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Woods' Baltimore Directory for 1856-57
Volume 544, Page 170   View pdf image (33K)
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130 HUL

Hubbell H'y, (E. H. & Bro.) 281 Lexington
Hubbell Josiah, (B. Crane & Co.) 428 w
Hubbell Pamela, 428 w Fayette
Hubel Benedict, tobacconist, 102 e Madison
Hubel Magdalena, 102 e Madison
Hubbel John, plasterer, 236 Franklin
Huber Ant. turner, 13 Pine
Huber George jeweler, 83 Ross
HUBER HENRY E. book and job printer,
4 n Charles, dw 70 n Poppleton
Hubler Fred'k, cabinetmkr. 208 s Broad way
Hubuer Andrew, laborer, Canton av e of
Hucht Bernard, painter, 8 L. Monument
Hucht John B. grocery, 122 Pearl
Huck Richard S. agent, 573 w Fayette
Hudgens Charles, plasterer, 98 n Canal
Hudgens Maria, bakery, 98 n Canal
Hudgins John, trunk maker, rear ol 87 s
Hudgins John R. blacksmith, 18 President
Hudistan John, s,later, 94 Warner
Hudson David W. Insurance agent, 3
Franklin buildings, dw 38 s Spring
Hudson Richard C. cigar maker, 552 w
Hudson Thomas, carpenter, 65 Regester
Hudson Wm. carter, 295 Columbia
Hudson Wm. B. cigar maker, 305 w Pratt
Huebner George, cooper, 132 e Fayette
Huebner John, cooper, 42 n Canal
Huet Dr. Augustus 19 n Frederick
Huey James, grain and feed dealer, over
59 s Frederick, dw 189 Monument
Huff Samuel, commission merchant, Light
street whf, dw 35 Pleasant
Hufl'U. washerwoman, Henry
Huffington Capt. Wm. W. 103 s Eden
Huffington Wm. C. wtchmn. 341 Mulberry
Huffman Anthony, laborer, Elliott, Canton
Huffman Georgej laborer, 174 s Canal
Huffman John, laborer, 306 Johnson
Huffman John, cooper, Franklin road, near
Huffmasier Adolphus, laborer, 35 Fountain
Huffnaple Andrew, shoemaker, 62 Short
Huffnagle Samuel, milkman, Boston s o;
Huffnaale Sebastian, boot and shoemaker
260 Eastern av
Huger Col. B., U. S. A. 36 Franklin
Hugg Capt. Jacob, 36 s Broadway
Hugg Capt. Jarob, jr. 36 s Broadway
Hugg Richard, inspector Western Hay
Scales, 71 n Eutaw
H uggins Josiah, cabinetmaker , 254 s Eutaw
Huggins Josiah, cabinet maker, 205 Vine
Huggins Wm. painter, 447 Saratoga
Hughes Alice, Amily alley
Hughes Andrew W. daguerreotypist, 112
Hughes Anthony, laborer, 313 e Lombard
Hughes Charles, 62 Block
Hughes Charles E. brakesman, 116 Scott
Hughes Christopher, tanner, 74 Ross
Hushes David, copper smelter, Clinton s of
Boston. Can ton
Hughes Edward, laborer, 1 Biddle
Hughes Elijah, soap & candlemkr. 80 Pear

Hughes Elizabeth, McElderry near Broad-
Hughes Mrs. Felix, 14 Mulberry
Hughes George N. saddler, 76 Hanover
HUGHES GEORGE R. H. attorney and
Commissioner of the U. S. Ct. of Claims,
9 n Calvert, dw 75 n Charles
Hughes George W. bricklayer, 222 Bank
Hughes Geo. W. pro. Whitehall, 92 Bank
Hughes Hugh, engineer, 193 Forrest
Hughes Jane C. 338 Franklin
Hughes James, tavern. 141 n Eutaw
Hughes James, bricklayer, s Washington
n of Gough
Hughes James, butcher, Elliott, Canton
Hughes James, soap boiler, 122 Harford av
Hughes Rev. James E. 238 Lexington
Hughes James, moulder, Mulberry near
Hughes James, laborer, Townsend nr. Ross
Hughes John, laborer, 353 Canton av
Hughes John, laborer, 101 Preston
Hughes John, pedler, 140 Ross
Hughes John, carter, 73 French
Hughes John, butcher, 735 Penna, av
Hughes John, clerk, 40 e Lombard
Hughes John & Son, cabinet makers and
undertakers, Broadway, 2d dr. s of Pratt
HUGHES JOHN T. trimmings dealer,
157 w Baltimore, dw 18 s Calvert
Hughes Lucretia, 302 e Lombard
Hughes Margaret, 25 n Amity
Hughes Michael, grocery, 8 L. Paca
Hughes Michael, carpenter, 18 s Oregon
Hughes Mrs. Sarah, 176 n Gay
Hughes Mrs. S. W. fancy dry goods dealer.
38 n Charles
Hughes Patrick, laborer. 92 French
Hughes Peter, grocery, 311 e Lombard
Hughes Philip, grocery, 135 Conway
Hughes Rebecca, confectioner, 82 Gough
Hughes Robert, plumber, 417 w Lombard
Hughes Robert, grocery, cor. George and
Hughes Sarah, 417 w Lombard
Hughes Capt. Scott, mariner, 82 Gough
Hughes Stephen, laborer, 324 Eastern av
HUGHES THOS. L & CO. hat and cap
manufacturers, 34 w Baltimore, dw T.
L. H. f>44 w Baltimore
Hughes Wm. chair maker, 4 s Bond
Hughes Wm. carpenter, 324 Eastern av
Hughes Wm. D. printer, 54 Buren
Hughes Wm. H. superintendent B. & O.
R. R. 83 s Eutaw
Hughes Wm. T. carter, 34 May
Hughes Wm. labor'r, Ramsey nr. Poppleton
Huhn Wm. P. stove moulder, 3 Scott
Huiss John G. grocery, cor Bond & Orleans
Hull Ann, dressmaker, 3 Ross
Hull Elizabeth, 34 Somerset
Hull George, shoestore, 168 e Baltimore
Hull Robt. (Hopkins, H. & Co.) 61 n Charles
Hull Thomas J. 123 n Gay
Hull Wm, collar maker, 25 Josephine
Hull Wm. clerk, 66 s Eden
Hullar Wm. cooper. 63 Granby
Hullman John, laborer, 68 Granby
HULLS JOHN, dealer in paper hangings,
oils, paints and glass, 128 n Gay

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Woods' Baltimore Directory for 1856-57
Volume 544, Page 170   View pdf image (33K)
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