Hushback Chas, machinist, 100 s Poppleton
Hushbeck Aug. venitian blind maker, 7 s
Hushbeck Mary A. 7 s Poppleton
Hushet Adam /laborer, '29 Eastern av
Husing J. D. 186 w Madison
Hussell Caspar, engineer, 186 s Eutaw
Hussellbaugh Henry, carpenter, 79 Jasper
Hussellman John, laborer, Clinton n of Bos-
ton, Canton
Hussey David, copper smelter, Clinton s of
Boston, Canton
Hussey Eliza, 352 e Monument
Hussey James, ladies' shoemaker, 12 Low
Hussey Obed, inanuf. of reaping machines,
Eastern av. below Eden, dw 22 Albemarle
Hussey Susan, 38 s Broadway
Hussman Francis, cooper, 72 s Canal
Hussman John H. shoemaker, 110 s Eden
Hussman Michael, cooper, 72 s Canal
Huster Andrew, butcher, 193 Columbia
Huston John, laborer, 70 Boyd
Hut Chas, cooper, 9 Comet
Hut Conrad, tailor, 74 Somerset
Hut George, tailor, West al
Hut George, tailor, 252 e Eager
Hutchesou David, Bond n of Madison
Hutchins Elizabeth, dressmkr. 31 Jefferson
Hutchins Francis, hricklayer,25 Chatsworth
Hutchins Mrs. M. & Co. milliners, 53 Han-
Hutchins Nicholas & W. J. Front Street
Hotel, 100 n Front
Hutchins Peter Alex, carter, 28 Booth
Hutchins Richard, painter, 9 Bevan al
Hutchins Robert, cigar maker, 31 Jefferson
Hutchins Thos. T. attorney, 51 w Fayette,
dw 132 Park
Hutchinson Alleath, 4 Gold's ct
Hutchinson Chas. silversmith,28 Thompson
Hutchinson Ellen, 161 Sarah Ann
Hutchinson Francis B. clerk, 12 South
Hutchinson Francis, foreman Maltby's oys-
ter house, 33 Stiles
Hutchinson Hayward M. (Collins, Heath
& H.) 114 w Madison
Hutchinson H. M. Fountain hotel
Hutchinson John, mariner, 182 L. Hughes
Hutchinson Mary, shirt maker, 32 e Balt.
Hutchinson Robert, laborer, 19 Leadenhall
Hutson Edward, independent police, 83
Hutson Elizabeth, 70 Lancaster
Hutson Joshua, wheelwright, 112 Raborg
Hutson Capt. Robert, 37 s Broadway
Huttenberger Wm. cooper, 225 Forrest
Huttman John, laborer, 33 Fountain
Huttman Michael, baker, 58 Short
Hutton Andrew, police, 352 Canton av
Hutton Jane, 30 North
Hutton Job, 703 w Baltimore
Hutton Joseph G. gas fitter, 320 Aisquith
Hution Thos, huckster, Ealth
Huizler Moses, dry goods dealer, 78 n Eden
Huxford David, painter, 233 Chase
Huxly John, merchant tailor, 92 n Gay
Huzza Albert, carpenter, 141) Aisquith
Huzza Columbus, printer, 367 n Gay
Huzza Lewis, carpenter, 99 Ensor
Hyam Abram, paper hanger, 49 e Lombard
Hyam Michael, laborer, Townsend near
Pennsylvania av
Hyam Stephen, 170 Regester
Hyatt Alpheus (H. & Stump) 110 n Schroe-
Hyatt C. C. & R. H. wholesale grocers and
com. merchants, 147 w Pratt, dw R. H.
H. 60 Bar re
HYATT EDWARD & CO. liquor dealers,
376 w Baltimore, dw E. H. cor Monu-
ment and Tyson al
HYATT & STUMP, wholesale grocers,
56 South
Hyde Arnold S. clerk, 26 Pleasant
Hyde Chas, blacksmith, 17 Park
Hyde Henry K. (Guyton & H.) 62Hanover
Hyde James, furniture dealer, 251 Light
Hyde Jerem. laborer, Chesapeake, Canton
Hyde John, 175 Montgomery
Hyde John G. moulder, 127 William
Hyde Margaret, 116 n Exeter
Hvde Mary, 45 Holland
HYDE MOSES, fancy soap maker, 210 e
Monument, dw 128 e Madison— [See Ad-
Hyde Oliver, 51 n High
Hyde Richard H. shoemaker, 221 n Gay,
dw 192 e Mcnument
Hyde Samuel N. d ry goods and carpet deal-
er, 146 s Broadway, dw 14-1
Hyde Samuel G. 26 Pleasant
Hyde Wm. J. lottery vender,202 e Madison
Hyland Geo. R. (H. & Woods) 37 St. Paul
Hylard James, carpenter, 173 s Paca
Hyland James, 97 n Charles
Hyland James H. clerk Sun office, 26 w
HYLAND & WOODS, general merchan-
dise brokers, 81 Exchange place
Hylows Wm. laborer, 52 President
Hyman Abram, clothier, 198 n Gay
H'yme Albert, laborer, S2 Orchard
Hymes Alexander, carpenter, 377 n Gay
Hymes Emanuel, umbrella maker, 23 May
Hynes Caleb, engineer, 165 Washington
Hynes Edward, ship carpen. 349 Canton av
HYNES JOSHUA H. & SON, flour, feed,
lime and hair dealers, 726 w Baltimore
Hynes Thos, custom house, 206 e Baltimore
Hvnson Benjamin T. paper hanger, 52 n
Howard, dw 182 Mulberry
Hynson John Ringold, livery stables, 30 w
Lombard, dw 150 e Monument
Hyser Magnus, tract distributor, 73 Granby
Hyser Mrs. Mary,dressmaker, 302 n Eutaw
Hyser William, 302 n Eutaw
Iams Wm. blacksmith, 98 s Poppleton
Ide Joseph, carpenter, 210 e Eager
Iddings Wm. P. (B. S. & W. A. Loney &
Co.) 64 n Paca
Ierscheid John D. huckster, 257 s Bond
Igger Gotleib, cooper, 36 Hampstead
Iggers Henry, well digger, 151 n Eden
Iglehart G. L. (Duvall & I.) 82 Camden
Iglehart John H. & Co. com. merchts. and
deal, tobacco, &c. 69 Exchange place, dw
J. H. I. 263 Saratoga
Iglehart Martin, butcher, 237 Dallas
Igo Mrs. E. milliner, 138 Lexington