Christian, blacksmith, 4 Jackson ct
Leyburn W m. laborer, cor Forrest & Eager
Leykauf John, tavern, 138 Hollins
Leyman Conrad, grocer, 614 Light
Leypold Jacob, iron smelt. 43 Leadenhall
Leyshon David, labr'r, Marriott, Locust pt
Leyshon Matth, labr'r, Marriott, Locust pt
Leyshon Thomas, copper smelter, Clinton
s of Boston, Canton
Libelar Martin, 262 s Ann
Liberlv Fire Co's Engine House, junction
Liberty, Park and Fayette
Liehiy Samuel, tailor, 136 e Monument
Lick George, wood huckster, 20 s Ann
Lidig George, cooper, 612 Light
Lieb J. S. treas. N. C. Railway, n w corner
Howard and Franklin
Liebert Frederick, laborer, 533 w Lombard
Lieblich Marcus, dry gds dir. 154 Lexing'n