Jenkins John W. 10 Hamburg
Jenkins John W. (Grinnell & J.) York
Jenkins John S. 56 Franklin
Jenkins John, copper smelter, Clinton n of
Boston, Canton
Jenkins Joseph, laborer, 343 Columbia
Jenkins Joseph, 46 Abbot
Jenkins Joseph P. house and ship painter,
1U s Caroline, dw 13
Jenkins Levin, W. 11 Williamson al
Jenkins Robert. (George & J.) 75 Center
Jenkins Thomas P. 29 n Front
Jenkins Thomas C. (Poland J. & Co.) 167
St. Paul
Jenkins Thomas M. copper smelter,Clinton
n of Boston, Canton
leather dealers, 94 w Lombard & 7 Water
Jenkins Wm. M. cooper, 515 w Baltimore,
dw 328 w Fayette
Jenkins Wm. copper smeller, Clinton n of
Boston, Canton
Jenkins Wm. H. 295 e Eager
JENKS FRANCIS H. com. merchant, 14
Bowly's whf. dw Lanvale near Grundy
Jenks Jane, bread & cake bak. 58 e Fayette
Jenness John, provision store, 175 n Eden
Jennings Abraham, 34 Brunswick
Jennings Joshua, wagoner, 202 Hollins
Jennings Joshua, laborer, 14 Duberry al
Jennings Mich'l P. huckster, 82 Harford av
caries, 88 n Charles
Jennings Patrick, laborer, 30 Neighbor
Jennings Patrick J. tobacconist 36 Somerset
Jennings Robert, shoemaker, 6 Bethel
Jennings Samuel, Mansion House tavern,
cor Front and Fayette
Jennings Thomas, carrier, 269 Orleans
Jerger Charles, tavern, 67 Center Market
Jerome John H. T. & Co. grocers, 34 n Pa-
ca, dw J. H. T. J. 251 Saratoga
Jervis Wm. & J. file cutlers, 197 Montg'y
Jessop George A. clerk, 87 s Charles
Jessop Margaret, 93 McElderry
Jessop Priscilla, 274 Aisquith
Jester Benj. E. hay and straw dealer,Spear's
whf. dw 106 w Lombard
Jevens John W. (West & J.) 299 w Fayette
Jewell Wm. J. painter, 9 Holiday, dw 336
Jewell Caroline, nurse, 109 Clement
JEWETT ISAAC W. attorney at law, 69
Second, dw cor McCulloh and Dolphin
Jewell John jr. real estate broker, 69 Second
Jillard John, 219 n Gav
Jillard Wm. H. 219 n Gay
Jocel George, shoemaker, 72 Camden
Jockel Joseph, chairmaker, 84 Albemarle
Jookel Martin, baker, 194 Sharp
Joe Henry, laborer, 223 Durham
Joh Jacob, locksmith, 4 Jasper
John Augustus, teacher, 131 n Paca
John George, carpet weaver, 225 Alicearna
JOHANNES JOHN G. jeweler, Wine,
dw 469 w Fayette
Johannes Martin J. jeweler, orer cor Light
and Baltimore, dw 469 w Fayette
Johanning Henry, varnisher, 433 w Pratt
Johns Ann M. dressmaker, 66 Lexington
Johns Edwin L. blacksmith, 271 Aliceanna
Johns Frank, moulder, 270 s Ann
Johns Rev. Henry Van Dyke, cor Bolton
and Lanvale
Johns Capt. Jesse, 310 Sharp
Johns John, copper smelter, Clinton s of
Boston, Canton
Johns Rev. L. H. prof, languages, Newton
University, dw Lanvale near Bolton
Johns Dr. Montgomery, 163 Cathedral
Johns Richard H. collector, 43 s Ann
Johns Rebecea W. 310 Sharp
Johns Wm H. brushmaker, 40 s Poppleton
Johns Wm. clerk, 117 Saratoga
Johnson Adolphus, liv. stables, 100 Thames
Johnson Albert A. clerk, 100 e Fayette
Johnson Alexander T. (Duer, Norris &Co.)
243 n Eutaw
Johnson Arthur Livingston, patentee man-
ufacturer iron shutters, 201 Franklin
Johnson Ann E. 100 e Fayette
Johnson Aquilla boarding house, 137 s High
Johnson Augustus, watchman, 500 Light
Johnson Ballard, broker, 33 Lexington
Johnson Benj, millinery store, 166 Lexingt'n
Johnson Catharine, 509 w Lombard
Johnson Catharine, milliner, 269 n Gay
Johnson Charles, carpenter, 94 Dolphin
Johnson Charles, wire worker, 58 s Calvert,
dw 18
Johnson Christo. millwright, 83 Harford av
Johnson Cornelius, clerk, 28 Pearl
Johnson Capt. C. R. 274 Canton av
Johnson Daniel W. laborer, 77 Stirling
Johnson David, shoemaker, 140 Conway
Johnson Delilah, 342 Aisquith
Johnson Denwood, steamboat hand, 297 s
Johnson Doras, 336 Eastern av
Johnson Edward W. blacksmith, Canton
Johnson Edward, tavern, 142 e Lombard
Johnson Dr. Edward, druggist, 125 e Pratt
Johnson Edw. granite cutter, 25 s Fremont
Johnson Capt. Edw. P. mariner, 121 s Ann
Johnson Edwin, tobacconist, 61 n Eutaw
Johnson Elizabeth, grocery, 269 e Madison
Johnson Emily, near cor Franklin & Pop-
Johnson Ezekiel C. paper carrier, 95 s Bond
Johnson Fergus, weaver, 115 Pierce
Johnson Finley, 66 Conway
Johnson Francis, shoe store, 413 Lexington
Johnson Geo. B. bricklayer, George near
Johnson Geo. W. shoemaker, 315 e Monu-
Johnson Hannah, 261 Franklin
Johnson Capt Henry, Ann n of Lombard
Johnson Henry, carpenter, 22 Brune
Johnson Henry, rigger, 248 s Broadway
Johnson Henry, rigger, 259 s Broadway-
Johnson Hiram, teacher, 166 n Howard
Johnson Howard, chairmak 42 McElderry
Johnson Indiana, dressmaker, 342 Aisquith
Johnson Isaac, watchman, 14Aimistead lane
Johnson James A. cabinetmaker, 345 w
Johnson Jas. carpenter, 960 w Baltimore