HOPPE REV. WM. C. rector St. Stephen's
Church, 212 Sharp
Hoppell Henry, tailor, 154 n Caroline
Hopper Ellen, 67 Harford av
Hopper Francis, machinist, 23 Neighbor
Hopper George, clerk, 6 McHenry
Hopper Samuel W. T. (Webb & H.) 167
Hopper Washington, clerk, 67 Harford av
Hopper Wm. moulder, 34 Green Mount av
Hopps John, drayman, 2 Thompson
Hopps John, tailor, 76 Somerset
Hopps John L. grocery, 74 Orleans
Hopps Wm. laborer, 2 Thompson
Hopst Ernest, huckster, 146 Regester
Hopwood John, confectioner, 153 Cross
Horan Alex, sailor, 70 Hampstead
Horan James, shoemaker, 279 e Madison
Horgan John, harnessmaker, 25 Grant
Horitz Andrew, segarmaker, Siar al
Hormass Emel. porter, 25 e Fayette
Horn Adam, laborer, 164 s Caroline
Horn Alexander, carpenter, 275 n Eutaw
Horn Benj, tanner, 619 Pennsylvania av
Horn Emanuel, clothier. 21 Second
Horn George, tanner, 145 s Exeter
Horn George, laborer, 152 Durham
Horn Henry, painter, 179 German
Horn Henry, shoemaker, 191 Raborg
Horn Henry, laborer, 504 w Lombard
Horn Jacob, dry goods mt. 69 n Howard
Horn John, 55 Pin al
Horn John, carpenter, 102 Hillen
HORN JOSEPH, grocer and liquor deal.
n e cor Paca and Lexington, dw 67 Paca
Horn Lawrence, laborer, 57 Clifford
Horn Lawrence, cabinetraak. 15 N. Church
Horn Mary Ann, tavern, 53 s Frederick
Horn Margaret, notion store, 194 Conway
HORN MATTHEW, trunkmaker,Carroll
Hall, dw 101 Franklin
Horn Michael, laborer, 23 Morris al
Horn Richard, sailor, Chapel n of Bank
Horn Theodore, grocer, 378 Penn, av
Horn Wm. carpenter, 75 Warner
Home Thomas, 26 Comet
Horneck John, shoemaker, 76 Preston
Horner Albert, huckster, 12 George-st alley
Horner Eaton, 133 n Paca
Horner Franklin F. & Bro. wh. deal. Ger-
man, English and French fancy goods,
305 w Baltimore, dw F. H. 204 Saratoga
HORNER E. R. & Bro. wh. dealer in Ger-
man, French, and English fancy goods,
316 w Baltimore, dw E. R. H. 26 n Paca
Horner H. T. segarmaker, 80 1/2 Light-st
whf. dw 8 Camden
Horner John A. clerk, 139 Ross
Horner John A. clerk, 189 Saratoga
Horner Joseph H book keeper, 353 Light
Horner Joshua, bone dust manuf. 143 Ensor
Horner Keziole, 22 Henrietta
Horner William, 34 Lee
Horner Wm. (E.R.H. & Bro.) 95 w Biddle
Homey Ann, 173 s Washington
Homey Chas. E. ship carp. 121 Washington
Horney Edwd. shoemaker, 223 s Broadway
Homey Jas. W. ship carp. 157 Wolfe
Horney Levin, laborer, 151 Castle al
Horney Samuel, engineer, 56 Granby
Horney Saml. A. ship joiner, 121 Washing'n
Horney Samuel, ship carp. 121 Washing'n
Horney Thomas, ship carp. 324 e Pratt
Horney Thomas, plasterer, 46 e Eager
Horney Woodford, shoemaker, 6 Fountain
Horning Frederick, shoemaker, 48 Ensor
Horning Joseph A, tavern, 161 Canton av
Horning John G. cabinetmk. 182 Aliceanna
Horpel Philip, shoemaker, 148 Vine
Horr John W. cooper, 218 Canton av
Horreker Frederick, laborer, 279 Durham
Horse Alex, carpenter, George near Bruen
Horricken Frederick, laborer, Canton
Horpel John, shoemaker, 200 w Fayette
Horse Daniel, carpenter, 3 Diamond
Horsey Geo. W. (J. W. Bruff & Co.) Malt-
by House
Horst Conrad, baker, 189 s Caroline
Horst George, huckster, 52 Lancaster
Horst George, huckster, 107 Eastern av
Horst Lewis, feed dealer. 104 Eastern av.
dw 107
Horstman Charles, carpenter, Washing-
ton n of Gough
Horstman John, house carpenter, 29Wash-
Horten Rebecca, teacher, 13 Orleans
Hortes George, laborer, Canton
Horton Catherine B. 13 Orleans
Horton Henry P. hosemaker, 41 n Frede-
rick, dw 80 e Fayette
Horwell Edward C. 124 n Exeter
Horwitz Benj. F. attorney, 53 w Fayette,
dw 90 n Charles
Horwitz Orville, attorney at law, Eldon
Hall, 78 w Fayette, dw 90 n Charles
Horwitz Theophilus, attorney at law, cor
St. Paul and Fayette, dw 90 n Charles
Horze Frederick, shoemaker, 12 Bevan al
Hoskin George, patternmaker, 6 s Carey
Hoslinser John, cooper, 1035 w Pratt
Hoslinger Andrew, cooper, 923 w Pratt
Hosmer Charles E. 133 Welcome al
Hosmer Margaret R. boarding house, 83
Hosnagle Henry, laborer, 14 Regester
Hoss Goileib, cabinetmaker, 62 Pine
Hoss John, tailor, 243 n Caroline
Hossbach Christopher, pianomaker, 255
Hossbach John A. whipmaker, 11 n Dallas
Hossbach Phil, pianomaker, 301 Sharp
Hossefros Francis, bricklayer, 286 Franklin
Hossmyer Wm. laborer, 175 Regester
Hostat Lewis, porter, 67 Granby
Hotchkiss Sherman, 89 Garden
Hotly J. laborer, Division near McMechin
Houck Anthony V. dry goods dealer, 235
Houck Charles A. carpenter, 158 Hoffman
Houck Chas, segarmaker, 93 e Lombard
Houck George, clerk, 66 George
Houck Henry, 45 Hillen
HOUCK DR. JACOB W. health commis-
sioner, office City Hall, dw 10 n Front
Houck V. shoemaker, 22 Eutaw ct
Houff Henry, laborer, 19 Abbey al
Hough Chas. A. watchmaker, 136 Lee
Hough Robert, (S.H.& R.H.) Charles near