Henry George W. brakesman, 110 Preston
Henry Isaac, huckster, 52 Boyd
Henry Jacob C. drayman, 112 n Fremont
Henry James, laborer, 6 Orbit al
Henry James, watchman, 37 s Front
Henry John, bricklayer, 242 Columbia
Henry Joseph, shoemaker, 288 Aisquith
Henry Mary, huckstress, 220 Raborg
Henry Michael, grocer, 314 Eastern av
Henry Michael, shoemaker, back of 60
Henry Patrick, harnessmaker, 57 Pine
Henry & Riley, tailors, 93 n Howard
Henry Robert, tailor, 39 n Fremont
Henry Samuel T. clerk, 13 Oregon
Henry Sarah, 70 Morris al
Henry Thomas W. carp. 46G w Lombard
Henry Thomas, laborer, 56 n Spring
Henry Thomas, moulder, 41 Gran by
Henry Val. prop, hacks, 30 Sarah Ann
Hensche Wm. shoemaker, 44 Conway
Henschen Christopher, (Torney & H.) 327
s Charles
Hensley John, tinner, 94 Low
Henson Thomas, boatman, 320 Aliceanna
Henthorn Thomas, carter, 250 Lee
Hentz Charles, 52 w Fayette
Hentze August, house carp. 159 e Pratt
Henwick Conrad, Mowell's furnace, Bos-
ton. Canton
HENZE HENRY, shoemaker, 13 n Eutaw
Hepbron John, carpenter, 114s Eutaw
Hepburn David, carpenter, 96 Washington
Hepich John, laborer, 135 Thames
Hepling Joseph, shoemaker, 23 Douglass
Hepp Adam, laborer, Canton
Herbenner Catherine, 194 s Wolfe
Herbert Daniel, second hand variety store,
81 Henrietta
Herbert George, clerk, 178 s Ann
Herbert Jas. (Lancaster & H.) 89 n Paca
Herbert Joseph, carter, 310 Aisquith
Herbert Julia, 15 Neighbor
Herbert Nich. foundryman, Elliott, Canton
Herford Julius S. tavern, 29 Fell
Hergenhein Ernest, carpenter, 82 Dallas
Hergenhein John, blacksmith, 79 Mullikin
Hergenroether John M. shoemak. 47 Ross
Hergesheimer, Charles, (H. & Sherwood,)
s Ann
Hergesheimer Christopher, shipsmith,Bond
s of Thames, and Patapsco, Canton, and
33 Fell, dw 12 Thames
Hergesheimer & Sherwood, shipsmiths,
154 Thames
Herget Edwd. G. confectioner, 94 William
Hericks Benj, mule trader, 87 Columbia
Herilat Ann. 145 s Caroline
Hering Dr. J. L. W. 598 w Baltimore
Hering Wm. H. flour inspector, 188 w
Herkenhein Ernst, tailor, 35 Lewis
Herker Antoine, shoemaker, 92 s Spring
Herker Joseph, shoemaker, 162 s Spring
Herker Mary, 212 Durham
Herlichs Charles H. stove and lock dealer,
23 Second, dw 86 e Lombard
Herling George, laborer, 191 Barre
Herling George, laborer, 128 Welcome al
Herman Aaron, shoe store, 174 n Gay
Herman Andreas, laborer, 7 Philpot
Herman H. & Bro. boot and shoemks. 72
Center Market, space, dw H. H. 20 Har-
Herman Christ'n, confectioner, 83 n Charles
Herman Danl. dry goods deal. 122 Forrest
Herman Jacob, dry goods deal. 53 Jefferson
Herman Johannah, scourer, 64 n Eutaw
Herman John, tailor, 183 e Baltimore
Herman Leopold, (H. H. & Bro.) 20 Har-
Hermange Edward V. clerk, 49 Diamond
Hermann Peter, potter, 74 n Bond
Herms Henry, shoemaker, 22 East
Herner Frank S. laborer, Canton
Herning Valentine, porter, 37 Concord
Herold A. J. cabinetmaker, Pierce near
Herold Albert, dry goods dealer, 191 Sharp
Herold Elizabeth, 280 Canton av
Herold Frederick, cabinetmaker, 191 Sharp
Herold Peter, shoemaker, 177 s Bond
Heron Caroline, 121 Garden
Herpich Henry, planemaker, 39 Bevan al
Herr Jacob, tailor, 89 n Spring
KERR MICHAEL & CO. produce and
provision merchants, 88 and 90 Spear's
wharf, and cor North and Franklin
Herr Michael, (M. H. & Co.) dw Fountain
Herring Benj. W. grocery, 52 Gough
Herring David, clerk, 54 s Eutaw
HERRING GEO. W. & CO. importers
china, glass and crockery, 7 s Charles,
dw G. W. H. 32 Stiles
Herring Henry jr. lumber inspect. 82 s Bond
Herring Henry, com. lumber merchant,
West Falls av, dw cor Pratt and L.Gough
Herring James, clerk, 54 s Exeter
Herring John L. tobacconist, 115 German
Herring John, laborer, over 29 Center Mar-
ket space
Herring John Q.. A. oi Adams' Express, 2
Herring Maria, 23 New
Herring Original, paper hanger and uphol-
sterer, 80 w Baltimore
Herring Wm. H. flour inspector, 49 s How-
ard, dw 183 w Madison
Herrman Louis, porter, 59 n Gay
Herrman Nicholas, porter, 55 s Bond
Herrold Conrad, cabinetmaker, 4 President
Herron John, tailor, 3 Regester
Hersch Charles, plasterer, 18 Hamburg
Herschberg Henrv, paint, oil and glass deal.
209 s Bond
HerschburgJac. (H. &Stefer,) 231 w Pratt
Hersh Wm. omnibus agent, 12 Republican
Hertel John, cabinetmaker, 227 Canton av
Hertz Bernard, cooper, 42 Liberty al
Hertz John, laporer, 177 s Ann
Hertz Tobias, clothier, 15 Second
Herwig Simon, shoemaker, 112 n Eden
Herzberg & Bros, clothiers, 2 Center Mar-
ket space
Herzberg Phillip (H. & Bros.) Harrison
near Fayette
Herzberg Seligmen, (H. & Bros.) Harrison
near Fayette
Herzberger Pastor, 116 n Paca